Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 562: Beginners

Now that there are some conjectures, it is a matter of course to start experimenting quickly.

After the spiral pill is formed, adding the four-tailed chakra is indeed much more stable than incorporating the fire attribute chakra.

Unfortunately, what Shuimu needs is not a means of using the tailed beast chakra stably in an ordinary state, but to crack the fusion.

Next, Mizuki turned on the fairy mode, and after using the spiral pill and adding the four-tailed chakra, there was finally a gratifying change.

"Is this the melting escape?"

The extremely fast-rotating lava ball was held by Mizuki in the palm of his hand. For the first time, Mizuki was overjoyed.

Although this step is still achieved by stimulating the four-tailed chakra, it is still one step away from integrating the two chakra properties of fire and earth to form a fusion, but at least it can be used. Practice makes perfect. Understand, experience it a few times, and naturally understand the key.

"It can be used, but it is not very good, and we need to continue to practice."

The method is not yet mature, but it is a big improvement to be able to use the fusion escape with the help of the tailed beast Chakra. At least when using the immortal method - Qianzheng Ling, the main body can directly join the battle, and there is no need to wait slowly.

However, this is still far from the requirements of Shuimu. Rong Dun itself is not an immortal technique. If you have to use the immortal mode every time you use Rong Dun, the pressure will be too great.

Only the fusion of Fire Dun and Earth Dun can be considered successful. In this way, the physical clone can also use the chakra mode of melting and escape.

"Fortunately, this is a welcome change. At least it is much stronger than aimless exploration. There is a template for reference, and it will be a matter of time for complete habituation."

Taking advantage of the powerful strength bonus of the immortal mode, controlling the four-tailed chakra to use the fusion escape is only a temporary stopgap measure.

"Since there is progress today, let's stop here, and finally try a little gadget!"

Some ninjutsu, when there is a reference method, it is really easy to practice, just like Mizuki practicing spiral pills and wind attribute chakra when the properties change, the speed is amazing.

"Although I haven't practiced the spiral shuriken, it's okay to give it a try."

Mizuki's main body maintains the Immortal Melting Escape - Spiral Pill, with two clones in front, one left and one right, one assists in maintaining the change in Chakra's form, and the other adds wind attribute Chakra's property change.

The hot lava ball began to spin continuously, and the edge of the lava blade protruded, cutting everything around it like a knife wheel.

"It doesn't look difficult, and it's easy to implement... Hey, no, let's go..."

The originally stable Rongdun - the spiral shuriken suddenly became uneasy and vibrated, the shocked Mizuki body and clone quickly disappeared, and the out of control Rongdun - the spiral shuriken rapidly expanded and became larger, and then suddenly burst open, countless winds. The blade rolled around the lava flow, and everything within dozens of meters was destroyed. The slightly fragile things were directly vaporized and sublimated, leaving behind crystalized fragments.

When the storm caused by the out-of-control explosion of ninjutsu dissipated, Mizuki, who had returned to the place again, looked helplessly on the ground.

"Fortunately, I didn't practice at the training ground in the village, otherwise I would have to accompany a lot of money."

The entity clone stepped forward and kicked the rattling crystalline ground that had been stepped on.

"Uzumaki Naruto can combine various powers to exert the greatest power. His own strength is one aspect, and more importantly, the tailed beast Chakra did not cause him any trouble."

Shuimu himself does not have such convenience. If he is not careful, this overbearing chakra will destroy the original balance and stability.

"Forget it, I didn't want to develop in this area in the past. I'd better study the fusion and make good use of the fusion chakra mode."

Mizuki's use of the immortal method-melting the spiral pill is no problem, even if it is Fengdun-spiral shuriken, the problem should not be a big problem, but if you want to combine the two like Naruto Naruto, you can't be able to do it overnight. It worked.

The first use can be successful, that is the child of destiny who is favored by the world, Shui Mu is just a villain who collapses, and has not been favored by the world.

A powerful ninjutsu such as the Rongdun - Spiral Shuriken, not to mention easy to use, even difficult to practice.

In an accident like the one just now, if Mizuki didn't have the technique of Flying Thunder God to escape quickly, even if he didn't die, he would be seriously injured, and the general ninja would have died long ago. If you insist on using it forcibly, you will accidentally launch a cannonball battle like before.


Tsunade, who has been Hokage of the Fifth Generation for almost a year and a half, has been working on bridging the relationship between all parties. Although it occasionally seems a little too weak, it is also a trade-off choice made after consideration by the superior.

Some time ago, when Fa Yi of Sandyin Village heard the news of his death, Tsunade was shocked, and before he had time to react, news came that the lurkers who went deep inside Sandyin Village had died violently. This made Tsunade very angry, and he had a big fight with Danzo, and the two advisors didn't say a word about the matter, which was really chilling.

Some of the power that Tsunade had originally taken over was greatly frustrated soon after, which was really infuriating. After expelling Danzo's forces again and monitoring his movements, Tsunade resolutely transferred Nara Shikahisa, Yamanaka Kaiichi, and the influential Hinata Hizu into the administrative department, thereby reducing the power of the two elders.

At the same time, Kakashi Hatake took over the post of the head of the security department; an assistant to the minister was added to take on the role of Shikamaru, who was a fledgling but excellent performer; Mizuki was promoted to the deputy head of the security department, and the captain of the first team was still Mizuki is temporarily taking the post, but the specific daily affairs have been handled by Tekuno, a young man who has become a special jounin soon.

Although there have been a lot of annoying things lately, there is good news that makes Tsunade happy.

Xiang Rin, who has high expectations, is indeed outstanding in medical ninjutsu. The women of the whirlpool family have always been good at chakra control. What is especially rare is that the foundation of Xiang Rin's sealing technique is quite good. Under the guidance of , it has reached a very high level, and the powerful sealing technique of its blood - the diamond blockade, is another great weapon to suppress the tailed beast.

Not only that, but Xiang Rin gradually began to awaken and reveal the super-perceptive power of Kagura's mind, the accuracy of the detection and the wide range that surprised Tsunade.

"Maybe it's time to move on to the next step of teaching. It takes a very long time to store chakra in the Yin seal, and there are other secret techniques. If it's too late, it may not catch up with the chaos that will come soon. 』

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