The water country.

The moon is bright in the sky, and everything is silent.

On an island outside the Hidden Mist Village, the Kizuna clan lives.

This is also a unique feature of the Hidden Mist Village.

Most of the blood families in the Hidden Mist Village are not stationed in the Hidden Mist Village, but are scattered on various islands outside the Hidden Mist Village, forming a protective posture to guard the Hidden Mist Village.

The original intention of such a design is that the Hidden Mist Village does not occupy a large area like the other four major ninja villages. On the contrary, the entire Hidden Mist Village is very small, almost half the size of Konoha Village. So many blood families naturally cannot settle down in the Hidden Mist Village, so they have to divide the surrounding islands among the major families.

Secondly, it is to make the internal resource allocation of the Kirigakure more reasonable.

Basically, each large blood family will get an island of almost equal size, and each ninja clan will be responsible for its own expenses. Whether it is export trade or trade with the inland, it is decided by the ninja clan itself.

Such policies and systems have greatly alleviated the financial pressure of the Kirigakure Village, and at the same time have given these blood families a lot of autonomy, making them feel more at home in the Kirigakure Village.

However, such policies just happened to facilitate Uchiha Obito.

If the Kirigakure Village is really laid out like Konoha, and the major ninja clans are not far apart, he really won’t be able to find an opportunity to start.

Independent islands are not so attractive, which makes it easier for him to raise the butcher knife in his hand.

The moonlight shines on the interior of the Kirigakure Village, and also on Yagura’s cold face.

Behind Yagura, a group of Kirigakure Anbu and the Kirigakure assassination force dedicated to the Mizukage are on full alert, quietly waiting for the Mizukage’s order.

As long as the Mizukage gives an order, they will immediately land on the island and kill all the Kizuki clan!

Although it is unclear why the Mizukage suddenly wants to raise the butcher knife against the Kizuki clan, for these ninjas who have come out of the blood mist policy, they just need to obey orders.

Under the moonlight, Yagura's baby face showed a cruel and bloodthirsty smile.

With Yagura's arm falling, a one-sided massacre began.

The Kizuki clan, who had not received any news and had no preparation, could not resist the elite Kizuki assassination force and Kizuki Anbu.

The blood color dyed the island red in an instant.

Although some members of the Kizuki clan reacted and began to organize people to resist, it was in vain.


"Damn it! Why would the Kirigakure Assassination Force attack my Hozuki clan!"

Hozuki Mangetsu repelled a nearby Anbu, gritting his teeth, and his shark teeth looked even more bizarre against the blood on his face.

However, Hozuki Mangetsu's face was full of confusion.

The Kirigakure Assassination Force is a force that belongs only to the Mizukage, and only the Mizukage can mobilize such a force.

In other words, tonight's action was instructed by the Mizukage!

Thinking of this, Hozuki Mangetsu's back felt slightly cold, and he could only look at his father subconsciously.

Although he and his father have always had a bad relationship, at the moment, Hozuki Mangetsu, who suddenly encountered this incident, had to focus his eyes on his father, the clan leader.

Beside Hozuki Mangetsu, a middle-aged man who looked a bit like Hozuki Mangetsu looked bitter and sighed deeply.

"I had expected that there would be such a day. But I didn't expect... that this day would come so soon!"

After the death of the Third Mizukage, Yagura encountered considerable obstacles when he succeeded to the Mizukage.

And most of these obstacles came from the Hozuki clan and the Mizunotsuki clan.

The middle-aged man had tried to compete with Yagura for the Fourth Mizukage, and for this purpose he had specially obtained the support of nearly half of the elders of the Elder Council and the Mizunotsuki clan.

Unfortunately, in the end, Yagura still succeeded to the Mizukage smoothly.

He had long known that Yagura was the kind of person who could not tolerate any sand in his eyes and would take revenge for any slight, but he did not expect that the Mizukage would act so quickly!

Listening to the shouts and screams coming from outside the house, the middle-aged man closed his eyes in pain.

He knew that Hozuki, a family that had come from the Warring States Period and even had a Mizukage, would be completely destroyed by him!


It's not a complete destruction yet!

At least, there is still hope to keep some spark of hope!

Thinking of the

The middle-aged man was shocked by his son who made him very proud. He quickly took his youngest son out of the room. While comforting his youngest son, he placed his hope on his eldest son:

"Man Yue, take your brother... and live!"

Man Yue Hozuki widened his eyes, as if he didn't expect that this father who had always been very strict and almost harsh on him would say such a thing.

"You must keep your brother alive... My Hozuki clan has made countless contributions to the Kirigakure Village, but in the end it ended up like this... I must make Yagura and Kirigakure... pay the price!"

The middle-aged man smiled miserably.

Man Yue Hozuki took Mizuki with him. There were only two people, and the target was small. Maybe there was still a chance to survive.

But as the patriarch of the Hozuki clan, he would definitely not be able to escape smoothly.

So, he had to buy enough time for his son!

"Hurry up!"

Manzuki Hozuki gritted his teeth, took his own seal scroll, and held the still young child Manzuki Hozuki in his arms, and rushed into the night without looking back.


Mizukage Building.

Although it was late at night, Mei Terumi did not fall asleep, but came to the Mizukage Building.

For some reason, she always felt a little uneasy and could not fall asleep.

Normally, she should lead her Anbu team to patrol the Hidden Mist Village today.

But for some reason, the Mizukage gave her a day off...

It was this day off that made Mei Terumi notice something strange.

"Mura... Mei..."

A somewhat weak call caught Mei Terumi's attention. Looking back, she suddenly found Manzuki Hozuki leaning on the armrest beside her, covered in blood, pale and almost fainted.

Without time to think, Mei Terumi quickly approached Mangetsu and asked in a low voice:

"What happened?"

Noticing Mangetsu's Suigetsu, Mei Terumi instantly realized that he definitely didn't get himself into this state because of the mission!

Something really happened in the Hidden Mist Village!

"The Mizukage slaughtered the Mangetsu clan, and I... I fought hard to break out... to break out of the siege. Now... huh... only you can help me! Help me escape!"

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