The daimyo left under the escort of several Anbu ninjas.

Everything in the village was still normal. Except for the rumors about Hatake Sakumo, few people knew that there was another unfamiliar face in the Senju clan.


Playing with the ninja forehead protector in his hand, Ye Ning strolled in the sparsely populated Senju clan, and couldn't help but snorted twice.

The request was made in the morning, and the ninja forehead protector was handed over to him in the afternoon. Even the files and ninja numbers were complete. There was no assessment during the period, and no obstacles were encountered.

Should it be said that it is worthy of special approval?

This efficiency made Ye Ning, who was used to procrastination, couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

It's a bit strange. When I was a child in my previous life, I always imagined myself becoming a ninja when watching Naruto anime. I imagined the handsome scene of wearing a Konoha forehead protector and performing various ninjutsu. But when I really held the ninja forehead protector in my hand, Ye Ning felt boring.

That's it?

It's a burden to carry it on your body, and it feels a bit ugly when worn on your body.

If I remember correctly, the ninjas in the original book wore forehead protectors in various ways. In addition to wearing them on the forehead, there are also belts, arms, chests, and eyes...

The most outrageous one is Hinata.

Wearing a ninja forehead protector on the neck as an ornament...

Don't you think it's weird?

Ye Ning thought about it again and again, but he couldn't think of where to wear the forehead protector, so he had to throw it in the ninja bag.


Why didn't I see a single Senju tribe member after walking for such a long time?

After walking aimlessly for a long time, Ye Ning finally realized that something was wrong.

He had walked for such a long time in the huge Senju tribe area, but he didn't see anyone.

The World War II just ended, and the Senju tribe disappeared?

It shouldn't be the case... Even if there are fewer people, it shouldn't be the case that no one has been seen for such a long time, right?

Ye Ning looked at the closed doors and windows around him hesitantly.

Why the Senju tribe disappeared is a major doubt that is not explained in the original book, and there are many speculations about this matter.

In the past, Ye Ning often visited the bar to discuss with the fire fans, and often quarreled. Among them, there are several more credible statements.

The first theory is that the Senju clan suffered heavy casualties in the First and Second Ninja World Wars. Even Rope Tree died in the Second World War, which is a good example. The clan members suffered heavy casualties, and the remaining clan members died out, so they slowly withdrew from the stage of Konoha.

But Ye Ning does not believe this theory.

A powerful clan with a long history that came out of the Warring States Period suffered heavy casualties and died out because of two Ninja World Wars?

During the Warring States Period, the Senju and Uchiha fought for hundreds of years, but the two families did not decline!

And this first theory is also mixed with some conspiracy theories, saying that the third generation and Danzo deliberately let the Senju clan rush to the front line to consume the strength of the Senju clan as much as possible.

Ye Ning also does not believe this theory.

You know, Mito was still alive during the First Ninja World War and the early stage of the Second Ninja World War.

The wife of the first Hokage lived in the clan territory of the Senju clan, and was also a figure like the stabilizing force of Konoha.

Even though Ye Ning despised the various behaviors of the Third Hokage and Danzo from the bottom of his heart, he did not think that these two would dare to do anything while Mito was still alive.

As for the second statement, it is more reliable than the first one.

After the Second Hokage and the First Hokage passed away one after another, the name of the Senju clan did not appear in Konoha, but changed their surnames to other surnames and completely integrated into Konoha.

This statement even gave rise to various rumors, such as the original name of the Senju clan was Senju, so the original intelligence department's Senju Hiki was a member of the Senju clan after the name change. Some netizens also swore that Sakura's father and even Minato Namikaze were descendants of the Senju clan...

But in fact, in Ye Ning's opinion, this statement is also untenable.

Sakura is actually a place that pays the most attention to bloodline, and the importance attached to the family name is unimaginable to ordinary people. Even if the first and second generation Hokage have high prestige, it should be difficult for them to command all the clan members.

Change the surname of the entire family?

Ye Ning withdrew his gaze thoughtfully.

Perhaps, this puzzle can be solved by him personally.

