The only way to save time is to delay it for a while.

If it's just to delay a little should be fine.

Scorpion glanced at the scroll in his hand and made a decision in his heart.


As soon as the ferocious voice fell, a flash of lightning flashed in front of Scorpion, and Ibrama, who was in the lightning chakra mode, instantly appeared in front of Scorpion.

The ninja sword in his hand was shining with cold lightning, and it seemed that it would cut into Scorpion's body in the next second.

Facing the close-up sword, Scorpion was not in a hurry and opened the scroll in his hand.

As the fire scroll was opened, a hot flame gushed out.

The vigorous flame formed a wall of fire in front of Scorpion, engulfing Ibrama's entire body.


A painful roar came from the flames.

Obviously, even if he was in the Lightning Chakra mode and his defense was greatly enhanced, Ibrahima had no way to fight such a terrifying flame.

The scorching heat of the flames made the surrounding air rise a lot, and the flames also had a strong melting power.

The only pity is that this ninjutsu is not very perfect. If it can be combined with a human puppet, the size of the fire wave can be controlled at will using chakra, and perhaps the power can be improved.

However, even with the current imperfect ninjutsu, it is enough for the arrogant Ibrahima to drink a pot.

Ibrahima's strength is indeed very strong, even among the elite jonin, he is a rare existence, but he should never be full of confidence in his strength, or even conceited.

Under such a terrifying flame, even if Ibrahima does not die, he will lose a layer of skin!

The flames dissipated, revealing Ibrahima's figure again.

At this time, Ibuliangma was in a particularly miserable state. His strong body was covered with scars, and his hair seemed to be burnt and exuded a strange smell. Even the ninja sword disappeared.

Ibuliangma gasped heavily, half-knelt on the ground with his body propped up, and his expression was very painful.

Such a good opportunity, Scorpion would naturally not give up.

His first work of art, the human puppet, rushed out from the side and quickly appeared beside Ibuliangma.


A muffled thunder came from the forest.

Ibuliangma's slightly embarrassed figure disappeared at the moment the lightning flashed. The flashing electric light on his body hit the human puppet, and a very eye-catching arc-shaped electric net rushed out between the jungles, like a dragon suddenly born, and smashed to the ground with thunder.

Ibuliangma did not accumulate any power before taking action, and even the last second he was still struggling breathlessly, but the momentum was as fast as thunder.

Scorpion had never expected that he could still burst out such an amazing speed despite being seriously injured. He was caught off guard and didn't even have time to control the human puppet.


The human puppet broke apart in mid-air.

But the moment the puppet broke apart, a cloud of poisonous mist instantly dissipated.

Ibrangma's pupils instantly shrank, but because the distance was too close, he had no time to dodge.

The poisonous mist scattered and fell all over Ibrangma's body.

The moment he came into contact with the poisonous mist, Ibrangma's face became painful. The skin that came into contact with the poisonous mist quickly lost consciousness, paralyzed the whole body, stiffened, and even a hint of blue appeared on his face.


Ibrangma almost squeezed out a sentence from his teeth.

In response, Scorpion only showed a sneer.

What a joke?

He is a puppeteer! His grandmother is one of the best people in the whole ninja world who plays with poison!

If he doesn't play with poison, is he going to play with physical techniques and illusions?

Just at this moment, the girl who had been making complicated seals finally made the last seal.

Crystal escape: One arrow of light!

A huge crystal condensed beside the girl, shining with dazzling luster.

Several lasers were suddenly released from the crystal.

The speed of the laser beam was so fast that Ibuliangma, who was poisoned, could not react at all. He could only watch the beams hit his body.

His body suddenly stiffened, and Ibuliangma's eyes were filled with disbelief until his death.

He didn't expect that he didn't die at the hands of the Kumogakure pursuit team, but died at the hands of two unknown little people.


"What did I say! I can definitely help you kill him!"

The girl raised her eyebrows and showed a proud smile.

Then, the girl's face changed slightly, and she flattered him:

"It's all thanks to Scorpion! If Scorpion hadn't delayed me for so long, I wouldn't have been able to complete this seal. Hehehe, Scorpion, you're awesome!"

Looking at the girl's bright smile, Scorpion was silent for a while.

He had to admit that without her, he wouldn't have been able to kill Ibrangma.

Apart from Ibrangma's own arrogance, she was the key figure.

This time, she really helped him a lot.

Scorpion pondered for a moment, and finally whispered:

"What's your name?"

"Oh? Did Scorpion forget my name? This makes me so sad!"

The girl pouted, and was very frustrated that Scorpion didn't even remember her name. But this frustration didn't last too long, and she soon cheered up again:

"My name is Morimoto Tokiga, you can just call me Tokiga!"


Scorpion nodded and wrote down the name: "Thank you so much today."

"Hehehe, Scorpion, don't be so polite to me!"

It was rare to hear Scorpion's thanks, Shi Lu was obviously a little excited, and mustered up the courage to ask:

"Scorpion, can I follow you?"

Hearing this, Scorpion hesitated immediately.

From the mouth of the slug immortal, it can be heard that the Wet Bone Forest is definitely a holy place. People like Shi Lu should not be qualified to go there, right?

"Ah? Can't I follow Scorpion?"

Shi Lu suddenly felt a lot of loss and pouted in a depressed mood.

She didn't understand. She had helped Scorpion so much, but he still rejected her so much that he didn't even let her follow him.

Ah ah ah!

It's really hard to conquer!

Scorpion scratched his head a little speechless, and for the first time, he was a little distressed.

It seemed really inhumane to just drive her away like that...

But he couldn't take her back to the Wet Bone Forest.

"You can wait for me where you often see me. I have somewhere else to go."

Shi Lu's eyes brightened instantly.

As if he had never shown a frustrated expression, he nodded repeatedly and said:

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I will wait for Scorpion Lord there obediently! No matter how long it takes, it's okay!"

"Hey? Scorpion Lord, do you want to move this corpse? Let me help you!"

"By the way, so many puppets have been destroyed, will Scorpion Lord feel distressed?"

Scorpion really couldn't resist Shi Lu's enthusiasm. He perfunctorily said a few words and fled without looking back, allowing the little slug to send him back to the Wet Bone Forest.

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