Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 535: fireworks

What Tsunade planned, Mizuki didn't want to worry about it for the time being. These can be put aside for the time being, family matters are more important. Although there is still some time before Tsubaki's due date, the child may be born early.

Although I have been away for more than a month, it always feels like a long time has passed. There were so many major events in the middle, and Deidara died so inexplicably. "Xiao" organized the two most artistically pursued guys to die directly or indirectly at his own hands, which is really embarrassing.

Pushing open the door, Shuimu checked it carefully, and there was nothing special. No one was there, and everyone in the family seemed to have gone out.

Looking at the furnishings in the house, there is actually a big gap with my original habits.

Shuimu tends to arrange his residence in an orderly manner, clean and fresh is enough, and usually it is just a place to rest.

Since there was one more person in the family, things started to change gradually.

"It's more like a home with fireworks! 』

Pushing open the closed window, the comfortable space outside came in, dispelling the cold atmosphere in the room.

The weather is good outside, I guess Xiao Chun went out for a walk. It’s actually a good choice to have this kind of leisure time, to put aside all the troubles and enjoy this kind of comfortable life, but it’s a pity that too few ninjas can get a good death, even the leader of Konoha Village, four consecutive On behalf of Naruto, they all died, not to mention ordinary ninjas, and there are countless unknown people who died in the ninja war.

At the beginning, Mizuki wanted to break the cycle of these fates, not because he loved the world so deeply and wanted to save the world like Senshou Hasuma or Uchiha Madara, but just driven by self-preservation. But at this point, I was about to become the top handful of people in the ninja world, and it was difficult for me to hurt myself with minor problems. Only those ninjas of the same level and the crisis in the entire ninja world can make me look sideways. Therefore, the way of dealing with people has to change. He is not burdened by the entire family like Uchiha Fuyue, and there is no Hyuga Hizu who needs to worry about the interests of a large group of people. It's just Tsubaki and her daughter, and I can still protect it myself.

Human needs are constantly rising. The pressure of survival is gradually reduced, and higher requirements for life naturally follow. In order to eliminate longer-term threats, it is necessary to think carefully.

Just when Mizuki was thinking about it, there was movement at the door, and it seemed that Xiao Chun had returned.

Xiao Chun, who entered the door, also realized that there was someone at home, and saw the tidy entrance and the opened window.

"Shui Mu, are you back?"

Mizuki walked out of the back room and saw that in addition to Xiao Chun, there was an unexpected person accompanying him, it was the long purple-haired ninja Uzuki Yuyan.

"I dare to disturb you."

To Mizuki who saved her lover Moonlight Blast, Uzuki Xiyan was very polite.

Mizuki smiled and stepped forward to help Xiao Chun, who was already having some inconvenience in walking.

"sorry to bother you."

After Wuyue Xiyan sent Xiao Chun to her home, she said hello and left without entering the house.

"When did you get to know this person very well?"

"Occasionally when I go to the hospital, I meet her and Yueguang Gale, let's exchange a few words!"

It turned out to be the case. In the past, Moonlight Blaze was treated in the hospital for a long time, and now his physical condition is not very good. Occasionally, he needs to check his body. Of course, Yuyue Xiyan often accompanies him, and it is normal to greet acquaintances.

"The two of them seem to be getting married."

"Is it?"

This is not surprising at all, Shui Mu, the relationship between the two is good, and forming a family is a logical thing. There is nothing inappropriate.


"The second half of the year!"

As soon as the Chunin exam is over, the important things of the year are almost over, and there will be plenty of free time at that time, which is just right.

Mizuki helped Xiao Chun to sit down, then poured a cup of hot water and brought it over.

"What about your avatar, why didn't you accompany you?"

"The flower shop needs manpower to take care of it, the Chunin exam is coming soon, it's when business is good..."

"Thanks a lot!"

Mizuki is a little ashamed about this, and the management of the household has to worry about his wife who is about to give birth. This husband has been a little unqualified recently. It's just that the number of clones cannot be maintained too much. The more the number, the more resources are needed to support it. If you want to take care of all parties, you have to compress the combat power of the expected clones. When you encounter something like this, you almost have to adjust all the clones. When going out to maintain the balance of all parties, it is sometimes difficult to balance at home.

"After this mission, there shouldn't be any troublesome missions in a short time, so I can accompany you at home more!"

"Don't forget your daughter Miyuki!"

"Of course we can't forget this."

Ninjas are born and die outside, isn't it just to protect this hard-won peaceful life!

"and also……"

Xiao Chun's conversation suddenly changed,

"Did you get seriously injured on this mission?"

Mizuki was shocked,

"Nothing, don't you think I'm fine?"

"Then where did you put the gloves I gave you?"

It turned out that it was exposed here, and Mizuki smiled awkwardly. Originally, it was too weird to wear a glove on one hand, so I took off the glove on my left hand, but I didn't expect Xiao Chun to find it.

An intact left glove and a piece of scrap iron were placed in front of Tsubaki.

"Stretch out your right hand for me to see!"

Mizuki did as he was told.

"It's been a long time, you don't have to worry!"

Xiao Chun touched the newborn's arm. The skin that just grew in a short period of time was quite different from the original color, and it couldn't be concealed in a few days.

"The gloves were made by me. I can melt them into this shape, and I know it! Are there no injuries elsewhere?"


Xiao Chun looked at Mizuki in detail, and it seemed that there was no problem.

"Be careful in the future!"

Although Mizuki doesn't fully understand how strong Mizuki is, as far as he knows, he is definitely much stronger than the ordinary new Jinnin. Difficult tasks are evident. The one who can hurt Mizuki to this extent is definitely not an ordinary enemy.

"Don't worry! I still have to watch Xiaomeiyuki become Hokage, how could something happen?"

Even so, Shui Mu himself knows that there will be many more adventures in the future, and the enemy will become stronger and stronger, so he really needs to be more cautious.

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