Then the first step... find Tsunade's residence!

Ye Ning looked around, feeling a little annoyed.

If I had known, I should have asked the three generations before coming... How long would it take him to find so many houses!


Ye Ning walked through most of the clan land, and finally found a Senju clan member who was ready to go out on the spacious street.

Looking at the Konoha forehead guard on his head, Ye Ning's eyes suddenly lit up.

It's so rare!

I can still see a living Senju clan member!

The Senju ninja who saw Ye Ning was also stunned.

Since Mito's death and the gradual decline of the Senju clan, no one has come to the Senju clan for a long time. It is indeed a rare thing to suddenly see a strange face in the clan land.

After a brief moment of shock, the Thousand Hand Ninja quickly reacted, showing a vigilant expression in an instant, and his body tensed up, as if he could attack at any time:

"Who are you?"

It is impossible for ordinary ninjas, including villagers, to get close to the Thousand Hand Clan. Apart from spies, he could not imagine another possibility.

What's more, Ye Ning was not wearing a forehead protector, which made him look even more suspicious.

Ye Ning was stunned, knowing that he had misunderstood the Thousand Hand Ninja, and hurriedly explained:

"I am the only son of the daimyo. I came here this time to find Tsunade."

"The only son of the daimyo... looking for Tsunade?"

"Yes, she is my sister."

The Thousand Hand Ninja's face clearly showed a confused look, and it seemed that he did not know why the daimyo's son and Tsunade had a relationship.

And such a reaction made Ye Ning hesitate.

This reaction... is not normal!

Even the Third Generation and Danzo knew about the relationship between the Daimyo and Tsunade, so how could a member of the Senju clan not know about it?

Or... is this ninja too young and doesn't know about the older generation?

"Excuse me, where does Tsunade live?"

The Senju ninja opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but hesitated and didn't say it. He pointed to a house not far away for Ye Ning and left in a hurry.

Looking at the back of the Senju ninja going away, Ye Ning's doubts in his heart became stronger.

Perhaps all the answers will be answered after meeting Tsunade?


Ye Ning took a deep breath, came to the door of the house pointed by the Senju ninja, and knocked hard.

But there was no sound in the house.

After knocking a few times, Ye Ning found that no one opened the door. He hesitated for a moment, and suddenly exerted force with his legs, easily jumped over the eaves, and jumped into the yard.

As soon as he entered the yard, a pungent smell rushed over crazily, occupying all of Ye Ning's senses. The strong smell even made Ye Ning's handsome face wrinkled into a ball.

This smell...

Is it wine?

Ye Ning's mouth twitched. If he remembered correctly, the alcohol content in Naruto should not be very high, right? The smell should not be so spicy and pungent...

Such a strong smell... How much did Tsunade drink! ?

After drinking so much wine, no wonder he didn't come to open the door even though he knocked on the door.

It's a rare thing for him to come to open the door!

Damn it!

Didn't she drink herself to death?

Ye Ning followed the direction of the smell of wine and finally found Tsunade who was hungover in a Japanese-style room.

Ye Ning's pupils shrank slightly, and he stood at the door of the Japanese-style room and couldn't help but take two steps back.

It was because the scene in front of him was too shocking for him.

In the Japanese-style room, a blonde girl fell on the wooden table, her head resting on her right arm. Her clothes had obviously been slightly modified, very slim-fitting, with a tight waist and a large collar, supporting an exaggerated arc, bulging like two small watermelons.

The ground was full of empty wine bottles, thrown on the ground at random. Some of them had not even been drunk, and now a stream of wine was flowing out, and the whole room was filled with a pungent smell of wine.

Ye Ning roughly counted the wine bottles on the ground and the unopened wine bottles on the table, there were more than 30 bottles. Even if the alcohol content of the wine in Naruto was not high, drinking like this would definitely make people drunk to death!

Ye Ning rubbed his temples with a headache.

This guy, it's not a hangover anymore, this guy is almost drunk to death!

Ye Ning suddenly felt a little sympathetic to her.

If you think about it carefully, most people in Naruto are quite miserable.

