The sky was full of shadows, but the sky was full of shadows.

Feeling that there was no extra movement in the sky, but it always exuded a faint pressure, Han couldn't help but curse in his heart.

There is no doubt that the guy in the sky is also a tough guy!

Once that guy also participates in the battle, he is afraid that he will have no way to resist!

It seems that he can only borrow the power of the tailed beast...

Han's figure quickly retreated and fell on the open space behind him. The whole person instantly burst out with an astonishing amount of chakra. Although Han's figure still did not change much, there was a very obvious state of surging chakra of the tailed beast around his body, and the whole person was covered with a layer of dark red chakra.

Ye Ning on the side narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling a little curious.

This should be half-tailed beast transformation, that is, the form of tailed beast coat, right?

There are only three ways to borrow the power of tailed beasts. One is like Han just now, only borrowing a small part of the chakra, and there will be an extra tail behind the body; the second is half-tailed beast transformation, the terrible tailed beast chakra surges out of the body surface to form a coat, and the Jinchūriki in this state can use the tailed beast ball.

As for the third, it is completely tailed beast transformation, the whole person retains self-consciousness, but the body is completely transformed into a tailed beast. In this state, the chakra and physical strength of the tailed beast can be greatly displayed.

If the five tails are allowed to run out may be more troublesome.

The size of the tailed beast is so large that it is hard to guarantee that it will not alarm others, and it may even disturb the hidden seven tails.

So, we have to fight quickly.

Ye Ning nudged Xie's arm and urged him:

"Don't watch the show, go help. If Tsunade continues to fight, be careful that Han will be smashed to pieces and can no longer be a human puppet."

Xie's face was calm, as if Ye Ning's words did not cause any ripples in his heart, but the human puppet of the Third Kazekage fell quietly, completely blocking Han's retreat.

This appearance is...

The Third Kazekage?

Although in the state of half-tailed beast, Han still maintained enough rationality, and a trace of astonishment flashed in his eyes.

Wasn't the Third Kazekage killed by the rebel ninja Ye Cang of Sand Village?

At the beginning, this incident caused quite a joke in the ninja world.

The dignified Kazekage was killed by a ninja from the same village near Sand Village, and Han even laughed at it.

But now, who can tell me why the Third Kazekage appeared in such a place?

And he was hanging out with the Fourth Hokage? ?


It's a puppet!

Realizing that there was a puppeteer hiding in the dark, Han became even more impatient.

Now he didn't even have time to think about why the son of the Fire Country Daimyo would be followed by a puppeteer.

Saving his life is the most important thing!

Han, who was surrounded by Tsunade and the 'Third Kazekage', did not sit and wait for death. Instead, he took the initiative to attack. After a roar like a beast, he rushed towards Tsunade quickly.

With the blessing of half-tailed beast transformation, Han's speed is faster than before!

It can be foreseen that the power will be more terrifying.

Han is full of confidence in his power after half-tailed beast transformation.

But soon, Han froze.

In front of him, there was a white fist.

But it happened that from this small fist, a very terrifying force came, completely curbing any of his actions!

Immortal Law·Super Strength!

Tsunade gathered all her senjutsu chakra into her fist, and in an instant, she burst out with amazing power, and even stopped Han, who had transformed into a half-tailed beast.

Of course, she did more than just stop him.

With the recoil force of the collision with Han, Tsunade quickly adjusted her body shape, and the whole person swung a crescent moon in the air, and punched down again!

The dark red figure flew backwards in an instant and fell heavily on the ground.

A huge pit suddenly appeared on the originally flat ground.

Seeing this, Tsunade's face showed a carefree expression.

Except at night, she hasn't felt so good for a long time!

Sure enough, she is not suitable to stay in the Konoha office to handle government affairs every day!

This kind of violent aesthetics of punching to the flesh is more suitable for her!

Even though she had already sent Han flying, Tsunade did not stop, but adjusted more excitedly.

Figure, one foot stepped into the pit.

A huge roar swept over, and the earth seemed to tremble.

But a Jinchūriki was obviously not so easily knocked down.

Han, who was hit by fists and kicked continuously, was obviously angry.


Accompanied by an angry roar, a dark red figure rushed out of the pit.

From the bull-like figure came a series of roars and steam sounds like a train running, and the dark red chakra on Han's body became more intense.

Boiling Release: Strange Force Impact!

Tsunade had no time to dodge, and was directly knocked out by Han.

Although Tsunade stabilized her figure in mid-air and did not fall to the ground in embarrassment, a dark red mark was still left on her shoulder, and an abnormal redness rose on her face.

But soon, this redness disappeared, and even the color of the dark red mark on the shoulder became much lighter.

Tsunade stood in front of Han again, with a slight smile on her face.

Immortal arts have indeed greatly enhanced her strength.

If it was before practicing the Sage Mode, Tsunade would probably have fallen to the ground after such an impact.

But now, it is only this level, and it does not pose any threat.

Ye Ning noticed Tsunade's condition and could not help but be surprised.

Back in the Wet Bone Forest, he and Tsunade received guidance from the Slug Sage, but in fact, the content of their training was not exactly the same.

At least, their Sage Modes are different.

Moreover, after practicing the Immortal Arts, Tsunade seems to no longer need the Hundred Healings to have a terrifying recovery ability.

The scene that just happened is the best proof.


Both are guided by the Slug Sage, so how can there be a difference in closeness?

Why doesn't my Sage Mode have such a strong recovery ability?

Ye Ning sighed deeply. Although Tsunade seemed to have been slightly injured, he was not worried at all.

After all, Scorpion hadn't made a move yet.

Moreover, even if Scorpion didn't make a move, Tsunade could still control the completely out-of-control Han by herself.

The secret weapon that had been prepared for such a long time was not a vegetarian!

Tsunade seemed to sense Ye Ning's gaze, turned around and raised her eyebrows at Ye Ning, and then set her sights on Han again.

Under Han's gaze, Tsunade actually hooked her finger at him, and a provocative look appeared on her face.

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