Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 564: blend

Moonlight Blast and Maoyue Xiyan are not as tossing as Shuimu, and the wedding is naturally not lively enough. Although it is a little dull, it is warm enough.

For ninjas, this is enough. There are too many uncertainties in the future, and ninjas who often need to face killing do not expect too much.

After witnessing the wedding of Yueguang Blast and Uyue Xiyan, Mizuki could be considered a heartbreaker. Mizuki's first attempt to change the established trajectory of his destiny on his own initiative, trying to leave evidence of existence, finally came to a successful conclusion.

Times have changed, and now Shuimu doesn't care much about it. The most profound trace left in this world is undoubtedly Xiao Meiyuki, who is sleeping peacefully in Mizuki's arms. There is nothing more convincing than her birth.

"Shui Mu, I'll come back after Xiao Meiyuki is weaned. I've been away from working as a ninja for too long, and I feel a little nostalgic!"

On the way home, Xiao Chun suddenly spoke to Mizuki.

"it is good!"

Mizuki agreed without hesitation.

"I thought you would persuade me not to go back!"

"how come?"

Nagging is nagging. Xiao Tsubaki's wishes should still be respected. Every ninja from a civilian background has been educated since childhood on how to live as a ninja. Being born and dying for Konoha is an instinct that penetrates deeply into the body. The most successful thing that the three generations have done is undoubtedly to make the Konoha spirit deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

"Are you going to go back to the sealing class or somewhere else?"

"Listen to Tsunade-sama's arrangement!"

"Is it?"

Shui Mu smiled slightly. After all, he was also the deputy director of the garrison department. Although he had just taken office not long ago, he was considered a rare senior cadre in the village. It should not be a problem to arrange a little thing.

The seal class and the enchantment class at this time are not the elite troops responsible for sealing the reincarnation of the dirty earth during the Fourth Ninja World War, but a small team of only a dozen people. The daily affairs are only dealing with documents and the enchantment and seal in the village. maintenance. The really important things were already arranged by an elite like Mizuki.

At present, the sealing class and the enchantment class are the same as the secret code department. They are mainly responsible for data maintenance and intelligence work. Together with the torture department, they are under the jurisdiction of the torture department.

It doesn't make much sense to go to the sealing class now. Although Xiao Chun is good at sealing, other aspects are not bad. Senior Chunin has no obvious shortcomings. According to Xiao Tsubaki's idea, it is obvious that he wants to go to a department that does practical work, instead of sitting in the office and wasting time with some interns and ninjas who have retired. .

"I'm going to talk to Tsunade-sama to transfer you to the Security Department. Things here are generally not urgent. You can always go back and see if there is something wrong with the family."

"OK then!"

It's also good to go to the police department to get in touch with various people in the village.

"Is it just easy to do?"

"Don't worry, most of the guards are male ninjas. During daily patrols, there are often cases involving women. It is sometimes inconvenient to have no female ninjas. Recently, the guards are seeking to change this situation!"

Inuzukaya's sister, Inuzuka Hana, is a good veterinarian and ninja dog trainer. She is being recommended to enter the garrison. She was planning to arrange the first team that needs to be replenished. The specific affairs Kakashi and Tekuno are investigating. , Mizuki didn't get involved.

All in all, it is the general trend that each team is equipped with a certain number of female ninjas.


The seventh clone retained by Mizuki was not implanted with super cells, so it did not have a long lifespan.

The trouble with other entity clones and the main body transplanting white eyes is that the body cells are too strong and the erosive ability is too strong; the seventh clone is just the opposite, the body is too weak, the cell vitality is slightly insufficient, and it cannot withstand the pressure caused by the white eyes.

Therefore, proper reinforcement is necessary. A year ago, it was difficult for Shuimu to improve the dilemma of lack of vitality, but now it is much easier. Although it is impossible to recover as before, it is still possible to make a little compensation.

I have obtained many mature technologies from Tianzhi. The ability to properly transplant and temporarily borrow white cells is not a problem, but it may not work for a long time, and it will not be able to suppress the changes in the body like Shimura Danzo.

"So many chakras have been injected into the body, and with the assistance of the breath-holding technique, it is enough to suppress a little bit of white cell erosion."

Seeing that the large piece of strange skin on the right arm, which was completely different from the other skin color, showed no signs of continuing to expand, Mizuki felt relieved for the time being.

"If there is an accident, just cut off the arm and build a new one."

Now is not the time to have all kinds of high-level theories and practical operations in the past. God knows that this guy can create such a thing as water devil. He does have two brushes. The accumulation of many techniques is not necessarily much worse than that of Orochimaru and Yaoshidou. Now these good things are all cheaper than Shuimu.

"Don't worry about transplanting white eyes, first of all, you must stabilize your mind. Then, how are you going to control this clone?"

The physical clones looked at the body of Shuimu with some curiosity, and Baiyan would definitely not be transplanted like this casually, otherwise it would be a big loss if there was a problem.

The main body of Mizuki smiled flatly, and then applied a spell to the clone.

"Curse Seal? What's the use of this... No, your eight-kid technique is complete?"

"No, I don't need to be so troublesome at all, I just need to create a seed prototype that represents my uniqueness, and then slowly fill it with the defined self-knowledge. Of course, it's just limited to my own body."

What is the use of the giant snake that can compete with the tailed beast to Mizuki? That is the manifestation of Orochimaru's mind, which is not very compatible with Mizuki. What Mizuki needs to cultivate is his own obsession.

At present, Shuimu's best known spiritual carrier, the immortal chakra, when it contains the spiritual core of his own obsession, is not much different from Orochimaru's Heavenly Curse Seal.

But strictly speaking, there are some differences...

"Since it's not Orochi, what is the core of our will?"

Shuimu's body did not answer directly, his hands formed a seal, and a chakra-transformed butterfly came gracefully and submerged into the clone. In a short while, the curse began to spread, and it spread to the whole body in a blink of an eye!

"Illusion - Playing Sleeping Homeland? It wasn't originally planned!"

The best choice is the combination of the curse of the sky and the reincarnation of the dead. It is a similar plan when stripping the original water and wood remnants to give a new life.

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