The three little ones left, and Tsunade sat beside Ye Ning, feeling a little curious: "You seem to care about them? You are like this, and Jiraiya was like this at the beginning." Is this a concept? Jiraiya cared about them at the beginning because his sympathy was overflowing. He cared because of the eyes hidden under the red hair! Ye Ning finally resisted the urge to take off the eyes. Samsara Eye... Those are the eyes of the Six Paths Sage! Only with these eyes can you be said to have the ability to enter the world of Gundam in the future. It's a pity that these eyes don't belong to you. Not to mention that the one hiding in the dark would never let him take away his eyes, even if he really took them away, he couldn't use them.

That was Uchiha Madara's Samsara Eye. Nagato, who was a member of the Uzumaki clan, had his blood almost drained by this Samsara Eye. He was an ordinary son of a daimyo, and he would probably be sucked dry, right?

What a pity...

Ye Ning smacked her lips, feeling a little regretful.

"Didn't you notice? They have something very special on them."

"Something very special? Do you mean Yahiko?"

Tsunade showed some confusion on her face.

Among the three, the one who impressed her the most was Konan, who had given her paper flowers, but if she was to say who was the most noteworthy among the three, it was undoubtedly the leader Yahiko.

Could it be that Yahiko had some special qualities that attracted Ye Ning's attention?

"That red-haired brat."

"I'm the same age as you, and you still say I'm a brat..." Tsunade complained silently, and the puzzlement on her face became more intense:

"Red-haired brat..."

Tsunade recalled carefully, but did not find anything unusual.

I only vaguely remember that it seemed to be a quiet brat, half of his face was covered by his hair, and his face was slightly pale...

Ye Ning was speechless.

"Tsunade, red hair, don't tell me you can't figure out his identity."

Although there are many red-haired people in the ninja world, not to mention the far ones, the Akimichi clan of Konoha and the Scorpion who just kidnapped them all have red hair. But no matter what, red hair is one of the symbols of the Uzumaki clan. Could it be that Tsunade really has never doubted it?

After all, you are also a descendant of the Uzumaki clan!

Are you so careless?

After Ye Ning's reminder, Tsunade finally came to her senses:

"You mean... that kid is a descendant of the Uzumaki clan?"

Tsunade's face was full of surprise.

She had always thought that since the destruction of the Uzumaki Country, the Uzumaki clan had only one descendant left, Kushina Uzumaki, and she never thought that there were still descendants of the Uzumaki clan alive outside.

"The point is not his identity as a member of the Uzumaki clan, but his eyes."


"His eyes are the Samsara Eye."

! ?

Tsunade was stunned.

As a descendant of the Senju clan, Tsunade naturally knew about the existence of the Samsara Eye.

She had always believed that these eyes only existed in legends...

I didn't expect it to be true?

"Is it the eyes of the legendary Six Paths Sage? Why didn't Jiraiya ever say it?"

Tsunade subconsciously thought of Jiraiya.

After staying in the Land of Rain for three whole years, Jiraiya must have known that the kid named Nagato had a pair of Samsara eyes, but why did he never mention it?

Ye Ning shrugged.

Who knows what Jiraiya is thinking.

By the way, shouldn’t the practice of immortal arts be put on the agenda?

Otherwise, among the four people in the group, the other three have things to do, and only he is doing nothing, like an idle person.

If he wants to learn immortal arts...

The immortal arts of Myoboku Mountain are the most familiar to him.

Jiraiya, Minato, and Naruto’s three generations of immortal arts all learned in Myoboku Mountain.

But he and Jiraiya are not familiar with each other... What’s more, he doesn’t want to see the charlatan-like big toad sage.

Ye Ning maintained the necessary fear for this big toad that has survived since the Six Paths Sage era.

Who knows if this guy will give an inexplicable prophecy after seeing him.

He is a good young man from the 21st century, so he won't believe in such a fictitious prophecy, right?

Believe in science!

"Just a pair of eyes, no

Why make such a fuss. Let's go..."


Land of Earth.

The huge rock walls stand tall, but under the ground, there is a different world.

A pale figure strangely emerged from the ground, poked his head out, and stared at the figure in front of him with a strange smile on his face.

In front of him, there was an old figure.

The old man was thin, with many brown spots on his skin, his hands were wrinkled, as if a piece of skin was draped over them, and everything on his body was full of old age.

But the old man's eyes were clear, without any turbidity, and the expression on his face was majestic without anger, and the arrogance that once dominated the world could be vaguely seen.

And the old man was Uchiha Madara, who was known as the Shura of the Ninja World!

Feeling the arrival of Jue, Uchiha Madara slowly opened his eyes and said in a calm voice:

"Fei, there was an accident on Nagato's side? "

"Lord Madara, there was no accident."

Uzumaki Hakuzetsu, who was called Fei by Uchiha Madara, smiled and did not seem to be afraid of the identity of the person in front of him:

"Lord Madara, Nagato met two very interesting people!"

"Oh? Very interesting people?"

Uchiha Madara, who had lived underground for many years, became interested and motioned Fei to continue.

"One of them is Tsunade of Konoha."


Uchiha Madara subconsciously murmured: "Hashirama's granddaughter... huh."

"The other person is the son of the Daimyo of the Land of Fire, named Ye Ning."

Ye Ning? The son of the Daimyo of the Land of Fire?

Uchiha Madara was slightly stunned, and he was a little unresponsive.

"The guy named Ye Ning talked to Nagato for a long time. "

Fei touched his chin, with an affirmative look on his face:

"I think what he said seems to make some sense. What about interests, wars... pain, etc., although I don't understand, but it's really amazing! I really want to ask him what kind of shit tastes like..."

"He is so smart, he must be able to answer it for me, right?"

Uchiha Madara fell into thought.

Nagato's activities are only within the territory of the Rain Country.

And why would Ye Ning, the son of a daimyo of the Fire Country, appear there?

Uchiha Madara couldn't figure it out, and he was too lazy to think about it.

Anyway, he is just an ordinary person, and has no impact on his plan at all.

"Go back and keep an eye on Nagato. The ninja world will soon be in turmoil. My plan will finally begin..."

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