Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 544: empirical analogy

Mizuki doesn't really like this earth escape enchantment, but seriously, if you join the immortal chakra, the ninjutsu of the dungeon hall as a trapped enemy is still very good, but it is a pity that Mizuki already has it. Better enchantment. And the enemies that Mizuki will face in the future, even if they join the dungeon hall Wu of the immortal chakra, it is basically impossible for them to have much effect on them.

However, this ninjutsu still has a lot of value for Sakura. Without the super-powerful ninja attacking weak points like Akimichi Choji, or the strong breakthrough of thunder ninjutsu, it is still difficult for ninjas to break the barrier.

Of course, Mizuki paid more attention to the practice of this technique. Even if the earth escape enchantment is used well, it cannot become a strong person, but it is not bad to use it as a transition.

Mizuki did not explain Sakura's doubts, but observed her hands practicing chakra control.

"That's it for today!"

Ninjutsu practice cannot be accomplished in one fell swoop, and you must also consider the limit of your body.

"The control practice of that red chakra is suspended for two days, first practice illusion!"

Learning the tailed beast chakra control is just to verify the idea and enhance Sakura's combat power, there is no need to worry too much.

"Pause again?"

Every once in a while, Mizuki would have a similar request, stopping when Sakura felt that her hands were numb and tingling, and then turned to the study of illusion and sealing.

"I always feel that these practices are very difficult, master, how to perform ninjutsu with such an uncontrollable Chakra?"

The tailed beast Chakra is not only difficult to control, but also very dangerous. This kind of troublesome thing is generally avoided by ninjas.

"When one day you can understand the properties of this chakra, it should be fine."

Although there are various types of ninjutsu, to put it bluntly, in addition to mobilizing one's own power, the idea of ​​using refined chakra as a lever and leveraging external power for one's own use is universal. This external power of course also includes natural energy.

Due to the issue of qualifications, Sakura cannot use natural energy. Except for a few talented geniuses in the ninja world, most of the human beings are like this. This is an objective fact, even Mizuki has no good way. to improve.

But with the tailed beast Chakra, it may be possible to use natural energy.

The will of ordinary human beings is of little value, but through the aggregation of the divine tree, there is an unparalleled power.

If the dangerous natural energy is regarded as a dangerous river with rapid currents, the other side is the powerful immortal model. If humans want to reach the other side, most of them cannot safely cross the river with their weak bodies. Their own aptitudes are like small ones. The sampan is unable to carry the dreams of human beings.

But the tailed beast Chakra is like a small pontoon bridge that connects small sampans, allowing a stronger person who walks more stably to reach the other side along the wobbly pontoon bridge. This pontoon bridge is extremely dangerous, but it shouldn't be a problem for a brave and strong person to cross it safely after a period of practice.

This is the ideal method for using tailed beasts in the Six Paths Immortal Plan in Mizuki's conjecture. The peaceful coexistence of humans and tailed beasts should be the best outcome.

By bringing together the aptitudes of all human beings, capable people can invoke this authority to practice and continuously improve themselves, grow themselves, and finally reach the level of completely independent and autonomous use of natural energies.

However, there are also many unknown risks, and Shuimu has not figured out the key point of realization. However, it is necessary to better control the tailed beast chakra, and even the tailed beast chakra cannot be used, let alone the purer and dangerous natural energy.

The way of the tailed beast, which accumulates the strength of everyone and one body, reminds Mizuki of a concept in his memory.

"The "Imagination Master" is really the same idea, and the smart people among the disadvantaged groups have similar ways of bypassing the shackles of aptitude. 』

One is a network constructed through the unconscious stance of the capable people. Through the addition of multiple brains, the unqualified incompetents can use the shared computing power to realize the method of improving the ability level.

One is the collective will of the human spirit. In comparison, there are still many similarities.

For similar things, the methods and results used are naturally not too different, depending on how their side effects are avoided.

There are so many secrets hidden in the magical creature of the tailed beast, and Mizuki can't figure out how to use the tailed beast chakra exactly and correctly. Because of the difference in soul, it is not easy for me to try. Generally, ninjas do not have the ability to try, so my disciple Sakura sees if he can find a way. Sitting on a treasure trove and not being able to get in is really uncomfortable.

It's no wonder that Shuimu is cranky, the extraordinary mythic power is by his side, and it is inevitable to compare the myths and legends in the memory of previous lives. Empiricism is sometimes the most useful, especially when time is not very abundant.

"How does it feel to be an intern in the secret code department?"

The official name of the code department should be the code class, and the interrogation department led by Sennei Ibishi is also subordinate to the torture department. Although the powers and responsibilities may not be so clear, it is a secret department that provides information and consultation to Hokage.

Sakura replied: "Very good, Mr. Yuhika takes good care of me, I feel pretty good."

"You don't stay long there, and it's not for you to sit in the office all the time."


Medical ninjas who are proficient in various combat skills are extremely rare. A ninja who is so comprehensive, even a chunin, is no less valuable than a senior junin who only knows how to fight.

Sakura hesitated for a while, but finally confessed: "Mr. Yuhika seems to be very interested in the illusion that the master gave me - Play Sleeping Homeland. Is there anything wrong with it?"

"Do not worry!"

Mizuki waved his hand and replied,

"Be careful when using it on your own people, by the way, especially be careful not to use it on Naruto!"

Ghosts know what will happen to the messy chakras and wills in Naruto who fell into the drama Sleeping Township? It would be troublesome if he broke his "gold finger".

"Stop talking about this. Regarding your future whereabouts, I will advise Tsunade-sama. Shino, I will let him temporarily stay in the Ministry of Education as an intern. As for you, go to the medical emergency class and the corpse disposal class for a while, depending on the situation. Re-plan the situation!"

Before Xiao Sakura's practice reaches a certain level, she still needs to take care of herself for the time being. After a while, she no longer needs to arrange everything herself.

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