Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 463: It's logical

Seeing Xiao Chun's clone push the door and walk out, Shui Mu also understands his situation a little in his heart.

Although he recognized the identity of Konoha Jōnin in his heart, he was willing to regard Konoha Village as his home and hometown. But the inherent sense of alienation in the soul makes him not like other ninjas, the idea of ​​being a family in the same village. As for the so-called Konoha spirit, glory, and will of fire, it's really not easy for Shuimu to accept it in his heart.

In fact, I have already felt this confusion.

Ordinary animals will feel threatened when they see the sharp teeth and claws of fierce beasts. It will subconsciously stay away from floods, fires, lightning, etc. This is an instinct passed down through genes. The situation of Mizuki is similar, the alien soul makes itself repulse and irrelevant people too close contact and contact. Most of the friends who are now in contact with Mizuki are relationships established by coincidence when their strength was low in the past.

"You should really calm down and think about it!"

Slow down the pace of life a little bit, and maybe some unexpected gains may be obtained. It is useless to worry about the future of this world. Maybe you will not see the day of danger until you die, so there is no need to worry about it for the time being.

"Speaking of which, I should learn how to be a competent dad!"

In the season of midsummer, I am about to have a daughter. It seems like a lifetime, that day when I was trembling and didn't know if I would die tomorrow.


Three days later, the aftermath of the Chunin Exam gradually subsided. As the chief of the garrison who maintained the main force of law and order, Mizuki did his best. Although he didn't pay too much attention to those petty people and vicious rumors, Captain Mizuki, who was law enforcement like a mountain, gradually became a celebrity in the streets and alleys.

In the entire Konoha Village, how many people can steal and play tricks under their own perception? If you really want to be serious, it is not impossible to call a few clones out, and it is not impossible to manage the village so that there is no way to pick up things and not close households at night. Of course, Shui Mu still understands the truth that when the water is clear, there are no fish, and when it is time to be a little confused, he will not be unreasonable.

At the gate of the ninja school, next to the small shop that carries the memories of many Konoha ninjas, Mizuki leaned to one side, chewing the dumplings in his hands, and occasionally looked at the gate of the ninja school not far away.

The new ninja school graduates are about to be born, and the corresponding entrance exams are also held at about the same time. At this special time, the normally deserted ninja school has gradually increased the number of people coming and going. Therefore, Mizuki has to come and see from time to time.

After eating the last bunch of balls, Mizuki threw the wooden stick into the trash can in the distance.

"Sunrise, Bu Shui, you have to work hard, I have to leave for a while."

"Understood, Captain. This time, I must ask Mr. Tsunade for a few people. There are too few people in our team, and there are simply not enough people. Look at the team of Hyuga Firemen, they all have a sub-captain!"

"Understood, wait for my good news."

The first Shangnin meeting after the Chunin exams, to determine the list of the promotion of the lower ninja to the Chunin, the work guidance of the ninja school, and the designation of the teacher leading the graduates are all things that need to be discussed. As for this time, there is another troublesome thing, that is, the verification of the operation of the newly established Security Department and the arrangement of personnel deployment.

As the highest combat power of the Shinobi Village, it is logical to participate in the high-level affairs of the village. Even if there is no decision-making power, the right to make suggestions is also available. There are a total of hundreds of jōnin. All of the suggestions from the jounin are worth careful consideration.

The meeting place is in the mission release hall, where there is enough space for so many jounin. Although not everyone will come, most of them will participate, and there are also a lot of special jounin arrangements, so the Naruto office is simply not enough.

By the time Mizuki arrived, people had already arrived. Although Mizuki is not the last one, it is almost the same, and it is very close to the scheduled time.

There are many chairs in the originally empty hall, and it seems that there are still many things to be decided.

After finding a space slightly ahead, Mizuki sat down quietly. Sitting on Mizuki's right hand was a senior Jōnin that Mizuki rarely dealt with - Baiyun Yeshan. . Mizuki has not been promoted to Jōnin for a long time, and because of the task, the two rarely communicated, and naturally they could not talk about friendship.

Sitting on the left is Shiranui Xuanjian, still holding a thousand copies in his mouth, with a light-hearted appearance, which is indeed very stylish.

The two people who knew each other greeted each other, but didn't say much.

After a while, Tsunade walked in with mute.

Without much ado, Tsunade said first:

"During this period of time, everyone has worked hard. The Chunin exam has ended, and the daily work of the village will return to normal. Please don't relax!"

"First of all, four candidates for the Chunin Examination will be selected to advance, Uchiha Sasuke, Hyuga Neji, Oil Girl Shino, and Haruno Sakura!"

The list did not surprise Mizuki, and the promotion of the top four did not cause any criticism. It seems that Hatake Kakashi's contacts are indeed much better than his own, and things have been done so smoothly.

After announcing two things, Tsunade went on to issue orders:

"After careful consideration, the village has decided that Hatake Kakashi will be the deputy head of the security department, and he will take up the post immediately!"

"Deputy Minister of Security?"

Mizuki was taken aback, this appointment was really sudden, and Junin, who had a teaching task, should try to avoid too many other duties, otherwise he might not be able to take care of it.

Now it seems that Hatake Kakashi's plan has caused other problems. The seventh class has actually disintegrated, so Kakashi, the teacher who leads the team, can naturally get away and do other things.

If Kakashi's actions were coveted for the post of Deputy Minister of Security, Mizuki would not believe it. This should be a temporary decision made by Tsunade.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with Mizuki.

Next, some trivial orders began to be conveyed. The issue of the garrison is particularly important, and the replenishment of personnel is the top priority.

Originally, there were four captains under his command: Mizuki, Hyuga Fire Gate, Inuzuka Jaw, and Yamanaka Three Days.

Inuzuka Jaw is the oldest and has outstanding achievements, and his team has a large number of people; Hyuga Iroha is the sub-commander under his subordinates, and Hyuga Firemen is the youngest, but as a prominent figure sent by the Hyuga family to the garrison, his strength is natural Not bad; after three days in the mountains, the promotion to Shangnin is not much earlier than Shuimu, and the qualifications are also very general.

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