Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 1107: The Mysterious Legend of Ninja School (Part 68)

Since Mizuki became the headmaster of Ninja School, the students have had a lot more vacations.

Because the abilities of students of different ages and grades vary greatly, various differentiated teaching programs are gradually put on the agenda.

Especially in the senior class graduating class, the ridiculous exams that used to be able to pass the three-body technique and graduate smoothly will no longer appear.

Compared with the trivial level of ninjutsu, Mizuki paid more attention to the improvement of comprehensive ability.

Self-learning ability and motivation are the most important parts.

In general, the exams of the graduating class will not be as perfunctory as they used to be, and all the power of elimination will be handed over to the leading teachers.

The exam will be divided into two parts.

The final exam last year was roughly in accordance with the previous model, except that there was an additional practical exam for survival in the wild.

Those who pass the graduation ceremony a year ago will be eligible for the Jinnin promotion exam at the beginning of next year. Those who fail the graduation exam will be dismissed directly and will not be returned to the ninja school for retraining.

If the student fails the promotion exam, he or she will go back to the Ninja School for re-study or be dismissed depending on the student's wishes, but each student can only get two re-study opportunities, and if he fails three times, he will be removed.

Only after passing the two exams can the list be delivered to Hokage and get the chance to become a Genin.

Making the assessment of graduates so complicated, of course, does not mean that you have nothing to do when you are full.

In the past, there were less than 100 qualified ninjas trained by any school every year, and the number of independently trained Anbu and secret ninjas would not exceed 150.

However, there have been too many school-age children in Konoha Village in recent years. This year, there are nearly 600 students in the graduating grade of the ninja school. According to the previous pass rate of approximately one-third, the number of Shimonin will far exceed the requirements. This is related to the overall control The general guidelines for the number of ninjas do not match.

Therefore, increasing the difficulty of ninja promotion has become an inevitable choice.

The three-day and three-night field survival test is a good opportunity to control the difficulty of the test and not be criticized.

There used to be more than fifty training grounds in Konoha Village. After the Fourth Ninja World War, the number of training grounds more than doubled.

It took fifteen training grounds to meet the needs of a survival test.

With so many people and such a large workload, there are obviously not enough teachers for the assessment. To protect the candidates from accidents, and to accurately observe their performance, we can only think of other ways to make up for it.

In these few days, Shuimu felt that the workload was more than in the past few years, and he was dizzy when he looked at the various candidates' materials.

"I said, can't you do a preliminary screening? Give me all your brains, so what do you want? The standards are ready-made, you are all experienced ninjas, and you still use me to care about everything?"

"But, principal, this is too exaggerated. If this is implemented, many children will lose the opportunity to become ninjas, which is too cruel."

Iruka has been trying to argue on the grounds that if he fails the final exam, he will be permanently eliminated, which will end the ninja dream of many little guys.

Ebisu dragged the spectacle frame with his **** and didn't say anything, but he clearly agreed with Iruka in his attitude.

The moonlight and gust of wind that started, I don't know if it was a recurrence of an old injury or a cold. From time to time, I coughed twice to break the dullness.

"A child who is not suitable to be a ninja, isn't it better to find another way out earlier? Is it your kindness to waste time in a field without talent?"

"Anyway, please think about it again. Those kids came to Ninja School with dreams. We became teachers to achieve them, not to say 'you can't'..."

"With your help, wait until they hit their heads with blood and know that their talents are not enough before they quit sadly?

Have you considered the position of the village? Those students who work hard for their dreams but have limited talents waste not only their own time and sweat, but also the resources of the village, especially the efforts of you teachers..."

Mizuki can't be sure that none of the eliminated children will be able to succeed, but this is completely worth the loss, especially in the foreseeable future, there will be more and more students in the ninja school, and sooner or later they will be overwhelmed.

Mizuki and Kakashi discussed for a long time, and the final decision was to control the speed of the expansion of the ninja school, encourage the establishment of some characteristic schools, divert the children in the village, and reduce the pressure.

However, there was a problem in the first step of execution. The first objection was actually the teacher of the ninja school.

Because it was not a formal meeting, but a business meeting held at the request of everyone, there were many people sitting in the office, and some stood to listen. Do not send.

"Is this your unanimous opinion?"

"It can't be said to be unanimous, we don't mean to force the palace!"

In fact, most teachers do not agree with the too harsh elimination plan, and Ebisu has already said it very euphemistically.

"We may not understand the issues considered by the sixth generation and the principal, but I think that sometimes, there is nothing wrong with sticking to some unrealistic dreams!

I used to be ashamed to want to be a Hokage, but it only made people laugh; later I decided to cultivate a Hokage, and now it seems that the hope is very slim.

But if you choose again, it is unlikely that there will be too many changes, and now it is not bad to be a teacher who is not good enough..."

"If you take it from the top, you will gain from it; if you take it from it, you will gain it from the bottom; if you take it from the bottom, you won't get anything. Even if you don't achieve anything in the future, should you give those children a chance to regret it!"

Mizuki sighed, and tapped the index finger of his right hand on the desk, just like tapping on the hearts of all the teachers present.

"Decisions that have been announced will not be withdrawn. But..."

Everyone was appetized by Mizuki, waiting for further explanation,

"I will discuss with Kakashi, give those losers a conditional opportunity to audit, audit the judgment of repeaters, and delegate it to the dean. I want to remind you that teachers who accept repeaters will be lowered in performance. I Don't lower the bar because of you who saved a few poor students."

"Of course it is."

Iruka nodded in agreement, whoever causes trouble will tell the truth, there is no doubt about this,

"Then, what are the conditions for obtaining the qualification of an auditor?"

"Volunteers and pre-job internships should be regarded as work-study programs. There are shortages of people everywhere in the village, and a few students can still be arranged. The hard work is certain, if you can't accept it, there is no need to waste time."

"That's fine."

It would be unfair to other hard-working kids to keep them in school without giving anything.

The plan was decided, and everyone left contentedly, leaving the secretary, Zhibao, to clean up the somewhat messy office.

"I have a visitor today! What a hassle, wasting so much time, and a little rude! 』

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