The feeling of mastering the immortal art is indeed very wonderful.

Even though he had left the Wet Bone Forest, Ye Ning could still feel that the natural energy around him was constantly flowing towards his body, as if he could instantly enter the Sage Mode in a moment.

Using the ability of the Blood Limit in the Sage Mode should make his ninjutsu more powerful, right?

It's a pity that I can't find a suitable person to test it.

"It seems that a lot of things have happened in the ninja world in the three years we have been in the Wet Bone Forest."

Learning about the major events that have happened in the ninja world in the past three years, Tsunade took a sip of wine and nodded thoughtfully.

The first is the alliance between the Fire Kingdom and the Wind Kingdom.

With the support of the strong financial resources of the Fire Country, a large number of minerals in the Wind Country were developed, and half of them were transported to the Fire Country. The Wind Country also relied on this money to give a lot of support to the Sand Village.

The financial pressure was relieved, and the Sand Village quickly entered a period of rapid development.

The development of the Sand Village naturally could not be hidden from the other major ninja villages.

Seeing the rapid development of their competitors, the major ninja villages were naturally unwilling to lag behind, and all entered a period of accelerated development.

It seems that the strength of the five major ninja villages is getting stronger, but in fact, the contradictions between them are becoming more and more prominent.

Its source can even be traced back to the Second Ninja World War a few years ago.

The final winner of that battle was naturally Konoha.

Whether it was the Sand Village, the Rock Village, or the Rain Village, they all fought with Konoha and were eventually defeated.

As the victorious party, Konoha received a lot of resources. In addition to the compensation of the defeated party, there were also a considerable amount of mission resources.

With the same mission and the same reward, Konoha, as the victorious party, is undoubtedly a better choice.

A large number of clients flocked to Konoha to entrust tasks, which would inevitably snatch away resources originally belonging to other ninja villages and destroy the balance that was already in name only.

In addition, Konoha and Sand Village became natural allies, and Konoha became the public enemy of the ninja world, and also gained the hostility of ninjas from other ninja villages.

This hostility would be reflected in those outbound missions.

In this case, Konoha's ninjas and ninjas from other ninja villages would inevitably have some frictions, or even considerable conflicts.

As frictions and conflicts increased, the situation in the entire ninja world became extremely tense.

"It seems that the Third Ninja World War is about to break out."

"It's not that serious, right?"

Tsunade raised her head in surprise, but soon figured out the key and nodded affirmatively:

"You are right. If the contradiction continues to intensify, it will sooner or later engulf a war."

In the final analysis, it is still because of the uneven distribution of interests.

Konoha, which has the rich land of the Land of Fire and is the victor of the Second Ninja World War, has obviously become the target of public criticism.

Everyone wants to tear a piece of flesh from Konoha.

But all this has nothing to do with Ye Ning.

He is the son of the daimyo, and he is just a figurehead in Konoha. Even if the war breaks out...

What does it have to do with him?

At most, they are just curious about who will provoke the Third Ninja World War in the current Ninja World.

In the original work, it was because of the disappearance of the Third Kazekage that the contradictions broke out completely, and the internal part of the Sand Village pointed the spearhead at Konoha, which is recognized as the most powerful. And other ninja villages also wanted to take this opportunity to get a share of the pie-

So, the Third Ninja World War that swept the entire Ninja World broke out.

But now, Scorpion has been taken away by him. The Third Kazekage will not disappear for no reason, and Konoha and the Sand Village are now natural allies.

So, who should take the lead in provoking the war?

First, we can rule out Konoha.

Danzo, a complete fighter, has been imprisoned by him, so the soft-tempered old man of the Third Hokage will naturally not take the initiative to start a fight.

As for the Sand Village...

It seems unlikely.

It has finally obtained financial funding from the Daimyo of the Wind Country. If the Sand Village starts a war and then loses...

How can they survive?

After ruling out Konoha and the Sand Village...

Iwagakure and Kumogakure seem to be possible.

The old man Ohnoki has always been upset about the defeat in the Second Ninja World War, and the Kumogakure has always been at odds with Konoha.

Want to make something happen, it is indeed reasonable for the two of them to start the war.

As for the Mist Village...

They are located overseas and have never had much presence.

Therefore, Ye Ning is more inclined to the two restless masters of Rock Village and Cloud Village.

"If the Ninja World War really starts, the entire Ninja World will probably be restless."

Tsunade sighed faintly.

Of course, she was just complaining that she couldn't continue to travel around the Ninja World.

Once the war started, there would be no more peace in the entire Ninja World.

As soon as the voice fell, a layer of shadow suddenly covered the door of the tavern, blocking the light coming in from outside.

"Tsunade, long time no see."

Looking in the direction of the voice, a tall and burly white-haired man stood there, it was Jiraiya.

At this time, he was blocking the door with a complicated face, quietly staring at Tsunade.


Ye Ning now doubted whether Jiraiya had installed a positioning system on Tsunade.

Why can this guy easily find Tsunade every time?

Isn't this scientific?

"Hey, it's Jiraiya! Just come over to have a few drinks with me."

Seeing the sucker who pays the bill coming, Tsunade's eyes suddenly lit up.

On the whole table, Ye Ning never drinks a drop of alcohol and falls down after drinking; Xie and Shika are minors; Shizune is only nine years old, but no one can drink with her.

Jiraiya just happened to come and can have a few drinks with her and pay the bill.

It's perfect.

Jiraiya strode over, came to the table, and winked at Ye Ning next to Tsunade.

Unfortunately, Ye Ning didn't react at all.

What a joke?

I give you a seat, and watch you pick up my girl?

Are you sick or am I sick?

Ye Ning ignored Jiraiya and ate the food in front of him.

Seeing this, Jiraiya could only smile awkwardly and squeeze to the other side to sit down.

As soon as he sat down, his lustful eyes could not stop wandering around.


A chopstick shot out, bringing a gust of wind.

"If you keep looking around, I'll stab you in the eye next time."

Jiraiya's expression suddenly became stern, and his eyes fell on Ye Ning, and he was shocked.

He didn't even catch Ye Ning's movements just now!

In other words, he might have really poked his own eyes out just now!

Jiraiya swallowed his saliva, and his eyes and behavior were indeed much more disciplined.

Tsunade glanced at Ye Ning, seemingly calm in her heart, but in fact, the corners of her mouth were slightly upturned:

"Jiraiya, what's the matter with you coming to see me this time?"

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