The weather was very bad, but the weather was very bad.

The misty trees gently swayed their green leaves, and the branches gradually drooped under the wash of raindrops. The cold streets around were empty, and looked particularly dilapidated and desolate.

The rain outside the window kept falling, and the raindrops hit the calm street densely, as if crying for the country. The tears formed raindrops and slowly fell in the cold wind.

It has been several days outside, and it has been such a rainy weather.

Ye Ning was a little puzzled.

Why did Tsunade travel around the ninja world and specifically choose such a place with bad climate.

First go to the Wind Country to feel the sun, and then go to the Rain Country to feel the dampness and coldness there?

You must have a serious illness!

Glancing at Tsunade who stood in front of the window without saying a word, Ye Ning felt helpless.

Since leaving the Kingdom of Wind, they have lost their goal again.

In the end, it was Tsunade who made the decision to go to the Kingdom of Rain.

Originally, Ye Ning did not intend to let Tsunade go to the Kingdom of Rain again to revisit the old place and review those unbearable memories, but she could not resist Tsunade's repeated requests and had to come to the Kingdom of Rain.

Here, there are two completely opposite climates from the Kingdom of Wind.

The Kingdom of Wind is hot and sunny all year round, with very little rainfall throughout the year, while the Kingdom of Rain is cloudy and rainy all year round, and it is rare to see a clear sky.

In addition, because of the Second Ninja World War, the entire Kingdom of Rain suffered heavy damage, and most of the ninjas in the Rain Village were killed or injured, and there was no longer the prosperous scene that it once was.

Ye Ning really couldn't understand what Tsunade wanted to do when she came back here.

Looking at the misty street, Tsunade's face involuntarily showed a trace of sadness.

If possible, she didn't want to come to this place that brought her heavy memories again.

But some things can't be forgotten by avoiding them all the time.

"Ye Ning, it's right here, a little further ahead, there is a tomb."

Tsunade laughed softly:

"There, it can't be called a tomb, it can only be said to be a cenotaph."

Ye Ning was slightly startled and fell silent.

It must be the cenotaph of Rope Tree that can make Tsunade so depressed.

So, Tsunade's trip is to remember her brother?

Ye Ning sighed in her heart, and she understood Tsunade's decision to go to the Rain Country a little more.

Since it is Rope Tree's cenotaph, you have to go and see it.

"Let's go, I'll go with you."

Ye Ning held up an umbrella at the door and motioned Tsunade to come in.

Although Ye Ning was not yet thirteen, he was nearly a head taller than Tsunade (Tsunade's official height is 163 cm), just enough to hold up the umbrella and cover the heads of both of them.

Seeing Tsunade still wearing only a slightly thin sleeveless top and loose long gown in the rain, Ye Ning hesitated for a moment, but still reached out and put his arm around Tsunade's shoulders.

The thin layer of clothing did not prevent Ye Ning from feeling the round and smooth shoulders, but Ye Ning obviously did not have this intention at this time.

Through Tsunade's seemingly strong appearance, he saw a devastated heart.

Although Tsunade had come out of grief under his guidance, the trauma in her heart was not so easy to heal.

Following Tsunade's guidance, the two quickly passed through a forest and came to a small mound.

On the hill, a few small grasses swayed gently in the breeze, as if greeting the two people's arrival, and on top of this small hill was a stone tablet.

The stone tablet has not been eroded by the passage of time, and it still stands on the hill, with the words "Rope Tree Tomb" written on it.

Looking at Tsunade again, she had silent tears on her face at this time, and her eyes were slightly red.

Ye Ning sighed and said softly:

"Cry if you want to, there is no one else here."

As soon as these words came out, Tsunade, who was still enduring, burst into tears and sobbed softly.

Ye Ning's heart suddenly softened, and his hands unconsciously placed on Tsunade's back and patted gently.

All along, Tsunade's image in his mind has been powerful, courageous, and vigorous.

But today, he saw a completely different Tsunade.

A Tsunade standing in front of the cenotaph sobbing softly.

Ye Ning opened his mouth, wanting to comfort her, but he didn't know how to start.

It seemed that whatever he said seemed pale and powerless.

Ye Ning, who couldn't think of how to comfort Tsunade, simply

He sat down and started to talk to himself:

"Shengshu, come to think of it, I still want to call you brother. It's a pity that we have never met, so I can't call you brother anymore. But don't worry, your sister is doing well now. Although she always drinks, gets drunk, goes out to gamble, and loses all her money, she is still happy."

"You don't have to worry that after you leave, Tsunade will be depressed and depressed. I will take good care of her who can't take care of herself..."

In fact, Ye Ning didn't know why he said such a thing.

But if Shengshu's soul could hear it in the Pure Land, these words should make him happy, right?

Listening to Ye Ning's words, Tsunade took a deep breath, wiped the tears on her face, and sat in front of the hill like Ye Ning, squeezing out a faint dimple on her slightly embarrassed cheek.

"I want to drink."

We're already here, where can I get you some wine?

Ye Ning's mouth twitched, but he still didn't have the heart to argue with Tsunade.

Tsunade didn't expect Ye Ning to say anything, but just told her story:

"Influenced by his grandfather and second grandfather, when he was young, Nawase aspired to become a Hokage, a qualified Hokage who could lead Konoha to prosperity. For this reason, he often said good things to me, his sister, just to learn some ninjutsu from me."

"Later, Nawase reached the age to go to the ninja school. However, he was naughty and careless by nature. He either forgot to bring his ninja tool bag or disrupted the order in the classroom. For this reason, the teachers in the ninja school often complained to his family."

"Every Every time I wanted to scold him, he would say that he would become a Hokage in the future. I said mocking words, but in fact I still hoped that his dream could come true. "

"At that time, Orochimaru was the most proud disciple of the old man and a famous genius ninja in Konoha. When Orochimaru became a jonin, I asked him to be the teacher of Rope Tree. "

"Because of this, Jiraiya and Orochimaru had a quarrel. Because Jiraiya believed that he was the most suitable teacher for Rope Tree. "

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