The two of them had a lot of fun.

As expected, Tsunade stopped talking about going to the casino for a while.

Apparently, she still remembered that she lost four games in a row that night, but Ye Ning won four games in a row.

She still couldn't understand why a novice who had never gambled before could win four games in a row, while an old hand like her could hardly win even one.

Tsunade didn't go into the casino until the border of the Fire Country.

There were even a few times when they just passed by the door of the casino, and Tsunade didn't even look at it!

Ye Ning felt a little incredible.

Tsunade, who was addicted to gambling, actually changed her personality and stopped gambling?

But no matter what, as long as Tsunade doesn't continue gambling and stop giving money to major casinos, it will be a good thing.

"Speaking of which, Tsunade, where are we going? You have been talking about traveling around the ninja world. You can't just walk aimlessly without a destination? We are about to leave the Land of Fire."

Ye Ning identified the direction of walking and began to recall in his mind.

I seem to have seen a map of the entire Naruto world in the Daimyo Mansion before.

To the west of the Land of Fire... seems to be a country called the River Country?

Ye Ning didn't have much impression of this River Country. He could only vaguely remember that the River Country didn't seem to have much presence. It just acted as a buffer zone, sandwiched between the two major countries of the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind.

Once Konoha Village and Sand Village go to war, the River Country will inevitably become the main battlefield.

Ye Ning's heart was a little sad, but as the son of the Fire Country Daimyo, he naturally couldn't have much sympathy for the River Country.

In the Naruto world, sympathy is unnecessary.

Here, it is a world where the strong are respected.

The five great countries with five major ninja villages are above the ninja world and are truly superpowers in the ninja world. Other countries cannot compare with these five countries at all, and naturally have little room for speech.

The Fire Country is better. At least when they occupy the land of the River Country for war, they will at least inform the daimyo of the River Country, and even give compensation after the war. But the Wind Country... It's good enough that they don't steal money from the River Country, how can they compensate the River Country?

"Where to go..."

Tsunade really doesn't know the answer to this question.

Her original idea was to travel around the ninja world without a destination.

Just rely on your feelings and go wherever you go.

But now that Ye Ning has raised this question, she has to think about it carefully.

"How about... go to the Kingdom of Wind first? Then go to the Kingdom of Rain from the Kingdom of Wind, and then... I heard that the hot springs in the Kingdom of Hot Spring are very good, we can also go there to soak in the hot springs. How about this proposal?"

Tsunade tilted her head and gave a serious suggestion.

Shizune was still young and had no idea about these countries, so she just nodded ignorantly.

As for Ye Ning...

He was originally a scoundrel who followed Tsunade. It was Tsunade who dreamed of traveling around the ninja world. Since Tsunade wanted to go to these places, then let's go.


"The weather in the Kingdom of Rain is cloudy and rainy, so there is no need to go there, right? Why not go straight from the Kingdom of Wind to the Kingdom of Earth, then go to the Kingdom of Iron, and finally to the Kingdom of Hot Spring?"

This way of going is much slower than going straight through the Kingdom of Rain, and it also takes a long detour.

But Ye Ning really doesn't want to go to a place like the Kingdom of Rain.

One reason is that it is indeed cloudy and rainy there, and the climate is humid, and going there is just asking for trouble. It was once the center of the Second Ninja World War. Even if there were places worth visiting, they were probably destroyed because of the war. There was really nothing to do.

Second, Ye Ning was afraid that Tsunade would revisit the place and think of her brother.

Rope Tree died in the Rain Country.

If you want to miss him, you can go back to the memorial in Konoha to commemorate him. There is no need to go to the Rain Country. It is asking for trouble and it will bring back memories of the past, which will only increase sadness.

Tsunade seemed to be aware of Ye Ning's considerations and nodded gently.

"Huh... I finally left the Fire Country. I can have a good gamble!"

Tsunade stretched her body, exposing her perfect body curves to Ye Ning's eyes, not caring whether she was exposed.

"I lost so much money, it must be because the Feng Shui of the Fire Country is not good! Now that I'm in the River Country, I will never continue to lose!"

Tsunade tried hard

, waved his fist, full of energy.

Ye Ning was too tired to complain.

So, you didn't gamble for such a long time before, because you thought the Feng Shui of the Fire Country was bad?

Are you sure it's the Feng Shui of the Fire Country that's bad, not yours?

Whether you can win the bet is a problem that can be solved by changing places?

Ye Ning now knows why Tsunade has creditors everywhere.

So you have lost money in all the casinos in the ninja world, right?

Ye Ning was a little helpless, but he could only follow Tsunade into a casino.

It was also a gambling table for guessing the size.

Tsunade was also full of confidence.

"Guess big or small, bet on it!"

"I bet big!"

Tsunade was very imposing, but in fact she only took out a silver note and slapped it on the table, and at the same time she did not forget to raise her eyebrows at Ye Ning provocatively.

"Bet on small."

Ye Ning said briefly, and also took out a silver note twice as much as Tsunade, and placed it in the area symbolizing betting on small.

"Open, open, open!"

"Four, three, six, thirteen, big!"

Ye Ning, who was waiting to collect the money, was stunned.

What did he just hear?

Thirteen, big?

Tsunade also bet on big.

Tsunade...actually won?

Ye Ning tilted his head, somewhat unbelievable.

So, the Feng Shui of the Land of Fire is really bad?

Wait a minute...

Ye Ning suddenly came to her senses.

Tsunade won!

In the original work, Tsunade won twice in total!

Once, she met Orochimaru, which caused her hemophobia to relapse, and she was beaten up by Kabuto Yakushi. Another time, she lost her best friend Jiraiya forever...

What about this time...?

Ye Ning's Adam's apple rolled unconsciously twice, and the whole person instantly felt bad.

Tsunade won, doesn't it mean that something bad will happen in a while?

As for what this bad thing will be, Ye Ning has no time to think about it.

At this time, running away is the best policy!

Ye Ning's heart was in a panic, after all, this is a weapon of causality... Who can not be afraid!

Tsunade, who was immersed in joy, and Xiao Shizune, who was happy for Tsunade's winnings, did not realize the seriousness of the problem at all.

Just at this time, a guy who was wrapped up all over his body and even had a "mask" on his head slowly walked into the casino...

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