The old man was very busy, and the old man was very busy.

Since the ninja world was quiet, Ye Ning had nothing to do and was free.

All the big and small affairs of Konoha were decided by Tsunade and her "scapegoat group". As for the Fire Country Daimyo Mansion...his cheap father hadn't sent many letters recently.

Ye Ning estimated that his father must have spent a lot of energy on those dancers and singers, and had no time to care about his biological son.

However, with Tsunade as a medical expert, his cheap father could probably live another 20 to 30 years even if he was partying every night and his body was weak. The Fire Country was so wouldn't fall on him for a while.

Therefore, Ye Ning had nothing to do but plunge into Orochimaru's laboratory.

You know what, watching Orochimaru do some strange experiments that he couldn't understand was really a good way to kill time.

Usually, a whole afternoon passed in a blink of an eye.

For several days in a row, Ye Ning stayed in Orochimaru's laboratory.

Although usually, Orochimaru didn't pay much attention to him when he was conducting experiments and was highly concentrated, it was still a novel feeling to watch a bunch of bottles and jars become experimental materials in Orochimaru's hands.

At least, it helped Ye Ning pass a long time.

After going to Orochimaru's experimental base for a long time, Ye Ning also met the guy who had long been forgotten by him - Ye Cang of the Sand Village.

Of course, she no longer belongs to the Sand Village.

Having lost the object of her long-standing respect and admiration, Ye Cang was undoubtedly depressed for a while. In Shi Lu's words, he was in a daze all day, living like a walking corpse.

However, now it seems that Ye Cang's mental state...seems to be pretty good?

At least, he is still very motivated!

Ye Ning watched Ye Cang and Shi Lu sparring with interest.

God can see that he really didn't want to watch women fighting.

Mainly because Orochimaru seemed to be doing a sealed experiment today, and it was not convenient for him to go in and watch.

He had nothing to do and happened to run into the daily sparring between these two people, so he naturally would not miss such a good opportunity.

Glancing at Ye Ning who was watching the fight, Ye Cang pursed his lips, and a little fighting spirit rose in his eyes.

Recently, she has also figured it out.

Although every village will inevitably have many dark places, the fact that Sand Village did such a thing and regarded her as a victim is still unbearable.

She will make Sand Village pay the price!

Of course, she couldn't take revenge on the Sand Village by herself, and joining Konoha was not her character.

So, she set her sights on Ye Ning.

With Ye Ning's identity, it would be easy to target the Sand Village.

But she also knew that she had to show her value in order to attract Ye Ning!

Today's battle is a good opportunity!


Ye Cang took a deep breath, quickly formed seals with both hands, and in an instant, a ninjutsu was released.

A crisp voice sounded outside the experimental base:

"Scorch Release: Oversteaming!"

Several objects similar to fireballs appeared around Ye Cang's body, but the power contained in them was far beyond the reach of ordinary fire ninjutsu!

Ye Ning also knew this ninjutsu, so she naturally knew its terrifying power.

Anyone who came into contact with this object that looked like a fireball would instantly evaporate the moisture in the other person's body and turn him into a dried corpse!


Isn't it a sparring match?

Is it so exciting for women to fight?

A powerful move right at the start?

Ye Ning couldn't help but smack his lips.

In his opinion, this ninjutsu is no different from a normal attack, but for Ye Cang and ordinary jonin, it can indeed be regarded as a powerful move... So fierce right at the start of the sparring?

On drugs?

Shi Lu couldn't help but be slightly startled, and found out how "hot" Ye Cang was today.

In the past, the sparring between them was at most a small fight, just to liven up Ye Cang's mood, usually just a competition of physical skills, and then a few symbolic ninjutsu and that was it...

Why was it so fierce today?

Although there were some doubts in her heart, Shi Lu's movements were not slow.

She was still clear about the power of the steaming killing.

She hadn't fought enough with Xie, so how could she bear to become

A mummy?

"Crystal Escape·Crystal Array Wall!"

A barrier made of crystal appeared in front of Shilu out of thin air.

This ninjutsu was developed for her by Orochimaru based on the Water Formation Wall Jutsu and the Earth Formation Wall Jutsu.

The characteristics of Crystal Release are that it is strong and sharp, and the use of defensive ninjutsu is completely in line with the characteristics of the Release Jutsu itself. It is even stronger than the Water Formation Wall and the Earth Formation Wall in terms of defense.

Although the power of over-steaming killing is quite good, it has to hit someone to be effective. Being blocked by Jingdun naturally made Ye Cang's idea come to nothing.

But Ye Cang didn't have any fluctuations on his face, and he formed the seal again without any haste:

"Scorching Escape·Scorching Dragon's Fire!"

A roaring fire dragon instantly erupted from Ye Cang's mouth.

The air was filled with hot breath.

Shilu's eyes narrowed slightly.

She has never seen this ninjutsu before!

Although they have competed many times, this is the first time Tokika has seen this ninjutsu.

Without any information, it is naturally difficult to estimate the power of this ninjutsu.

To be on the safe side, Shilu still chose to use Crystal Escape to huddle up and defend.

But the corners of Ye Cang's mouth slightly raised in a subtle arc.

The scorching fire dragon swept through the air, leaving a large amount of water vapor on its path.

Water vapor and the scorching fire dragon don't sound like they can coexist, but this water vapor is spreading in large amounts.

By the time the fire dragon roared past, the water vapor in the air had already formed a mist.

And Ye Cang's figure also disappeared without a trace.

Tokiro's heart tightened, and he almost subconsciously used ninjutsu to wrap himself tightly in it.

Seeing this, Ye Ning clicked her tongue, knowing that there was no need to continue reading.

Strictly speaking, the strength of the two people is actually at the same level.

It's hard to compare the two to see which one is stronger and which one is weaker.

But it's obvious that Ye Cang's brain is even better.

In other words, she is better at fighting with her brain.

It’s no wonder that it became famous in the original work.

Ye Ning clicked her tongue and left with regret.

The fight he wanted to see between women... wasn't a fight involving throwing ninjutsu at each other!

Hmm... By the way, if two Tsunade fight... wouldn't that scene be much better?

It's such a pity...The shadow clone technique actually disappears when it is damaged...

Bad review!

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