Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 580: Dangerous words

The curse mark is not a beast of a flood, but if it is used improperly, it is definitely not a good thing, and different people have very different reactions to the curse mark.

Although Sasuke is the reincarnation of Indra's Chakra, his strength is not his body, and his resistance to the damage of the curse mark is not very strong.

"Time is running out!"

Sasuke thought for a while, then asked,

"The solution that Mr. Mizuki said, what should I do?"

"It's too complicated, I guess you don't understand, so I'll keep it short."

Mizuki replied,

"One way is to completely peel off the curse mark on your body. Although this is very dangerous, it has a great chance of survival. The bad point is that you have to endure a period of weakness for a long time, and your strength will stagnate or even fall back."

"Regression in strength? How long is this period of time?"

"It's hard to guess the specifics. It is conservatively estimated that it will be about two years?"

"Two years? That's too long."

Sasuke was a little dissatisfied with this plan.

"Is there any other way?"

"The other danger is much greater, and you are very likely to die right away!"

"If I survive, will I be fine?"

"how is this possible?"

Mizuki said extremely cruel words in a bright and warm tone,

"As a result of being lucky, your strength will increase a lot, but since then you have embarked on a road of no return, and you must rapidly improve your strength to deal with danger. "


Sasuke has heard this word many times recently, and he even had a big fight with this guy himself. I didn't expect...

"Sure enough, is that also a curse mark?"

Mizuki nodded,

"You've already seen it. If you think it's okay to be like that, just treat it as if I didn't remind you."

Sasuke hesitated for a while, then asked,

"Is there anything else I need to pay attention to?"

Mizuki stretched out his right hand and pointed to the position of the curse mark on Sasuke's neck,

"The peeping eyes and greedy desire in the curse seal, you can feel it too!"

"Yes, that's Orochimaru's backhand, right?"

"You guessed right, this is also a hidden danger. You still have the possibility of turning back, and the chance to completely remove the curse is this time. If you choose the second way, you are like a small insect caught by a cobweb, The venomous spider is always waiting for you when you are unable to struggle, and swallows you in one bite. You have to struggle all the time, and at the same time continue to strengthen yourself, until you break free from the cobweb, and even devour the disgusting spider. In addition to this Besides, you have no other way out."

"No return, is that what you mean?"

The expression on Sasuke's face changed. After thinking for a while, he seemed to have made up his mind. When he was about to make a choice, Mizuki waved his hand to stop Sasuke, who was hesitant to speak.

"Go back and think about it first. No matter what your choice is, your current physical condition can't implement it."

"It's the end of the year. You should go back and have a good New Year. Eat more fish and meat, don't be stingy about what you want to eat, and do what you want to do quickly."

Sasuke nodded and replied, "I see, taking care of your body increases your chances of survival..."

"what are you thinking?"

Mizuki laughed and said,

"I mean, what have you not enjoyed? Hurry up and try it. Wouldn't it be a pity if you die at a young age and have not experienced anything?"


Before executions, death row prisoners must have a hearty meal of decapitation. For critically ill patients who have no cure, doctors often tell them to eat whatever they want. The reason is the same. After enjoying it, go to Huangquan Road without regret .

"Shui Mu, don't say anything unnecessary."

To Mizuki's nonsense, Kakashi couldn't bear it anymore, he pressed Mizuki's left shoulder,

"For a patient who has just been discharged from the hospital, you curse others to die early?"

"Sorry, I made a mistake."

Shui Mu laughed and apologized, but there was no trace of embarrassment on his face.

Kakashi stroked his forehead and instructed Sasuke with a headache:

"Sasuke, you go back to rest first, take a good rest, and deal with it later in the year."

At this moment, Miyuki who was in Mizuki's arms babbled,

"Look, the little guy is a little dissatisfied. We kept talking and ignored her."

Mizuki teased the little guy's blushing face a few times, and then said to Sasuke,

"Since the right to choose is handed over to you, you should think about it carefully and don't decide your future fate hastily. From my standpoint, it is not difficult to solve some troubles for you, but the final result is up to you. "

"Understood, I'll go back first."

After signaling to Mizuki and Kakashi, Sasuke turned around and left.

Seeing his student walk away, Kakashi said with a bit of dissatisfaction to Mizuki overwhelmed his voice:

"Didn't you say that the day before yesterday? It shouldn't be life-threatening at first!"

"It's not dangerous, that's because I'm clever, not because the method itself is not dangerous. Kakashi, do you think that Orochimaru has high hopes, used it as a rein to bind Sasuke, and let him stay in Konoha Village at ease. Something so simple?"

"Okay, I misunderstood, but why did you say something like that and pressurize him for no reason?"

"Pressure is a good thing!"

Mizuki sighed,

"Time is a cruel thing. It steals people's lifespan silently, and also unknowingly wears away people's will. A decision made on impulse cannot make Sasuke truly appreciate the difficulties of the future, and he does not have enough consciousness. No way. I was able to save his life in the first step, but it all depends on his character and will, so I stopped him from making a choice right away."

As time goes on, there will naturally be more thoughts. It will definitely not be like now, when the mind is hot and blurted out. This is also a process of training the will.

"Does the training start now?"

"How long do you have to wait? As teachers, that's almost what we can do. It won't be long before he becomes a Jōnin. How long will you take him with you? It's time to let him go on his own. All you can do is support him behind his back, some things can't be stopped."

From the very beginning, when Mizuki came up with the plan, he almost guessed what Sasuke would decide. Stagnation and improvement in strength, for Sasuke, there are still doubts about the choice between the two?

A little danger is nothing, but it is not a mortal ending. Since Tsunade, Kakashi, and Mizuki dare to propose a solution, they must have a certain degree of certainty. As for the future, I will consider it after killing Uchiha Itachi. This is Sasuke's way of thinking.

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