Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 1076: The Mysterious Legend of Ninja School (Part 37)

Xue Ji Boundary is a fairly rare talent, and Pupil Class Xue Ji Bound is even rarer.

Generally speaking, the sooner the blood successor limit is opened, the better the aptitude. But there must be a limit early on. Awakening the limit of blood after being too young will not only bring a heavy burden to the body, but also the probability of occurrence of the genetic type of blood disease will be greatly increased. Kaguya Junma Lu and Uchiha Itachi are typical examples.

Another problem that plagues young bloodline boundary owners is the conflict between poor control abilities and powerful bloodline boundary qualifications.

When the boundaries of blood, such as Bing Dun, Melting Dun, and Burning Dun, suddenly erupt, they are particularly easy to hurt people. Taodi Zaibuxian's follower, the kind-hearted Bai family is the victim, and Chongwu, who has an immortal body, is also too talented and lacks control, and finally becomes an irrational murderer.

White eyes are much better, there are basically no above-mentioned defects, and there is no problem of chakra consumption after opening like the writing wheel.

The only thing to worry about is the "Cage Bird" curse mark of the Zong family and the coveting of Baiyan by guys with ulterior motives.

The Hyuga Kaoru family was confused by the sudden white-eyed blood, and suffered a lot, making the young girl quite wary.

"Although I don't know what you are worried about, I still have to thank you, Xiaoxun, for helping a lot."

A team composed of a group of rookies with one or two useful specialties brings many benefits.

Avoiding strong enemies and dangerous situations is one aspect, finding prey and water sources that can be captured, but it is a rather arduous task. If you don’t have a look, you can only have Inuzuka target’s ninja dog, Ibuki, come to investigate.

Although there are still many estrangements, mutual cooperation is the beginning of improving the relationship, and there will be more than a day to get along with each other, which is perfect for running the team.


The box of secret art and good ridicule is a large-scale ninjutsu designed by Shuimu based on the transformation of Tu Dun and Youwei in memory.

This ninjutsu is too demanding on the practitioner, and there are not many ninjas who can perform it in the entire ninja world.

In order to bring out the practical value of this technique, Kakashi, the sixth-generation Hokage Hatake, mobilized a lot of elite soldiers, and after a long study, he decomposed this secret technique into several parts, and let the Anbu elites jointly display it. Most of the functions of this technique have been restored.

Not only the students do not know, but even the teachers of the ninja school, only a few people know about it. Iruka Uno only knows that this time the field exchange class, although the layout of the venue was set by himself, and he even saw it in person, but in general, it is still under the control of Anbu, as for what method to take. And know.

In a small dark room with the doors and windows tightly closed, there were three people, Hatake Kakashi, Mizuki, and Nara Shikamaru.

The open ground below the feet shows the terrain and personnel movements of the entire test site.

"It's done well, the detail image is a little blurry, but it's good enough."

Mizuki commented that the source of this secret technique came from his own hands. Like a mirage, he reproduced the distant scene here in real time.

"The flexibility of manipulating the formation is not as natural as Mr. Shuimu. Chakra consumption is acceptable, but the control module is too redundant, which is a bit uncoordinated."

Hatake Kakashi thinks it's okay,

"It's good to be able to get to this point, and it is no longer necessary to improve the accuracy again."

"As long as you are satisfied, this task is over."

From the results of the current test, there is no problem.

This integrated system of monitoring, instant messaging, emergency assistance, and precision strikes is designed to ease the management pressure brought about by the expanding village.

After all, the number of ninjas is counted, and the number of villagers is increasing rapidly.

The resources of the entire village are limited, and the current garrison department has been operating at full capacity, and there is still a sense of gradually being exhausted.

In order to deal with this situation, the top management of the village has roughly formulated two plans, either to increase the training of ninjas, expand the establishment of the garrison, or use ninjutsu to solve the problem.

The former takes time to complete, the latter is more of a ninja style.

However, Kakashi, the sixth generation of Hatake, and several consultants negotiated for a long time, but could not come up with a feasible plan, and finally had to let Mizuki come up with a solution.

With the ever-expanding scale and the stretched management team, how to maintain this situation? For Mizuki, isn't the answer clear at a glance?

Informatization and intelligence are the only way out.

The current level of science and technology in the ninja world is far from reaching the height of the information age, and we can only find alternatives from the aspect of ninjutsu.

"Skynet, this name is good, Shuimu, your name can finally be normal."

"I'm not happy when you praise me like that. I designed this thing for you anyway, and I have analyzed the pros and cons for you. As for how to assign authority and delineate the scope of the arrangement, I will not interfere."

Hatake Kakashi nodded,

"I know that this is a double-edged sword. If it is used well, it will bring great benefits to the village, but if it is used by guys with ulterior motives, the harm it will cause is also terrible."

Each ninja is used as a "computer array" unit to form functional modules, and then assembled into a huge system, which is completely customized according to the management process required by Hatake Kakashi and Nara Shikamaru.

In the past life of Shuimu, this is a kind of sunrise industry.

The so-called analogy is like this, as long as you know the principle, everything becomes easier.

"Then, let's try it now. Let's make it a little harder for these little guys. Those teachers are too busy. Find something to do for them too."

Saying that, Hatake Kakashi pressed a small dot on the image below with his hand wrapped in chakra, and the information of the command was sent to the big barrier covering the entire forest through the invisible chakra wave, and it started silently. execute.

"No matter how many times you watch it, you will be shocked!"

Nara Shikamaru exclaimed,

"This is a complete set of logical behavior instructions. If it is perfected to a certain extent, it is not much different from the thinking ability of human beings, right?"

"It's still a long way off."

As expected of Nara Shikamaru, he can foresee the future of artificial intelligence, but now the simple "computer" made by this local method is 108,000 miles away from "artificial mental retardation".

"Shukamaru, you should be able to understand what this is. The actual main manipulator is also you. You have to be careful."

"I will."

Nara Shikamaru nodded cautiously.

There are still quite a few flaws, but at least the immediate priorities are alleviated. As for the problems that may be encountered, it is too late to deal with them slowly in the future.

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