Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 569: Looking for nothing

In this season, the country of fire is already snowing heavily, and although the country further south is also relatively cold, the snowy days may be rare for several years.

The cold wind invaded, causing Sasuke to tighten his neckline.

It's been a while since he came to this country, and the rumored mission target has still not been discovered.

This is not a big place. Sasuke has checked it back and forth several times. Except for some uninhabited ruins and baseless rumors, he has never seen any creatures related to monsters or murderers.

If it goes on like this, it is very likely that the assessment task that was finally won this time will fail. As for promotion, it is naturally impossible.

The original application for promotion to Jōnin was controversial. If the mission fails, it is estimated that there will not be such a good opportunity for a long time.

Sasuke will not miss every challenge to prove his strength and courage, especially when he thinks that Uchiha Itachi has surpassed him in the same period, the sense of urgency in his heart is even more overwhelming.

On the road that the man once walked, if he could not surpass him, how could he possibly kill this man to take revenge?

"Murderer? Don't say you can't beat him now, you can't even see a shadow, what should I do?"

How can we properly complete the task? At least get a good review, this is the most basic bottom line. Otherwise, those who want to push him up will not even be able to say good things.

Sasuke, who had returned without success again, had no choice but to return to the small town where he was temporarily resting. He used the transformation technique to conceal his true identity. It was too easy to deceive these civilians who had never seen the world.

Although there was no progress in the mission, after the investigation of the past few days, Sasuke has also gained something, and he did not find that it was a very conspicuous anomaly.

You must know that the killing incident that alarmed a country will not be based on false rumors, and the possibility of it being groundless is very small. Since he can come up with real money to issue high-level tasks to Konoha, it must not be a joke.

But the strange thing is that, even if I can escape my own inspection, I can't find any clues. It is obvious that someone is helping to cover up the traces, so that means...

"It's not a simple and irrational killing. At least one or a group of elite ninjas must be helping to cover up the truth."

The enemy's purpose is completely unpredictable, but the originally expected tasks such as clearing monsters or exterminating robbers are definitely impossible.

"A powerful ninja? It's a good opportunity to test your strength!"

It would be great to have the head of an enemy with sufficient weight as a sacrifice for his promotion to Jōnin.

After thinking for a long time, Sasuke took out a pen and paper, recorded the latest progress of the mission, and brought it back to the village with Anbu's unique messenger bird.

Although he is very confident in his own strength, Sasuke is not arrogant to the point of stupidity. To do such a dangerous and strange task alone, one must maintain the necessary contact with the village. Even if there is an accident in the end, one can expect the rescue of the village. feelings and gains.

As night gradually fell, Sasuke opened the window of the room and looked at the popular street outside the window.


Sasuke, who was a little distracted at first, accidentally saw some incongruity,

"It's getting dark, it stands to reason that the birds should be returning to their nests, why are there still some going back and forth?"

As far as the eye can see, several crows and birds that are obviously not nocturnal animals such as night owls are wandering in this small town.

"Could it be that……"

Sasuke closed the window alertly, and after calming down, he secretly opened a slit, opened the writing wheel, and carefully observed these suspicious birds.

"Sure enough, there is a problem, did you follow me here?"

Birds have limited IQ, and if they are not specially bred ninja beasts, they are not sensitive to differences in human appearance.

Although it was a little disturbing to be targeted at the sight of the enemy who might have entered, but at least it was certain that the enemy did exist, and it was not a simple thing.

For ninjas, the most terrifying thing is not a strong enemy, but the unknown. As long as there is speculation, even the strongest ninja can arrange tactical responses after obtaining sufficient information, and everything has room for manipulation.

"Mr. Shuimu is indeed right, being erudite is not a disadvantage. If you learn a little more knowledge that seems useless, maybe it will come in handy!"

Sasuke, who had finally relieved his grievance for a few days, simply turned off the lights in the room, put down all his thoughts and started to replenish his physical strength.


Shigego can't remember how long it has been since he left that self-imposed cage.

Except when the curse mark broke out and turned into a murderer, he stayed in the dark underground cave all the time, and the sword-wielding boy who was still with him had already left.

No matter how good temper, facing a person who ignores him, he will not have the patience to follow him all the time, not to mention that he has the possibility of losing control and killing the other party.

Looking at the fearful look in the eyes of the boy who claimed to be a ghost, Shuiyue, Shigego knew that the other party was not the same as me, and he would never be able to become the one who clamped the out-of-control self like the long-dead Kaguya-kun Maro. put the yoke. Therefore, I have no interest in this guy with a malicious smile, and I don't want to pay attention to him.

Chonggo has always remembered that day, when a sudden big explosion knocked the original base upside down, and Chonggo, who was shaking in his heart, couldn't control the desire to kill.

The last impression that came into view was a strange black-bottomed red cloud royal robe. After that, Chonggo rushed up without hesitation, and it was completely unclear what happened next. When he woke up again, the evil ghost lamp Shuiyue was already by his side.

It seemed that the young man was chattering a lot in his ear, but he didn't pay much attention to it and couldn't remember exactly what he said. He just followed his survival instinct and came all the way from the sea to this place.

Until not long ago, Shuiyue was still with herself, and finally she couldn't bear to leave alone.

He was just using his talent for communicating with small animals in nature to probe the outside and try to stay away from people as much as possible. As for where to go in the future, he was determined to find Orochimaru, who had promised him, but he couldn't find the direction at all.

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