Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 538: favor

If you think about it this way, Orochimaru seems to be doing a good job. Treat the individual you are interested in as a kite, and the curse mark is like a thread that is pulled in your hand. As long as the thread is not torn off, even if there is a problem, it will be recovered. Method. With the subtle influence of the spell seal and the technique of Yaki, it is difficult to make mistakes.

Orochimaru used the technique of Yaqi to condense his obsession, and Mizuki certainly couldn't copy it completely, but made adaptive adjustments based on his existing foundation.

"There are still less than two years, and some things have to be prepared as soon as possible! 』

After getting the technique of Yaqi, the biggest impression for Mizuki is not how powerful this technique is, the Orochi incarnation like Orochimaru can fight against the tailed beast; it is not the genius idea of ​​the soul in this technique, but more. The essence of the deep analysis of spiritual will.

Different people have different methods, such as Jiraiya and Naruto Uzumaki, and they may unconsciously imply some methods that are extremely simple but effective.

In the past, Mizuki's thought that there was anything to rely on, or some method to use to stabilize his inner spirit and resist external invasion was too naive. Those who are truly wise will not see such crooked ways. Even Orochimaru's Yaqi Orochi is the most authentic expression of his heart.

There are bandit gentlemen, such as cutting, such as learning, such as cutting, such as grinding. This is the analysis of human nature by the ancients. Self-cultivation is like processing bone tools, and it needs to be learned after cutting; it is like processing jade tools, which requires grinding. The so-called jade can not be made into a tool, an iron pestle can be ground into a needle, and a hundred refining into steel, all of which are sublimated through the refining of materials. Many slang terms are the embodiment of this idea.

This kind of mind training, some people are born with talent in this area, such as Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Jiraiya, etc.; some can rely on wisdom to make up for it and gain insight into the nature, such as Orochimaru; Nagato and Uchiha Belt This kind of soil, unfortunately, is a loser who was completely knocked down in the process of learning and pondering. As for Shuimu himself, he was like a little sapling that had not weathered the wind and rain. He never thought about enduring too much exercise, and only wanted to get himself a glass cover to protect himself. If it goes on like this, it will never grow into a towering tree that can stand up to the sky and shelter others from wind and rain.

"Therefore, the art of Yaki is very important, but the more important thing is the self-sublimation that cannot be faked by the hands of others. No wonder the world favors hot-blooded idiots and paranoiacs, they are the trendsetters in this ninja world! 』

In a world where spiritual power is manifested by Chakra, as long as these guys don't fall down halfway, sooner or later, they will walk ahead of everyone!

"Mizuki, what are you laughing at?"

Seeing Mizuki talking and then starting to get distracted and giggling for unknown reasons, Xiao Chun couldn't help but push Mizuki.

"Uh, I'm thinking about what I want to teach Xiao Meiyue in the future, and how can I make her become Hokage more smoothly!"

"You're thinking too far!"

Xiao Chun pursed his lips and said with a subtle smile,

"I do hope that Xiao Meiyu can grow up happily and not go through the pain of war like us."

Well, this is also the most urgent wish of the people in the ninja world who have suffered from war. At most, a war has swept the ninja world in more than ten years, and the small conflicts have never stopped. This reality makes people From the bottom of my heart, I hope someone can put an end to this.

But then again, ninja is a profession that sells force in exchange for rewards. If the ninja world is really harmonious, ninjas are probably going to drink the northwest wind.

"Isn't today the first day of the Chunin exam, are you not going to perform the mission?"

Although the scale is far less than the previous few times, it is a rare event in a year, and an obvious department like the Security Department will definitely not be idle.

"Also let the young people have more opportunities to exercise. It's also for their sake to put more burdens on them. This Chunin exam is all about newcomers taking the lead, and I can be regarded as responding to Tsunade-sama's call!"

Not long after the first exam, what can happen? Only a few seniors can bring it with them. How can there be so many bad guys waiting all day long to attack a bunch of children?

"I think you're just being lazy!"

Tsubaki complained a little resentfully.

"Okay, I will work hard tomorrow and be worthy of the salary paid by Tsunade-sama!"

It's rare to accompany Xiao Chun to the hospital for a routine check-up. How can I have time to manage children's fights and drunken troubles! Even S-rank rebels don't wait all day for Shuimu to chop off people's heads. Take a look and think more these days, and it will be very beneficial for you to recover your spirits.

Today is only the first and second tests. The village is still operating normally. There are not many people in the hospital. There are still relatively few people in the hospital like Mizuki and Xiaochun. After all, there has been no ninja big in the village recently. In the event of large-scale injuries, the second Chunin exam will take up part of the medical staff in the near future, making the place a little empty.

While Mizuki was waiting for Xiao Chun, someone knocked on the door of the ward.

"Master Tsunade, why are you here?"

"Excuse me, Mizuki, there are some things, come with me!"

Mizuki nodded, then gestured to Tsubaki, and followed Tsunade to the most famous plot location in Konoha Village - the top floor of the hospital.

Tsunade looked at the street not far away, and seemed to have some inexplicable emotion.

"I don't know if you are busy, what do you want to see me for?"

Soon, Tsunade will need to go to the Chunin Exam to announce the result after the second round of the exam.

"Well, you look good, your injury is almost better, right?"

"Thanks to you, I've been relatively free recently."

With the technique of Eight Qi as a reference, the speed of mental recovery is not bad, even better than before, but the deviation in the fine control of Chakra, it takes time to adjust slowly, and because of the small changes in the soul, it is not natural. The perception of energy has also plummeted, and it will take time to fully recover.

"That's good!"

Tsunade nodded, then continued,

"Iwayin Village has come, actively seeking cooperation, intending to exchange information with us, and even achieve a certain degree of intelligence sharing."

Mizuki did not interrupt, waiting for Tsunade to continue.

"Didara is dead, and Oh Yemu's hope of trying to understand the inside of the "Xiao" organization has failed, so it is normal to find us, but one thing, they tried to exchange some of our secrets with the information of Samsara, I can't judge the other party's chips value…"

"Reincarnation eye information?"

Shui Mu said disapprovingly, "Don't worry too much, they don't have much valuable information..."

No one in the ninja world knows more than himself, so don't go far!

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