Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 589: the beginning of life

Sasuke will be fifteen years old this year. Compared with Kakashi Hatake, who was promoted to Chunin at the age of six, and promoted to Shangnin at the age of twelve, Uchiha Itachi was promoted to Chunin at the age of ten, and he was promoted at the age of thirteen. The captain of the dark part is still a little bit worse.

When he was young, he was amazing and brilliant, but there are not a few geniuses with insufficient stamina, and it is not uncommon to see the strong late bloomers. It is not a big deal to become a Shangren two or three years later.

It is also a consideration for Tsunade to give Sasuke the qualification for Joinin in advance.

Although Sasuke's strength is enough, his comprehensive ability and character training are still slightly insufficient.

Mizuki didn't really care whether Sasuke was Chunin or Shangnin, but his classmates and companions might not be able to endure this comparison. After receiving the same education, it is normal to be strong or weak, but it is a bit exaggerated to the point where you can't even see your back.

The young jounin stimulated the gentes who were taking the chunin exams.

If you can give these proud guys a little more motivation, it's also a good result.

Especially Naruto Uzumaki, if he knew that his chasing target was already Joinin, he didn't know what his expression would be.

When the only Uchiha clansman in Konoha Village embarks on the road of no return in pursuit of power, another ignorant boy with a wheel-shaking eye is receiving a lesson in the country of waves.

With a blank face, he stared blankly at the Mizuki clone who wanted to call him Kazuhiko.

"What did I do wrong?"

Another Mizuki clone, who claimed to be Hope, took care of Yukimura for a long time, but never told him what the difference between men and women is.

"You can ask if you don't know, but you can't act recklessly because of curiosity."

After nearly a year of teaching the ignorant young man, many things are no longer difficult for him, and with the increase of experience, he gradually has his own opinions.

In order to cultivate his ability to survive alone, he was occasionally left to live alone for a period of time. Mizuki also wanted to see what Yukimura would do without looking after him.

Survival has been doing well in recent months, and the mind has grown more complex over time.

The steady improvement of mental strength has greatly increased the amount of chakra. Stimulated by the physical condition, the writing wheel of the single gouyu has also become a double gouyu, which can be regarded as a rare harvest during this period.

Ninjutsu practice has also begun to go on the right track. Because of the effect of the potion, his body is not as specialized in fire escape as the general Uchiha clansman, except that the water attribute is not very skilled, other escape techniques are very adaptable.

Mental state is not a problem, and his strength is enough to protect himself. In addition, he has not made mistakes in many single actions, so after Mizuki placed the Flying Thunder God mark on him, he let him stay in the country of waves to spend this New Year, leaving behind After Yuhuo took care of him, Mizuki never paid much attention to him.

After breaking his head over Sasuke's affairs for the past few days, Mizuki finally remembered that there was another Yukimura who he had forgotten to the side.

Kazuhiko, who usually came to the country of waves to check on it, unexpectedly learned some incredible news.

"It's wrong to peep, it's extremely bad behavior."

"If I ask, will you tell me?"

Yukimura has not been born for a long time, but he is not lacking at all. Although Mizuki has taught him how to distinguish between men and women, young people and old people, ninjas and ordinary people, especially good and malicious behavior, it is the most important teaching. It's so heavy, I didn't expect that the only place I was careless, I let go of my hand a little, and something went wrong.

This guy seems to understand the huge difference between men and women, but from his daily interactions with people, he realizes that some things may be difficult to talk about, so he secretly went to peep at the women's bathhouse, and was almost discovered later, and then Mizuki gave him the ninjutsu slipped away.

If it wasn't for Yuhuo's discovery, he would have been fooled by this guy.

"Plausibly justify mistakes, Yukimura, there are things that don't exist without being discovered."

Mizuki waved his hand and said,

"This month's meals have changed from wooden fish **** and tomato to natto and dessert. When you realize your mistake, change it back."


All the favorite dishes are gone, Yukimura is unhappy,

"That one is too unpalatable, especially natto, should I replace it with something else?"

"Okay, then tell me honestly, how many times have you peeked?"


After speaking, Yukimura took a peek at Kazuhiko's unhappy face, and then quickly changed his words,

"No, it's three times... don't go, I really didn't lie to you!"

Having said that, the poor Yukimura hurriedly grabbed the corner of Kazuhiko's clothes, who was about to leave.

"Give you one last chance, how many times?"

"Six times, last night was the seventh time!"

Until then, Yukimura replied a little embarrassedly.

"You're really out of luck!"

Kazuhiko put one hand on Yukimura's head, and said viciously,

"I'll teach you ninjutsu, and let you learn how to use Shakers. It's really eye-opening for you to use them in this kind of place. Starting today, pocket money will be halved..."

"Eh! No way!"

Yukimura exclaimed,

"It's too harsh, don't you admit it? I just saw that others have parents, grandparents, grandparents, and grandparents, why don't I? I heard that only after a man and a woman get married and become a family, a child is born. , where did I come from?"

"So you want to know what's the difference between men and women?"

Mizuki was a little stunned. He didn't expect that it had only been more than a year, and Yukimura had been thinking about these issues.

It's no wonder that Yukimura's birth is obviously different from ordinary people.

The ignorant consciousness has not been enlightened by the family, there are many things, and it is not enough to teach a little common sense.

"You finally said a few truths and saved your reputation!"

Kazuhiko nodded and thought about it,

"I can understand your doubts, but next time you can't do such a reckless thing again, understand? Change natto to tomato, and change the penalty for half of pocket money to one month..."

Seeing Yukimura heaving a sigh of relief, Mizuki turned to Yuhuo and said,

"As your elder sister, I asked you to take care of Yukimura. You should also help him. This matter is left to you."

"Huh? I'm my sister?"

Yuhuo looked a little puzzled at the survivor who was obviously one or two years older than him. Although he usually looked a little silly, he didn't expect to be younger than himself.

"No matter what method you use, whether you explain it yourself or ask someone to explain it, you must let Yukimura understand the difference between men and women as soon as possible, and ensure that he will not make such mistakes in the future. What you need to take care of is not only diet and daily life, and answering questions. It's also your job to solve the puzzles."


Yuhuo was a little embarrassed, but he had to nod in agreement.

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