The ninjutsu was so fast that the Sand Village had no time to react.

By the time Maki reacted, Fengsha's figure had been completely blocked by the dense crystals!

Maki's throat was dry, and he asked with some difficulty:

"Although my companion spoke frivolously, it shouldn't be like this, right?"

Suddenly, a row of crystals appeared in the sky, forming the shape of a bow.

And in the middle of the bow, a crystal arrow was on the string!


A sharp crystal arrow shot out instantly and went straight to Maki!

Fortunately, Maki reacted in time and dodged it narrowly.

But the sharp crystal arrow still scratched his face, oozing a trace of scarlet blood.

"If you keep talking nonsense, I'll kill you too!"

Shi Lu's chest rose and fell, her breathing became much more rapid, and her eyes were fixed on Maki. As long as Maki dared to make any move, she would shoot him on the spot!

He actually... teased me?

What level, dare to be like Scorpion?



Shi Lu's air pressure was extremely unstable, and a large amount of chakra was leaking out crazily.

Under the astonishing momentum and the deterrence of the crystal bow in the sky, Maki's body was really frozen in place, and he really didn't dare to take any action.

A trace of cold sweat had unknowingly covered Maki's cheeks.

He really felt the terrifying murderous aura from Shi Lu!

This terrible murderous aura actually made him, the assistant of the Wind Shadow, dare not make any move at all!

Just like Kakashi in the original novel, when he saw Orochimaru sneaking into Konoha, he completely lost the courage to take action.

Sachima, who was standing next to him, was similar to Maki.

As both women, the gap between Sachima and Toki is like a chasm that cannot be crossed.


I can only say that this Fengsha is looking for death...

Why did he have to provoke Toki?

He could have provoked anyone else, but he had to provoke him in this way...

Isn't this just looking for death, and finding the King of Hell?

Kakashi never expected that the development of the matter would be so dramatic. He and Lin didn't even make a move, and the Sand Village had already fallen...

Is he so vulnerable?

Was he so scared that he didn't dare to take action?

Kakashi set his sights on Toki.

To be honest, Toki in this state... he wasn't sure he could stop him.

So, let's wait until Toki calms down.

I wish... that Sand Village could still survive.

Luo Sha was annoyed.

When he saw that the Sand Village team was the first to go to the tower, Luo Sha knew that Sand Village was going to be eliminated.

But he never thought that the way Sand Village was eliminated would be so humiliating.

The ninjas of Konoha didn't do much from beginning to end, and you guys fell down?

It's so embarrassing!

Being scared by one person and not daring to fight!

I'm afraid that Sand Village will never be able to raise their heads again in the future!

Luo Sha suddenly wanted to learn from Yagura, just get angry and leave.

But... Luo Sha still chose to stay where he was.

First of all, it was because he felt that Sand Village was already embarrassing enough. If he left at this time... it would be even more embarrassing!

Although Kirigakure was the first to be eliminated, six people were eliminated by three people.

But no matter what, they were brave enough to fight!

Surrender without fighting...

You have disgraced the Sand Village!

Secondly, it was because Luo Sha noticed Ye Ning's expression.

It was obvious that His Highness Ye Ning wanted to watch this good show - and this good show also included himself.

The current Ye Ning, or the name of the Fire Country, was the top sponsor of the Wind Country.

If Ye Ning was dissatisfied because of his absence, and the sponsor's payment was affected, the financial funds that the Sand Village had finally had for a few years would be gone again!

Therefore, between the two options of embarrassment and having no money, Luo Sha decisively chose embarrassment.

Isn't it just a few weird looks from a few shadows, and at most a few mocking remarks?

How big of a deal?


Can face be eaten?

Having no money is the most painful thing!

Luo Sha, who followed his teacher to the desert gold rush, no longer wanted to live a poor life of tightening his belt.

Figured this out

Luo Sha took a deep breath and calmly accepted the sarcasm from the Kages.

"Kazekage... your Sand Village ninjas are really unique."

Face it with a smile.

"Humph, my Kumo Village ninjas will never be so cowardly!"

Face it with a smile.

"Hiss... It's just like I thought..."

Face it with a smile.

Looking at Luo Sha who always had a smile on his face, Ohnoki and Ai were confused.

What's wrong?

Was he mad at his own ninja?


Poor Kazekage.



The stiff Maki seemed to realize how embarrassing his performance was. He gritted his teeth and forcibly took out a kunai from his ninja bag.

Before he could say a few harsh words, the crystal bow in the sky instantly drew the bow, put the arrow on it, and shot the arrow!

A ruthless person doesn't talk much. Shi Lu does what he says!

Maki's pupils shook after breaking the fear, and he quickly pulled up the stunned Shaqima, rolled to the side in a rather embarrassing manner, avoiding the arrow.

However, Shi Lu did not intend to let them go so easily.

Crystal escape·Emerald crystal clone technique!

Crystal escape·Giant six-cornered shuriken!

Crystal escape·Six-cornered shuriken dancing!

Crystal escape·Crystal heart!

Countless crystals danced in the air.

One after another, as if no chakra was needed, Shi Lu threw out madly.

Seeing this, Ye Ning couldn't help but fall into deep thought.


Is Shi Lu's fighting method just to perform ninjutsu like this and kill the enemy all at once?

No, Shi Lu actually has so much chakra?

It's completely against common sense!

Kakashi, who lost the shackles of the Sharingan, has a lot of chakra among ordinary ninjas, but Ye Ning is sure that Kakashi's chakra is absolutely not comparable to Tokigashi's.

It's outrageous enough for a casual cultivator outside Konoha to have a rare blood limit like Crystal Release, but her chakra is so strong?

By the way, what did Tokigashi say her last name was...?

Ye Ning thought about it seriously... It seems to be... Morimoto?

Morimoto Tokigashi, this should be her full name, right?

Morimoto... Hiss... Could Tokigashi be from the Senju clan?

Ye Ning was shocked by her bold guess.

But on second thought, it seems even stranger that a Senju clan member awakened the Crystal Release Bloodline Limit!

It seems that Tokigashi is just gifted.

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