Tsunade first witnessed the death of her grandfather and second grandfather at a young age, and then lost her beloved younger brother.

Even his lover left him. A medical ninja, he suffered from hemophobia since then and could only travel around, spending the whole day with alcohol and gambling to numb himself.

He finally met a boy who looked like his younger brother, and he untied his knot under the boy's guidance, but he lost his old friend who had been with him for decades after he inherited the title of Hokage.

His clan members no longer exist, and his parents are not mentioned in the original work, and they probably left early.

After decades, he was alone in the end.

Only Shizune, who had been silently accompanying her, could give her a little comfort.

Thinking about it this way, if we talk about comparing misery, Tsunade seems to be no less miserable?

As for whether this guy is Tsunade, Ye Ning has no doubt at all.

After all, the iconic two slices of watermelon have already explained everything.

Ye Ning sighed quietly, and did not disturb Tsunade's sweet dream, and silently picked up the bottles scattered on the ground.

Otherwise, he would not even have a place to step.

The sound of packing bottles seemed to disturb Tsunade who was sleeping soundly. It was unknown how long Tsunade had slept, but she finally had some reaction.


She opened her eyes in confusion, and a painful look appeared on her face.

The taste of a hangover is not pleasant. Even if the physical fitness of a ninja is far superior to that of an ordinary person, it is still unbearable to drink like this. It's okay to have a splitting headache, but her stomach is also churning.

But only in this way can she forget everything and weave a beautiful dream.

Tsunade patted her forehead and finally sobered up a little, but her eyes were still hazy.

There seemed to be a figure in front of her?

After trying to open her eyes wide, she still couldn't see the face of the person in front of her, so Tsunade's temper suddenly surged:

"Jiraiya, get out of here, don't disturb my sleep!"

Her throat was burning and her voice seemed a little hoarse.

Although the words were very rude and he mistook himself for Jiraiya, the prematurely aged guy, Ye Ning obviously would not stand up to an alcoholic. He said softly in a gentle voice: "Tsunade, I haven't seen you for a few years, and you have become an alcoholic."

Tsunade, who originally planned to sleep for a while, struggled to support her head, trying not to sink on the table, blinking her eyes:

"Who...who are you?"

"Then I'll call you another name, Sister. Do you remember it now?"


"Rope Tree?"

Tsunade's originally hazy eyes suddenly brightened, the red on her cheeks quickly faded, and the whole person instantly woke up from the drunken state and sat up straight.

The wrinkled clothes were surging.

But Tsunade didn't care, she tilted her head slightly, and a series of question marks appeared on her forehead.

After repeated identification, Tsunade's face instantly darkened, and the whole person exuded a dangerous aura from the inside out.

"Little ghost, do you want to die?"

Using the dead Rope Tree to tease me?

Tsunade narrowed her eyes slightly, staring at Ye Ning with a bad look, and her fists clenched unconsciously, as if she would punch at her in the next second, but she still retained a certain rationality in her heart and gave Ye Ning a chance to explain.

"Tsunade, I will be sad if you do this. You don't only have Rope Tree as your brother."

Ye Ning was not afraid at all, but sat down with a plop, as if she was sure that Tsunade would not do anything to her.

Don't you only have one brother?

Tsunade tilted her head, with a little confusion in her eyes.

Although she regained some clarity under the stimulation of the title of sister, Tsunade's brain still hurt a little, and she couldn't think of how many brothers she had, so she just sat down and leaned on the wooden table.

Ye Ning sighed deeply.

"I, Ye Ning. I told you not to drink, why did you drink so much? You drank so much that your mind was not clear."

Ye Ning?

Tsunade tried to recall and found that she did have a younger brother with this name. She relaxed a lot:

"Ye Ning... Why are you here when you are not doing the mission?"


Damn it!!!

So you still haven't remembered it, right?

I am the only son of a famous family. What kind of mission should I do?

Ye Ning walked into the bathroom with a dark face. When he came out, he had a glass of cold water in his hand.

"Moisten your throat, wake up, use the cold water to stimulate your brain that is about to rot, and think about who I am!"

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