Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 573: One more fight

The water escape ninjutsu that integrates offense and defense is very rare. Like the water escape used by the dried persimmon ghost shark - the water prison shark dance, the extremely terrifying chakra consumption will raise the threshold of the powerful water escape to a very high level.

The bird hat is a defensive water escape specially developed by the ghost lamp water moon and the hydration secret technique.

Although it is mainly defensive, it also has a good offensive ability.

The principle of this technique is to attach extremely thick water to the outside of the body of hydration.

Gui Deng Shuiyue used the bird hat to resist the eight-tailed beast cannon at almost zero distance and survived. It is conceivable that this technique is really not a vain name.

The defensive capability is extremely powerful, and its added value is not insignificant.

The layer of water on the surface of the hydration technique is created by the ninjutsu of the ghost lamp Shuiyue, and it will naturally be controlled by the caster.

Even the trash like Haifang Master knows how to change his form and wrap Naruto Uzumaki to "smother him". Wouldn't the ninja, who is quite talented in fighting, know about Guideng Shuiyue?

The ghost lamp Suizuki, who incarnates the super-large water monster, confines Sasuke Uchiha in his body. No matter how powerful the Chidori-ryu is, the ghost lamp Suizuki fights against the injured body and blocks Sasuke like a water prison.

Not only that, the power of the giant water monster is also quite strong, and it is barely enough to wrestle with the tailed beast in a short period of time and be a surrogate ghost behind the palace. It means nothing to a ninja of Mizuki's level, but it is extremely difficult for Sasuke.

Just like that, Sasuke desperately used the thunderbolt to break through the water dungeon, but in the blink of an eye, he was tightly grasped by the big hand of the water monster, and then engulfed again.

"Although I can't last long, you look even worse!"

The chidori flow is continuously transmitted to the body of the ghost lamp Shuiyue through water. Until now, the hydration secret technique has not collapsed. The bird hat has a buffering effect, and the most important thing is that the ghost lamp and the water moon have sufficient chakra.

The situation is very unfavorable for Sasuke. Originally, he had no physical advantage. He fought against Chonggo for a long time before. Now he has to fight against two, the ghost lamp Shuiyue, who is almost completely damaged, plus another Chongo who can be temporarily and infinitely resurrected, no matter how you look at it. There will be no chance of victory.


"Ninjas cannot be measured by common sense, and turning the impossible into reality is the miracle of ninjas!"

Competing with the ghost lamp Shuiyue for physical strength and chakra is too bad for Sasuke.

What's more troublesome is that as the battle continues, the Chakra consumption is too large, and the suppression of the curse seal will inevitably be weakened.

Psychologically speaking, Sasuke is not resistant to things that can bring him power, but he has not found a way to alleviate the side effects of the curse mark, so he has to exclude it from the conventional combat power.

Now is the time to be desperate.

The determined Sasuke has not had time to let go of the shackles of the seal of the evil magic, and the curse of the sky has already taken one step ahead, spreading from Sasuke's neck outwards.

The red and black beating cloud pattern quickly expanded on Sasuke's body, and after covering the left half of his body, a purple-black chakra emerged from Sasuke's body.


Shuiyue was shocked when she noticed the wrong ghost lamp for the first time.

"It turns out that you also have this kind of weird thing, why didn't you use it before?"

Although he has seen the curse seal many times, Guideng Suizue, who has no idea what this means, doesn't quite understand Sasuke's choice.

The curse seal broke out, and Sasuke, whose will had begun to be infected by the immortalized Chakra, exuded a cold and evil aura.

Sasuke, whose mood has changed, doesn't want to pay attention to the ghosts, let alone answer the enemy's questions.

The corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and Sasuke silently felt the abundant chakra in his body.

Sasuke has never encountered a moment when he needs to use this dangerous power since the curse mark broke out in the Chunin exam at the beginning of the year.

This dangerous situation of isolation and helplessness made Sasuke clearly feel his current limitations.

"How can you die in such an inexplicable place?"

The magnified negative emotions kept pouring into Sasuke's mind, and the more extreme emotions made Sasuke's body stronger.

The sluggish Chidori-ryu around Sasuke's body began to swell again, but this time, unlike the silver-bright electric light before, the light purple-black lightning was obviously much more powerful than the Chidori-ryu just now.

Shuiyue, who sensed a change in the situation, strengthened her control over the flow of water.

Just when the two were inextricably entangled, the roar of madness came again from not far away, and in the perception, a group of tyrannical Chakra rushed towards the two.

"at this time?"

Shigego, who appeared at a critical juncture, made some ghosts who couldn't hold on to it overjoyed, while Sasuke's heart sank.

"The advantage of numbers is really useful!"

Recalling Mr. Mizuki's powerful, numerous, and tacit avatars, Sasuke felt envious in his heart.

Between the electric light and flint, Shigego rushed into the hat of the bird with a strong impact, under the deliberate indulgence of the ghost lamp Shuiyue, and grabbed Sasuke by the shoulder.

"Axe smashing and smashing!"

First, he slammed Sasuke's abdomen with his cursed arm, and the dull crash sounded like a powerful battering ram hitting him.

"Duolian doesn't shoot herself!"

Next, the cells on the arm rapidly dissociated into a thick barnacle-like barrel. At almost zero distance, a number of extremely compressed chakra shells hit Sasuke without reservation.

The continuous heavy blows not only severely injured Sasuke, but also pierced through the water escape of the ghost lamp Shuiyue - the hat of the bird.

Sasuke, who spat out a few mouthfuls of blood, was knocked away from a distance, and then landed on the water, like a floating pebble. on the ground.

"Idiot, too much force."

Ghost Deng Shuiyue yelled at me with a headache.

It is much safer to let Sasuke suffocate in the water prison, although the other party is estimated to be seriously injured and dying. But I am afraid that if there are variables and let Sasuke get out of trouble, it will be difficult to catch it again.

"You're right, I'm really too arrogant to want to fight one against two."

At a critical juncture, if he hadn't used the immature Lei Dun armor with all his strength, he would have died a long time ago.

Sasuke, who took out a bottle of green potion and poured it into his mouth, struggled to stand up, his hands formed a seal, a shadow clone appeared beside him, approaching Chonggo, who was rushing over again, at a very fast speed, and then folded a corner and moved towards No. The coastline in the distance ran away.

Shigego, who couldn't tell the difference between the main body and the shadow clone, followed without hesitation...

"I'm thinking too much."

Pulling out the blood-colored long sword again, Chidori pointed at the ghost lamp Shuiyue not far away.

The omnipotent potion brought an obvious restorative effect, giving Sasuke hope of turning the tide.

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