Chapter 725

“Unlimited reloading of Cero!”

Countless Ceros were like violent storms, calling their real name monks.

The real name monk looked at the countless Cero who came over, and he dared not to accept it, and quickly used a white pen to write a word of defense, and a defensive shield immediately appeared in front of him.

From this point of view, you know that Zanpakutō, whose real name is a monk, is very powerful, as long as you write a word, it is also a bug-level Zanpakutō.

“Tensorang, I can’t stop it, get out of here quickly.”

After resisting for a while, the real name monk felt that he couldn’t hold it anymore, and quickly reminded Qilin Temple Tianshilang to let him leave quickly.

The real name monk and Kylin Temple Tenshiro used Shunpo and immediately avoided. Just after avoiding, countless Cero bombarded the place into nothingness.

“Do you two want to run away?” Chen looked at the two people who were running away.

The two pistols in his hand suddenly turned into a sniper rifle, and Chen aimed at Kylin Temple Tenshiro.

“Wang Xu’s flash!”


Kirinji Tenshiro was blown into powder by Wang Xu’s flash, and Reiatsu disappeared completely.

“The pack of wolves is really fun!” Chen looked at the combined sniper rifle in his hand.

If you let Starrk see it, you will be stunned. The Wolves 260 can still play like this.

Feeling the disappearance of Reiatsu of Kylinji Tenshiro, the real name monk’s face sank. It seems that Kylinji Tenshiro is dead, and he must ask Yamamoto for help.

“Do you still want to run?” Chen’s figure disappeared in an instant, and then appeared in front of the real name monk.

In the original book, the real name monk was also the person who hung and beat Yu Habach, if it weren’t for Yu Habach’s omniscience and omnipotence, he would definitely be beaten to death by Yamato Shang.

“A thousand miles to the sky palm!”

The monk Zhen Minghu used his spiritual power to release a huge palm and hit Chen.

“Golden wheel reincarnation explodes!”

The golden lightsaber slashed in the air, any object was cut in half, and the entire Spirit Palace was cut open by Chen’s reincarnation.

The real name monk’s eyes widened, and then his body burst into two halves.

“Is it just dead? I have to try to see if he can be resurrected after he died.” Chen chuckled lightly, and then shouted, “Ichibei Hyōsube!”

The monk who was called by his real name was resurrected again, and he was able to be resurrected by someone calling his name. This ability is very abnormal! It is difficult to do it in the fantasy world.(Read more @

“Do you know my abilities?” The real name monk saw that Chen was not surprised, and immediately knew that the other party knew his abilities.

However, there are very few people who know his ability. Even Shutara Senju Maru doesn’t know it. How did he know?

“Obviously I’m dying, and I have asked so much what I’m doing. It’s okay to wait for death to come.” Chen said coldly.

“Do you really think that you must eat me?” The real name monk frowned, and then said.

“Yes, in my eyes, you are completely indistinguishable from the dead.”

“Do you think you can kill me?” The real name monk frowned. Although he is not an opponent, it is even more difficult to kill him.

“Do you think that you have the ability to resurrect indefinitely? If I erase you, can you still be resurrected?” Chen said with a cold smile.

“Twilight, dark night, please come here~ meet to drink a bowl~ drink this bowl of soul and fly again~ Huangquan Road, with its own blooming flowers, blooming to accompany…”

The real name of the monk sang while drinking ink, wanting to use his strongest moves to not turn too far to kill the mausoleum!

This is the strongest way to call a monk by real name, but the chant is longer.

“Do you think I will give you time to finish the chanting?” Chen kicked the real name monk in the face, interrupting his chanting.

Chen doesn’t want to stand here stupidly, waiting for this guy to finish singing.

“Don’t turn to kill the tomb too much!”

Since you can’t finish the chanting, then abandon the chanting. His big ultimate move is not that you can’t abandon the chanting, but the power will drop a lot.

The real name monk waved a white pen and dyed the surrounding things black, turning into a black mausoleum and tombstones, absorbing the black on Chen’s body.

This move can completely disintegrate the flesh and bones and even all the darkness into nothingness, but it is invalid to the omniscience and omnipotence of Friends of Habach.

It is even more ineffective to deal with Chen. Not to mention that Chen received the omniscience and omnipotence of Yu Habach through the lottery. Even Gao Tianyuan can ignore all this.

“Your attack has no effect on me at all! It seems that you have done everything you can, and you can’t play any tricks, so go to death with peace of mind!” Chen looked at the real name of the monk faintly.

“Is that possible?”

Seeing his own big killer move, it had no effect on Chen, the real name monk couldn’t believe it.

“Hadō Ninety Black Coffin!”

The huge black cube locked the real name monk inside, and then countless swords strangled him to cut him into pieces.

After the cube dissipated, the miserable real name monk was revealed inside. Although he was not dead, he was very miserable!

“Your resurrection ability should be the power of the Spirit King, right?” Chen asked the monk by his real name.

The real name monk looked at Chen seriously and said: “The Spirit King is the foundation of everything, and you cannot move the Spirit King.”

The real name monk doesn’t know Chen’s specific purpose, but he is afraid that Chen will kill the Spirit King. If the Spirit King dies, it will cause a devastating disaster.

“None of this has anything to do with you. You are already a dying person. What do you want to do so much?” Chen said with a sneer.

“Return to nothing! Blade of nothingness!”

Chen used his own Zanpakutō Bankai. After Bankai, a force that wiped out everything swallowed the real-name monk, and the real-name monk disappeared instantly.

After the monk’s real name disappeared, Chen immediately relieved Zanpakutō’s Bankai.

The monk by his real name is dead, completely dead, even if he is called by his name, it is impossible to bring him back to life.

“Senju Maru, take me to the Spirit King’s place, I want to know more about the Spirit King.” Chen said to Shudara Senju Maru.

Although it is known from the original work that the Spirit King is equivalent to a prisoner, who knows whether the Spirit King has his own consciousness.

“Senju Maru, how much do you know about Spirit King?”

Shudara Senju Maru is a member of Team Zero, and he should know some of the secrets of the Spirit King. The Spirit King is still very mysterious.

Although the Spirit King is the master of everything, looking at him like a bear, no matter where he is from, he cannot be seen as the master of the Three Realms.

“Actually, I don’t know much. Before I became a member of the zero division, the Spirit King already existed. No one knows how long he has existed. Maybe the real name monk will know.” Senju Maru shook his head and said.

“That’s really a pity, he shouldn’t be killed just like that.” Chen forgot to check his real name monk’s memory.

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