Chapter 731

The battle between Arrancar and Shinigami continued fiercely. Kyoraku Shunsui avoided Baraggan’s big axe and couldn’t help saying, “Why the old man hasn’t come yet.”

“I believe the teacher will come over soon, let’s hold on for a while.~” Jūshirō Ukitake said.

The two of them were actually crushed and beaten by Baraggan-and they felt aggrieved!

Mainly because Baraggan’s abilities are so tricky that they can make anything decay, and they don’t dare to approach randomly.

“Sit in the frost! Hyōrinmaru!”

“Ice Dragon Swing Tail!”

Hitsugaya Tōshirō froze the Yammy who was fighting with him, and then ran to support Zaraki Kenpachi.

Zaraki Kenpachi is fighting Grimmjow with a sword, and several wounds have been cut from his body. If he doesn’t come to help, Zaraki Kenpachi may be hacked to death.


“Boy, just this one move, you want to block my actions?” Yammy broke the ice of Hitsugaya Tōshirō, and then killed Hitsugaya Tōshirō.

Kurotsuchi Mayuri fought with SzayelAporro Granz, the eighth Espada. Now Kurotsuchi Mayuri has the upper hand, thinking about grabbing this guy and making a specimen!

Well, these two guys are actually abnormal, and it’s normal to fight for life and death.

Although Kurotsuchi Mayuri has the upper hand, but the others are all down, Shinigami is slowly losing ground.

“Everyone, I’m looking for a helper for you.”

Hearing that Kyoraku Shunsui looked over, Urahara Kisuke came, followed by members of Kurosaki Ichigo and Visored.

“You let us off once, but this time we come to pay back the favor.” Hirako Shinji said with a sword on his back.

The appearance of Hirako Shinji and the others caused the Arrancar army to stop. Mask met Arrancar, and I don’t know what the result will be!

“Where is your boss Aizen?” The smile on Hirako Shinji’s face closed, his eyes cold.

Regarding Aizen’s hatred, everyone in their Visored has never forgotten that their purpose is to kill Aizen.

“Only you are not qualified to see Lord Aizen.”

“Hirako bald, don’t say so much, kill them, can’t you see Aizen!” Sarugaki Hiyori impulsively kills.

“Er Duan Gui edge!”

Ulquiorra used a two-stage return edge that had never been shown, which even Aizen had never seen before. It was Ulquiorra’s hole card.

“This kind of terrifying Reiatsu, Ulquiorra, has this kind of strength.” Baraggan frowned, feeling Ulquiorra a big threat.(Read more @

It seems that we must find a way to kill this Ulquiorra in the future.

After the second step, his full abilities improved again, and he stretched out his palm and grabbed it towards Sarugaki Hiyori.

“Hisari, it’s dangerous, come back quickly.” Hirako Shinji’s pupils shrank suddenly, and then went into a Hollow state, and instantly rushed to Sarugaki Hiyori, dragging her back.

And the sword in his hand blocked the hand that Ulquiorra grabbed.

“Hisari, how are you?”

“Huh! Even if you don’t need you to save me, I will be fine.” Sarugaki Hiyori snorted softly.

However, even if it were not for Hirako Shinji, she might have kneeled, so Sarugaki Hiyori was very grateful to Hirako Shinji.

“I was kind enough to save you, but I didn’t even say thank you, really.” Hirako Shinji said helplessly.

“Have you said enough?” Ulquiorra’s hand increased.


Hirako Shinji hurriedly stepped back and stood in front of him with a sword, watching Ulquiorra carefully. This guy’s power is too strong, like a wild beast.

Ulquiorra’s homecoming is an all-round improvement, saying that it has become very strong with strength.

“Black Cero!”

The pitch-black Cero was released again, and the power of this Cero was no less than that of Wang Xu’s flash.

“The pride of heaven, the iron wall, the dragon walk, the lion roar, the tiger roar, the wolf rush, cut off the world before it collapses, Bakudō’s Eighty-Eleven· Splitting Void!”

The transparent defensive wall rises, and the powerful black Cero is blocked by the chanting Kidō.

“Almost can’t stop it, this guy is really strong! If there was no Hollow, it would be dead now!” Hirako Shinji said with lingering fear.

Ulquiorra’s black Cero is really strong, and Hirako Shinji can block it, which is already very good.

However, after Hollow, Hirako Shinji’s strength is also rapidly skyrocketing, and the powerful strength will never be weaker than Kyoraku Shunsui, or even better.

Although Kyoraku Shunsui is a veteran, he has a lazy personality, and his strength is that way, not particularly strong.

However, his Zanpakutō Bankai is very powerful, but it will kill allies by mistake, so Kyoraku Shunsui did not dare to use Bankai casually.

“Tsk tusk~!” Chen walked slowly with Qiong and Yaqianliu. I didn’t expect it to be so lively here! Visored and Shinigami, plus the Arrancar Corps, is this a tripartite talk?

Baraggan turned his head, and after seeing Chen, he immediately showed hatred, but the hatred disappeared in an instant and was replaced by fear.

“Baraggan, I didn’t expect you to be a dog for Aizen. What a shame! The king of “Hueco Mundo”, ridiculous!” Chen looked at Baraggan and said.

“Huh! Believe it or not I killed you, I am not the me I used to be.” Baraggan snorted coldly.

Although I hate Aizen very much in my heart, I have to say that Aizen has indeed brought him benefits, such as the current Arrancar.

After becoming Arrancar, Baraggan’s strength has shown a straight rise, especially the power of Skeleton Emperor, Baraggan feels that he is invincible.

Aizen was able to defeat him only because of Zanpakutō’s tricks. After he broke Zanpakutō’s Hypnosis, Aizen would look good.

Thinking of this, Baraggan is not so afraid of Chen.

“Yo~! With a little improvement, do you want to turn the sky? I think you have a little disrespect for me!” Chen looked at Baraggan indifferently.

“Don’t think of me as I was before, go to death! Axe of destruction!”

Baraggan appeared in front of Chen using the ring, and the big axe slashed towards Chen’s body.

“I have to say, your skeleton looks really ugly.” Chen kicked out like lightning, his feet still wrapped in lightning.


With a roar, I remembered that Baraggan flew upside down, buried in the sand, and Chen fell to the ground easily.

This shot directly frightened those people, especially those from the Arrancar legion, who didn’t understand Chen’s strength at all.

So seeing Chen knocking Baraggan down with one kick, I was shocked. Baraggan was the second Espada, and Baraggan thought he was the strongest among Espada.

In fact, if Baraggan really fights with Starrk, the outcome is really unknown, but now Starrk has died, it is impossible to fight in the future.

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