Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 1087: The Mysterious Legend of Ninja School (Forty-eighth)

Her parents are elite ninjas with excellent family heritage, and the school's teachers are not vegetarians. Moonlight Nagi, who has such conditions, is unexpectedly untalented in theoretical studies.

However, aside from her talent in swordsmanship, this shy little girl is not without merits, at least for her attainment in painting, even the teacher who teaches art electives is full of praise.

Is it good to have excellent ninja drawing skills?

Once the "root" ninja Sakai was a master of ninjutsu with a brush painting scroll, but before he showed his skills, he died without a trace.

The Hinata family is also very talented in painting. Their flexible hands and the powerful observation ability blessed by white eyes make their aptitude in painting really superior to others. As long as they want to learn, they are much faster than many ninjas.

In addition, many phantom ninjas are also very good at painting, and their super-high mental strength makes phantom ninjas more creative in art.

Moonlight Nagi is a child who likes to draw very much, but apart from the excellent swordsmanship that he has inherited from his family, he is really lacking.

Because of this, on the rare day off, Miyuki invited Yueguang Nagi to come to the house for a study meeting, and Futaba Tsumugi and Ito Makoto also came to help.

But the difficulty level of Yueguang Nagi was beyond the expectations of the three enthusiastic friends. After two hours, Yueguang Nagi was already heartbroken.

"Xiaomei, am I helpless?"

Moonlight Nagi's originally white face was covered with black ink marks. This was to punish her for not studying seriously and drawing a single stroke every time she made a mistake.

"There should be more...probably..."

Futaba Tsumugi picked up the brush, carefully looked at Yueguang Nagi's gaudy face, and said helplessly:

"There's nowhere to draw, what should I do?"

"Stop playing, I think you're just teasing me, can't you really think of something for me?"

"We've tried our best, but there's nothing we can do, Nagi."

Looking at her face stained with ink and the dense formulas written on her exposed arms, I have to sigh that manpower is sometimes exhausted, and not everything can be done with hard work.

"You guys are really bad-hearted. It's time for you to play tricks on me... I've brought you some delicious food, especially you, Tsumugi, return my cake."

Moonlight Nagi looked at the teasing Futaba Tsumugi with a bitter little face, but unfortunately the face was full of ink, only funny and without a trace of majesty.

"Alright, alright, let's think of a way!"

Makoto Ito smirked to smooth things out,

"And Miyuki-san, would you like to say something?"

"This is so troublesome!"

Miyuki frowned slightly.

"I really don't know what Xiao Nagi doesn't understand, it's obviously very simple, you can understand it at a glance..."

"It's not that I don't understand anything, it's that I don't understand everything."

Moonlight Nagi beat the small table full of various reference slips with her fists in frustration,

"Just laugh at me to your heart's content, it looks like I'm going to repeat the class, Mr. Keishi, I'm sorry, I really can't get in!"

"Hey, you're hallucinating again..."

Xiaomeiyuki sighed and encouraged her childhood friend,

"There's nothing Keito-sensei here..."

"It's clearly there, you see..."

"Don't give up on yourself, maybe I can find a way!"

"Really, Xiaomei, thank you, I know it's no wonder you can help me through."

Moonlight Nagi, who was crying with joy, grabbed Xiaomeiyuki's arm and almost wiped the ink on her face onto the other party's body, causing Xiaomeiyuki to put her hand away from the forehead that Yueguang Nagi had approached.

"Calm down, there is still more than a month, and there is plenty of time."

Miyuki said,

"Using ordinary methods, it seems that it will not work, you can only try extraordinary methods."

"What extraordinary means?"

"We are ninjas, we can't make assumptions with common sense, maybe we can use ninjutsu to get Nagi through the difficulties."


My friends are a little suspicious.

"Could it be that you want to cheat with ninjutsu?"


Miyuki smashed Nagi's forehead with a knife,

"What are you thinking, how can you cheat? I'm talking about using ninjutsu to help you learn."

"And such ninjutsu?"

Futaba Tsumugi and Moonlight Nagi were very surprised, and even Makoto Ito was very interested.

"I don't know the specifics. I think there should be such ninjutsu."

"I'll just say it!"

Moonlight Nagi looked astonished,

"No wonder those ninjas are so powerful. It turns out that they are cheating with fast-learning ninjutsu..."

Ignoring Nagi's ramblings, Miyuki continued,

"You guys continue here, I'll find helpers here."

After a while, the ninja Haruno Sakura with short pink hair was found, and looked at the place that seemed to be a learning meeting in confusion, a little boy with a dull smile, a strong little girl, and a dark face that could no longer be seen. The little girl, and Miyuki who held her hand.

"What are you doing?"

"We are helping Xiao Nagi to study. If she doesn't work hard, she will be repeated."

"Is this Nagi? I can't see it."

"Sister Xiaoying, can you really help me improve my learning ability?"

Sakura replied with some embarrassment:

"You suddenly said that, and I don't know... Does the ninja school have a repeat grade now? In the past, only those who failed to pass the graduation would be repeated."

If it weren't for this, it is estimated that Naruto Uzumaki would not be able to graduate as a ninja, and he would not be able to advance to the graduating class after staying in the lower grades for many years.

Of course, this is also one of the few fires that Shui Mu, the new principal of the department, burned when he took office. In times of peace, there are too many students in the ninja school, which makes it more difficult to study and reduce the number of ninjas.

"Think of a way, Sakura-san, I don't want Nagi to be separated from us."

"Got it, don't shake it..."

Such a cute little girl's request, I really can't bear to refuse,

"I can't promise anything, try it first."

He used to be one of the top students in the ninja school, a theoretical genius far beyond his age in theoretical exams, and it should be no problem to teach children who have just entered school.


The female ninja, who could even fight back and forth a few times in a single battle, was defeated.

The difference between a scholar and a scholar may have surpassed the difference between species. Even though Haruno Sakura has explained it clearly and straightforwardly, Futaba Tsumugi is still half-understood and has not touched the key at all.

The female ninja who encountered unprecedented difficulties shook her head embarrassedly:

"It seems that I have to think of other ways, otherwise, this chronic disease is really difficult to solve."

Of course there are methods, and there are more than one, but whether it is suitable for a six- or seven-year-old girl needs to be considered.

Just when Haruno Sakura was still hesitating, the doorbell of Mizuki-sama's house, which was rarely visited by anyone, rang...

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