After everyone sat down, the Third Hokage took a deep breath, cleared his throat, and said with a worried look: "Everyone, I believe you have noticed the current situation in the ninja world. Today, the situation has deteriorated again. Our entire team of jonin in Konoha lost contact in the territory of the Land of Water." The Third Hokage was in a hurry at this time and could not care about the sudden visit of the Daimyo. Otherwise, with his temper, he would probably let the Daimyo say a few words of innocuous opening remarks before starting to talk about the matter. Now that this step has been omitted, it seems that the situation is indeed a bit serious. "Lost contact?"

Hearing this, the faces of the clan leaders and many elite jonin all sank.

They could naturally hear the unusualness.

Before, there were frictions between the major ninja villages, but they were basically minor frictions.

At most, a small-scale fight would break out, and after revealing their identities to each other, they would tacitly choose to stop.

But this matter was different.

Lost contact, in addition to the literal meaning, often represents another layer of meaning, which is also the situation they least want to see.

That entire jonin team was completely wiped out!

As a member of the Hokage faction and a die-hard supporter of the Hokage, Nara Shikaku frowned and spoke first:

"Hokage, did that entire jonin team disappear, or..."

He didn't finish his words, but everyone knew what he meant.

The Third Hokage had a serious expression and shook his head silently.

He didn't know.

There was no news from that jonin team. Since they entered the Land of Water, there was no news at all.

After learning about this, the Third Hokage also sent an Anbu team to investigate, but found nothing.

No news about that jonin team was found at all. It was as if they disappeared out of thin air and evaporated from the face of the earth.

Even if they were annihilated, there should be some traces of fighting, right?

It is impossible to clean up the battlefield so thoroughly. There should be some clues left.

But the Anbu team found nothing.

The Third Hokage could not confirm whether this jonin team was attacked by the Hidden Mist Village and all died, or was trapped somewhere and still alive.

"Tell me what you think."

The Third Hokage rubbed his eyebrows tiredly, hoping to hear some constructive suggestions from the heads of the major ninja clans.

But in this situation, the heads of the major ninja clans remained silent.

Don't talk nonsense.

The clan leaders were all thinking silently in their hearts.

It was Nara Shikaku, the think tank, who broke the deadlock first:

"Hokage, I think the most urgent task now is to first confirm whether this entire jonin team is still alive. If they are still alive, we should immediately send reinforcements to rescue them. But if they are dead..."

Nara Shikaku paused for a moment, and then continued:

"We must let the Kirigakure give an explanation."

There was another silence.

After a long time, the clan leaders of the major ninja clans nodded and approved Nara Shikaku's suggestion.

Ye Ning smacked her lips and suddenly missed Danzo a little.

If Danzo was still here today, he would probably slam the table and say sternly:

"He is so brave from the Kirigakure! He dares to attack the ninjas of my Konoha? We must let the Kirigakure know that my Konoha is not so easy to mess with!"

Then he began to incite the clan leaders of the major ninja clans to provoke a war.

This guy is an out-and-out fighter.

In the Second Ninja World War, Konoha was able to actively participate in the battle, and this guy was indispensable to fan the flames behind the scenes.

But with the previous lessons, the Third Hokage will probably choose a softer way this time, and will not take Danzo's proposal to provoke a war.

After arguing for a few times, the Third Hokage, who found that he could not convince Danzo, would probably frown and scold:

"Danzo, I am the Hokage!"

Then Danzo snorted coldly, with a gloomy face:

"Sarutobi, you will regret it!"

Finally, he rushed out and slammed the door.

Without such a classic link, Ye Ning always felt that something was missing.

The Third Hokage sighed faintly, and suddenly wanted to smoke a pipe.

But the Daimyo was here, so even if he wanted to beat him, he could only hold back:

“In that case, let’s send some more Anbu to investigate carefully. But, I’m afraid the war is really about to start. Everyone, you need to pay more attention.

Get ready!"

One day in the near future, the entire ninja world will break out in the third ninja world war, which is already known to all the clan leaders and the shadows of the major ninja villages.

But the words of the Third Hokage have completely put this matter on the table.

The Ninja World War is already imminent.

The disappearance of the Konoha Jonin team in the Land of Water today is likely to become the fuse for the outbreak of the war.

Once it is confirmed that this Jonin team was surrounded and annihilated by the Hidden Mist Village, Konoha will definitely ask the Hidden Mist Village for an explanation.

And the Hidden Mist Village, which did this, will definitely not bow its head. Under the tough attitude, the war may break out at any time.

After briefly explaining some things, the Third Hokage remembered the Daimyo he had forgotten, and quickly turned his head and asked:

"Dear Daimyo, how about this arrangement? What do you think of the Daimyo?"

"Hmm? ”

The shaky daimyo sitting in the first seat suddenly woke up, yawned twice, and then said softly:

"Finally finished? I almost fell asleep listening to it."

Ye Ning, who was standing by, clearly noticed the pair of dark circles under his cheap father's eyes. He must have worked hard for most of the night last night, right?


Damn daimyo!


I will also succeed the position of daimyo in the future?

That's fine.

The daimyo's actions made the corners of the mouths of everyone present twitch, but since he was the ruler of the Land of Fire, everyone naturally did not dare to complain. They could only pretend to listen attentively and wait for the daimyo's "teachings".

"Third generation, you seem to have lost your former courage. You plan to deal with such a thing as a whole team missing in another country so lightly? I remember that when the first and second generations were in power, no villain dared to offend Konoha like this. "

The Daimyo yawned again, his eyelids half open.

Ye Ning guessed correctly, he had indeed worked hard for a long time last night.

The medicine he got from the Daimyo of Wind Country was really good!

It actually allowed him to show his prowess again, like a god descending from heaven to fight four enemies alone, killing all the enemy troops without leaving a single piece of armor.

Alas, it is easy to feel sleepy after working too long.

The Daimyo stretched his back and said in a somewhat eccentric tone:

"If the Third Hokage has lost his due courage, he should abdicate early and let the young people! Don't always occupy the position of Hokage, don't you think?"

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