Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 1023: persist in

Losing all reason, only the instinctual ten tails are left, and Mizuki doesn't take it seriously.

Without any power controlled by wisdom, no matter how powerful it is, in Shuimu's eyes, it is almost equivalent to natural disasters such as earthquakes and tsunamis.

The hope of being engulfed by the backlash of the ten tails has long fallen into a deep sleep. The ten-tailed beast, which seems to be fierce, actually has a considerable weakness.

The only thing you need to pay attention to is not to let this big guy put the tailed beast jade in all directions.

In the original work, it was the ten-tailed beast jade that hit the headquarters of the Allied Ninja World, causing the heaviest casualties in the Fourth Ninja World War. A large number of outstanding ninjas, including Nara Shikamaru and Yamanaka Kaiichi, were killed in action.

The ten-tailed beast jade and the nine-tailed beast's tail beast jade are not at the same level at all, and there is basically no way to resist.

Losing all the skills of using chakra, and relying on instinct to fight in the form of the pupil beast, he gained unprecedented absolute power and super attack power.

Even Mizuki wouldn't dare to face off against Juwei at this time.

Although the destructive power is amazing, the ten tails who have lost all combat skills and have no corresponding defense capabilities. Only relying on the innate conditions of the body, although they can avoid most of the damage of the five elements of escape, it is difficult for the previous ape. In the form of rock, it has the ability to fight offense and defense.

Seemingly aware of the turn of the battle, a golden fox giant orc stood up, and there were six black runes on his body. It was the most powerful thing that Naruto Uzumaki and Nine Tails, who possessed the power of six paths, could use after they compromised. Strong fairy fox mode.

"I am coming……"

Unwilling to be lonely, the blond boy rushed forward.

Although physical injuries can be recovered by Yang Dun, the Chakra in the body cannot be replenished so easily.

Mizuki felt that the surrounding natural energy was thinning a lot. In addition to the consumption of the two immortal modes of Mizuki and Sakura, the ten tails also absorbed a lot, but the big head should be searched by the Kurama in Naruto.

The tailed beast is a unique elf, and it is indeed the darling of the ninja world. Using natural energy is as simple as eating and drinking.

An arrogant guy like Naruto immediately attracted the attention of the pupil beast, only to see its big mouth covering half of its head open, and with the soul-stirring roar, the rolling air waves spurted, and in a blink of an eye. He overturned Naruto Uzumaki, and the excited young man was poured a basin of cold water on his head.

Fortunately, the attack and defense of the Xianhu mode with the blessing of six powers is far from being defeated by a simple shock wave.

Although Naruto's attack was unsuccessful, it was not completely useless. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Uchiha Sasuke quickly spared the ten tails, with a purple-black lightning sword - Jian Yulei Fudu Yuhun waving , in the cracking sound of "tear", a long tail was cut off by Qigen.

The injured ten tails roared loudly, and the remaining nine tails curled up. Under the impact of the powerful turbulent current, the purple complete body Susanoo was swept aside mercilessly.

When Juwei turned around and was about to pounce on Sasuke Uchiha with his minions, Mizuki's pitch-black Death's Blade in mid-air slashed and cut off a long tail again.

Being hit in a row, the ten-tailed beast was furious and looked fiercely at Shuimu in the air.

During this time, Sasuke and Naruto gathered around again.

"It's so easy to hunt this kind of guy, just like a primitive man with a stone spear can kill a mammoth with a strong body and a terrible tusk, traps and kites can take these people who have no fighting wisdom. Buddy down. 』

However, now is not the time to play, not only to prevent the violent ten-tailed beast from accidentally injuring too many humans, but also to beware of hope that restores the will.

"Sasuke, Naruto, don't be careless... I'll leave for a while, you guys be careful."


Uzumaki Naruto replied in a stern voice, while Uchiha Sasuke nodded calmly.

"Wizard Susanoo!"

The purple complete body Susanoo was covering Naruto Uzumaki in fairy fox mode, and the fox claws wrapped in purple armor greeted the ten-tailed beast.

Seeing this situation, Shui Mu also knew that there would be no danger for the two of them for a while, so he used the Flying Thunder God Technique to leave, and when he appeared again, it was already the central tower of the Rain Country.

As far as I can see, it is a human-shaped fruit tied like a zongzi by the branches of the gods and trees.

"Wake up, the dream is almost over."

Mizuki's forehead swept across the Tensei Eye, and the humanoid fruit trembled slightly. After a while, a figure broke the shackles and walked out slowly.

"It's been a long dream in life, it's really satisfying!"

He has the exact same face as Mizuki, the only difference is a pair of scarlet kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes.

"Fakes are fakes after all, and it is more reliable to work hard to make dreams come true."

Gongzhi, who had just woken up, looked around and sensed the chakra fluctuations in the air.

"The spatial disorder is extremely serious, and the underlying structure of the entire ninja world is very fragile, and it seems that the end is about to end."

It used to be so difficult to maintain a pair of kaleidoscopes, but now, the pressure is much less than before.

"The situation of cooking oil on fire won't last long. The fluctuation of the battle over there is so obvious. Is it the seventh class and the ten tails?"

Mizuki nodded lightly,

"The situation is stable and improving, and the risks are generally controllable..."

"Maybe we're going to be the winner?"

Gongzhi couldn't help but smile,

"The result should be good, and I'm still in the mood to joke."

"There shouldn't be a problem. Next, we will convince those who disagree with our plan..."

"Convince? Well, I think you must put the knife on the other side's neck before reasoning with the other side."

"Don't say it so badly. If you want the two sides to communicate well, you have to let one side shut up first."

"Well, you are the body, you have the final say..."

Gongji shrugged indifferently,

"So, what went wrong?"

Whether it's Shuimu or a few physical clones, I actually felt that there were some omissions, but I couldn't find the problem, so I could only find the answer from some clues.

At the level of Shuimu, the intuition is quite terrifying. Once the heart is moved, it must not be groundless.

Freeing the will of all the physical clones is like releasing a layer of defense net from the main body. When a point "touches a thunder", the entire defense system will feel it.

"It's hope, the source of pollution is the evil god..."

"Cthulhu? The twisted power of humanity... So that's it, it looks like you've solved it?"

"I have confidence in myself!"

Mizuki replied of course,

"Even if you can't resist erosion, you will never make your opponent feel better..."

The ending also seems to confirm Mizuki's judgment.

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