The darkest part of the story, the darkest part of the story.

As a family specializing in illusion, the Kurama clan has records of all the ninjutsu in Konoha.

Although the Dark Walk Technique belongs to the ninjutsu in the Sealed Book, the Kurama clan is not clear about its seal-making method, but they are not unfamiliar with the ninjutsu itself.

After a brief surprise, Kurama Chuqun suddenly realized that he was hit by the Dark Walk Technique, and quickly closed his vision and untied the control of the illusion.

And Ye Ning happened to open his eyes.

The moment Kurama Chuqun entered the dark space, Ye Ning realized that his illusion was acting on his "teacher", and at this moment he had to smile awkwardly.

Fortunately, Kurama Chuqun knew Ye Ning's identity and didn't care. He waved his hand and said seriously:

"Your talent for illusion is far beyond my expectations. You can perform A-level illusion the first time you feel spiritual energy. Such talent is very rare. But I have a piece of advice to tell you."

"Never play illusion in front of people with stronger illusions, otherwise, you will feel the power of your own illusions!"

Kurama Chuqun said seriously:

"If you play illusion in front of people with stronger illusions, it is very likely to be rebounded to yourself. Moreover, it is very easy for people with stronger illusions to break the illusion. As long as you block the senses that affect you, your illusion can be broken, just like the Dark Walk Technique just now. It is precisely because of the gap between our attainments in illusion that I can easily break the Dark Walk Technique."

Hearing this, Ye Ning nodded thoughtfully.

It seems to be the case.

In the original work, after the Konoha collapse plan, Uchiha Itachi returned to Konoha Village and encountered Kurenai Yuhi. Although Kurenai Yuhi cast the illusion tree-binding killing on him, it was easily rebounded by Uchiha Itachi, who tied Kurenai Yuhi to the tree instead.

When facing an enemy whose illusion attainments far exceed his own, casting an illusion is undoubtedly a stupid thing.

"Of course, what I said does not mean that you should be timid and not dare to use illusions to fight again."

"In fact, the battle of illusion ninjas also requires game play. If you start with a killing illusion, it is easy to face the dilemma I just mentioned. Usually, you should first perform an illusion that is not very strong to test the depth of the enemy and understand the enemy's illusion attainments, so that you can effectively use illusions to resist the enemy."

Speaking of this, Kurama Chuqun suddenly curled his lips and showed a confident smile, "Of course, if you are very confident in your illusions, you can ignore everything I just said."


So what you just said was lonely?

As if noticing Ye Ning's strange expression, Kurama Chuqun touched his head and smiled awkwardly:

"I'm just reminding you not to be blindly confident. Especially when facing the Uchiha clan's ninjas, don't over-trust your attainments in illusions, otherwise you may suffer."

"So, why should I face the Uchiha clan's ninjas? Isn't the Uchiha clan a family of Konoha?"

Ye Ning's rhetorical question confused Kurama Chuqun.

"Ahem, I'm just making an analogy."

"Why do you have to use the Uchiha clan as an example?"


You're looking for trouble, right?

I'm just giving an example, is it necessary to say that to me!

Kurama Chuqun was speechless for a moment, and simply changed the subject, "This scroll records some very common illusions, and there are also techniques to bounce back the enemy's illusions, you just need to practice diligently."

Opening the scroll, a long list of illusions suddenly came into view.

Magic·This is not the art, Fox Heart Art, Magic·Tree Binding Killing, Magic·Naraku Vision Art, Nirvana Abode Art...

From D-level ninjutsu to A-level ninjutsu, everything is available.

Ye Ning was stunned for a moment, then he straightened his expression and said sincerely: "Thank you."

Even if there was no scroll, he would have to thank Kurama Chuqun.

Although he was invited by Tsunade, he still had to be more considerate of the proper etiquette.

After all, what he was taught were all practical and useful stuff.

Moreover, in addition to these illusions, he did have other questions he wanted to know.

"If you need to imagine these illusions in your mind, then do you also need to imagine them in your mind to create your own illusions?"

Self-created illusions?

Kurama Chuqun was stunned.


As a jonin for so many years, he has also taught many disciples in the clan. This is the first time he has heard of someone wanting to create his own illusion.

"The difficulty of creating your own illusion is no less than that of creating your own ninjutsu. The effort and difficulty required are unimaginable. If you learn from the illusions recorded in the scroll, your imagination of illusions will be much simpler. But to create an illusion, you need to conceive it from scratch. Moreover, you cannot guarantee how powerful your own illusion will be."

Kurama Chuqun expressed his meaning very tactfully.

Why bother?

Spending a lot of time and energy to create an illusion by yourself may not be as powerful as an ordinary illusion, but it will waste time and energy in vain.

Kurama Chuqun has such an idea, and it is no exception.

Self-created illusions are different from self-created ninjutsu.

The power of ninjutsu can be foreseen.

Before development, there is a preliminary expectation and judgment of the power of the entire ninjutsu in my heart.

But illusions are not like this at all.

With the mysterious Yin power of spiritual energy, it is difficult to foresee the power of the illusion that one has developed based on the conception in the mind.

The illusions in Konoha recorded by their Kurama clan have not been added for a long time.

During this period, it is not that no one has tried.

But the final result is either failure or the power of the illusion created is not enough to be recorded.

But Ye Ning does not think so.

He already has the concept of creating his own illusion in his mind.

Imitating Uchiha Itachi's pupil technique Moon Blasting, he created his own illusion space.

Named - Eighteen Layers of Hell!

Each layer of hell in the Eighteen Layers of Hell is a harsh punishment that manipulates the five senses.

He doesn't even need to conceive, he just needs to construct the Eighteen Layers of Hell in his mind, and then copy each layer of punishment in the Eighteen Layers of Hell.

The only difficulty is that his spiritual energy must be stronger.

As soon as he saw Ye Ning's expression, Kurama Izumo knew that he couldn't persuade him, but he didn't say anything to discourage him.

After all, it's a good thing for young people to be motivated.

Moreover, with Ye Ning's outstanding talent for illusion, he may be able to create a powerful illusion on his own.

"It seems that you have made up your mind. Then, I'll wait for your good news."

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