Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 1070: The Incredible Legend of Ninja School (31) Convince (fudge) not to be a leader if you

Mizuki looked at everyone present, and he knew that the ninja teacher who was present was also very concerned about this topic.

"Everyone, relax, this time is just a routine meeting..."

After hesitating for a while, Mizuki continued,

"I didn't intend to discuss this topic originally, but since I mentioned it, I'll talk about my views...

Ebisu, I know that you are bound to win the position of dean, and everyone understands... You asked me in private, but I didn't say it directly. I think you should understand that Iruka is more in my favor. ! "

"it is as expected!"

Ebisu's face darkened.

Although I understand that Mizuki and Iruka have a good personal relationship, Mizuki is not a mediocre person who abandons the public for personal reasons, and Iruka Uno did a good job.

"If you can, can you tell me in detail, what's wrong with me now?"

"Your greatest weakness is your leadership ability..."

Mizuki tapped the table with his fingers, sorted out the language, and said slowly,

"The dean of the ninja school is not only a teacher, but also the direct person in charge of the teaching work of the entire ninja school..."

This position is very important. If Hokage or the principal is the chairman, the dean is the CEO in charge of the main business and daily affairs. Such a key position is far from being a powerful person who can teach students.

"Isn't my talent recognized yet?"

"It seems that if you don't say a few words, you may not be convinced."

Mizuki looked at Ibishi Mori who did not change his face. He was the only one here who had been in charge of a department and understood what Mizuki meant.

"I prefer to separate 'talent' from 'ability'. Ebisu, your strength as a ninja, your experience in teaching students, and your heart to work towards it are all worthy of appreciation, but you are missing something. An important quality of being alone..."

"Is there 'talent' but no 'ability'?"

Ebisu glanced at Iruka on the opposite side, thoughtfully.

"The biggest difference between the ninja school and other departments in the village is that most of the students who are taught are children, and they are not official ninjas.

The biggest problem with management is that the ninja's hierarchy and position management are not so effective for them.

Not only that, the dean is not directly affiliated with other teachers, and it is difficult for you to make them follow your instructions by ordering.

To put it simply, no matter what method is used, as long as it does not violate the principle, let the teachers and students of the ninja school listen to you, this is the most important job of the dean.

Good advice, high prestige, good guidance, meticulous care, and even severe punishments can be used..."

Iruka Uno is patient and thoughtful. Although he lacks prestige, he can make everyone recognize him in his own way.

In contrast, Ebisu is a little worse.

"I see, no wonder I always feel like I'm missing something..."

At this time, Ibizi Mori said to the somewhat disappointed Ebisu,

"Ebisu, neither you nor Iruka have any experience in high positions. It is inevitable that you lack the necessary potential. Iruka is just one step ahead of you..."

Iruka Uno smiled embarrassedly,

"Actually, I don't know what to do. I just follow my own ideas and try to make those little guys graduate smoothly and become excellent ninjas."

"Well, this is a sincere and sincere emotion, and the infectious power it exudes. In contrast, Ebisu, you are too utilitarian, too impatient, and you should understand the truth that haste is not enough..."

"Understood, then... do I still have a chance?"

"Of course there is! The results will be revealed at the end of the year, and there are still trials waiting for the guy who wants to be the dean, none of them can escape."


There has been no movement. There are rumors that there are people entering and leaving the principal's room where ghosts are haunted. It quickly became the latest hot topic at the ninja school, overshadowing the master of Aofang who made the students panic some time ago.

Futaba Tsumugi was in a daze while resting his cheeks in both hands.

"Little Tsumugi, are you still sulking?"

Moonlight Nagi teased Urashima, the baby bear who had grown up again, while the owner of Haifang wet the brush and combed the bear's hair.

"Haifang master, who has been studying for so long, has not made any progress at all. Since that day, Qingfang master has never appeared again. Other students do not believe that we have really encountered Qingfang master."

"Now everyone is concerned about the principal..."

Miyuki exclaimed,

"I don't know what it looks like."

Nagi said eagerly,

"I think the principal must be a well-respected, kind-hearted grandfather..."

"No, it must be a mysterious stranger, wearing a robe, mysterious and unpredictable..."

Futaba Tsumugi said weakly.

"I think it should be a master like the sixth generation."

Makoto Ito put away the manga in his hand.

"Xiaomei, what do you think?"

"I don't know, it would be great if someone like my mother was the principal. Sister Xiaoying is also very gentle, maybe she can be the principal..."

At this moment, the radio hanging in the corner in front of the teacher rang, and after a piercing glass-like noise, there was talk inside.

"Ah... um! You can hear it!!

Dear students and teachers, hello everyone, I am your beloved principal, this is the first time to communicate with you, please give more advice in the future.

My office is in the innermost part of the teacher's office area. If you need help with any questions, you can come to me...

In addition, to talk about a trivial matter, on the afternoon of the third day of next month, each class will invite the students who graduated from the previous years, the current official ninjas to return to school, and have an interactive class, please prepare teachers and students..."

When the voice fell, the broadcast stopped.

The teachers and students who didn't know that the principal had officially "returned" were surprised, especially Futaba Tsumugi, jumping up and pulling Miyuki's arm.

"Is it your father, tell me quickly, is it your father... I already knew that your sneaky, smirking father was definitely not easy..."

Makoto Ito stared blankly at the broadcast, not knowing what to say.

Moonlight Nagi grabbed Miyuki's arm, also looking forward to the answer.

"It should be... not wrong! Probably..."

Although the sound transmitted through the radio waves is somewhat distorted, the recognition of this voice is quite high to those who are familiar with it.

"Then let's go and see if it's really your father... Principal, I've never seen a living principal... No, I've never seen a dead person... I've never seen a dead person!"

The incoherent Futaba Tsumugi took Miyuki and Yueguang Nagi's hands and went out, ready to go to the principal's office for verification.

"No, Tsumugi!"

Miyuki shook his head,

"I'm going to ask my mother first..."

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