The battle was over, and the battle was over.

Sarutobi Hiruzen wiped the sweat from his palms and took a deep breath.

The success or failure of the battlefield of Kirigakure might depend on today.

If the surprise attack tonight works, the haze that Kirigakure has been harassing will completely disappear, and Kirigakure itself will fall into a state of low morale.

But if the action tonight fails, it means that Konoha has completely lost the initiative on this battlefield and can only retreat to Mount Kikyo on the border of the Land of Fire. If the loss is heavy, it may even determine the success or failure of the entire war.

Sarutobi Hiruzen, who made this decision, naturally felt nervous.

This is the first time in his life that he has been so aggressive.

After being cautious for most of his life, he finally made a bold choice.

Observing the faint firelight coming from the Kirigakure tent not far away, Sarutobi Hiruzen signaled the ninjas behind him to hold their breath, and he whispered to the Hyuga ninja beside him:

"Can you observe the situation in the Kirigakure tent?"

There was no mark of a bird in a cage on the forehead of the Hyuga ninja, and his white eyes had no blind spots, so he could easily see the situation in the tent:

"Hokage, there is nothing unusual in the tent. Except for the ninjas who patrolled as usual, the rest of the ninjas seem to have rested."

In order to avoid too many casualties in the failed operation, Sarutobi Hiruzen deliberately left the two brothers Hyuga Hiashi and Hyuga Hiashi in the camp stationed in Konoha, and only brought some Hyuga ninjas and Sarutobi clan with him.

But in order to ensure a thorough investigation, Hiashi still sent out a ninja from the main family.

After hearing the Hyuga ninja talk about the situation in the Kirigakure camp, Sarutobi Hiruzen nodded gently:

"Wait patiently for a while."

Sarutobi Hiruzen looked up at the moonlight, his face firm and said:

"Wait until the early morning, when the spirit is the most relaxed and the sleep is more drowsy, it is the best time for us to act. You must remember to be as decisive as possible when taking action, and retreat immediately once you arouse the vigilance of other camps. Our target is only this camp!"

After such a long confrontation, Konoha had already figured out the distribution of Kirigakure's garrisons.

Except for the most powerful central army camp, the military strength of the camps on both sides is actually not much.

And the camp they chose to attack was the one with the least military strength on both sides.

The camp on the other side stored part of the Kirigakure Village's food and grass. Even if the guarding force was less than that of the central army, it should not be underestimated.

In war, the importance of food and grass is naturally obvious to all.

Sarutobi Hiruzen wanted to do the opposite. He didn't attack the camp where food and grass were stored, but attacked another camp with weak guards.

As long as he could cause losses to the Kirigakure Village, disturb them, and boost the morale of the Konoha ninjas, it would be enough.


Soon, it was late at night.

The last trace of fire in the Kirigakure camp was extinguished.

There were not many ninjas who were still awake and responsible for guarding the entire Kirigakure camp.

And now, it was the opportunity that Sarutobi Hiruzen had been waiting for!

Hearing the report from the Hyuga ninja on the side, Sarutobi Hiruzen made a quick decision and waved his hand, signaling the ninjas behind him to take action!

Sarutobi Hiruzen summoned the Monkey King at the first opportunity.

Years of cooperation have made the two of them have already communicated with each other. There is no need to say more. The Monkey King turned into the Vajra Ruyi Stick and fell into Sarutobi Hiruzen's hands.

The ninjas from Konoha who came to attack were very well-mannered. The elites of the Sarutobi clan rushed into the camp of Kirigakure silently and quickly.

Those Kirigakure ninjas who were responsible for patrolling and guarding were killed directly without even being able to send a few messages.

The whole camp was silent, with only the sound of the Konoha ninjas moving quickly, as if the entire Kirigakure camp was not aware of it at all.

But Sarutobi Hiruzen was keenly aware of something wrong.

Kirigakure ninjas are best at silent assassinations, so how could they be unaware and let them do whatever they want?

Sarutobi Hiruzen's pupils shrank suddenly, and he didn't care whether he would disturb the Kirigakure ninjas, and ordered loudly:


However, as soon as the voice fell, a noisy sound came from outside the camp.



The retreat of the Konoha ninjas was blocked.

Sarutobi Hiruzen's expression instantly turned ugly, and he subconsciously tightened the Vajra Ruyi Stick in his hand, staring intently at the figures that suddenly appeared outside the camp.

Seven people lined up in a row, completely blocking the entrance to the camp.

And this

The seven people all had strange smiles on their lips.

Behind them, the well-trained and neatly dressed Kirigakure ninjas in the camp came out of the tents one by one, and their number far exceeded Sarutobi Hiruzen's original expectation!

At a glance, Kirigakure's ninjas are even more than those of Konoha's surprise attack force!

But this is clearly a flank camp with weaker guards, and there shouldn't be so many ninjas!

With enemies in front and behind, Konoha's surprise attack force was trapped in a double team, and Sarutobi Hiruzen's face darkened.

He knew the seven people who blocked their way out.

They were the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, known as the elite of Kirigakure!

Each of the seven people controlled a powerful ninja sword, and even if they took out one alone, they were not inferior to Konoha's elite jonin.

"Wow, isn't this Konoha's Third Hokage? Why? You Konoha has no one, so you can only rely on the Hokage to go into battle?"

One of the Seven Ninja Swordsmen laughed sarcastically:

"Leaving you, the Third Hokage, here will surely bring you a lot of credit, right?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen's eyes narrowed slightly.

Xiguashan Pufferfish Ghost, the user of the big sword Samehada!

"Lord Mizukage is really as good as a god. He actually guessed that Konoha would choose to attack this camp."

Another guy from the Seven Ninja Swordsmen covered his heart, seemingly expressing his admiration for the Third Mizukage with respect, but in fact, a hideous smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"My beheading sword tells me that it is very eager for your blood, Third Hokage."

Sarutobi Hiruzen frowned and stared at the Seven Ninja Swordsmen, ignoring their gossip.

Instead of talking nonsense, it would be better to think about what to do!

If we force our way out, it will be a bad idea.

If we choose this option, the entire surprise attack team will be at great risk. Not only will they suffer heavy losses, but they may even be annihilated here.

But if we fight to the death, it will certainly bring considerable casualties to Kirigakure, but at the same time, the surprise attack team will still be completely defeated.

This is Kirigakure's camp.

Once a battle occurs, Kirigakure's support will undoubtedly be faster.

In other words, his decision to launch a surprise attack will affect the direction of the entire battlefield!

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