Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 591: charge

After the upper limit of the combat power of the ninja world was rapidly raised, the owners of the kaleidoscope Sharinyan came to the world one after another. Susanoo can be used by anyone with a writing wheel, except Shimura Danzo, but this old guy has a more powerful other god.

Later, the beggar's version of Susanoo was not enough, and the complete body Susanoo was the standard, and the ability to use artifacts was called a powerful Susanoo.

Shimura Danzo separates a pair of Shakers, naturally not to create another copy ninja, but definitely hope to have another pair of powerful kaleidoscope Shakers to help him.

With the selection method of the "root" ninja, it is basically impossible to sublimate the Sangou jade writing wheel eye to a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

A task machine that has obliterated its ego and only knows to obey does not have enough mental fluctuations to activate the kaleidoscope.

Shakers showing the power of the mind, monsters without emotions can't control them.

It is difficult to control the writing wheel eye. Hatake Kakashi has reached the limit of non-Uchiha people. If he wants to find a suitable writing wheel eye carrier, Danzo will definitely not be able to do it in such a short time.

"A first-generation clone? It must have been made by secretly collecting some omnipotent potions! In order to maintain the balance of yin and yang in the body, Sai and Shin had to be pulled over and played a companion game. 』

Different cultivation strategies naturally require unusual control methods.

"I hope this old guy doesn't play off in the end. 』

Although the kaleidoscope writing wheel is troublesome, it is still within the control range.

Mizuki doesn't think that the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye and the first-generation cells can open the reincarnation eye. If it was really that simple, Danzo and Uchiha Obito would have succeeded long ago.

If there is an extra pair of kaleidoscope writing wheels, there will be more choices.

Infinite Moon Reading is a great move to destroy the world, and no one can escape it, except for Sasuke Uchiha and a few people in his Susanoo.

Is it true that only Sasuke's Susanoo has a protective effect, or as long as it is Susanoo, Mizuki is more inclined to the latter.

Infinite Moon Reading is an illusion that belongs to the snares of blood, and no matter how powerful it is, it cannot be separated from its essence. As the ultimate manifestation of spiritual power through the kaleidoscope writing wheel, Susanoo should theoretically be able to resist the infinite moon reading of the same nature.

But it is still too far to say this. This clone, born later than Yukimura, is in danger. Whether it can finally balance the writing wheel and the first generation of cells remains to be seen.

"It's better than nothing. Like Yukimura, I can't count on it, but there may be an accident. 』

Originally, Shuimu's idea was to use the super-large amount of chakra collected by the white eye, the fairy mode, the caged bird, and the breath-holding technique, to forcibly open the Tenseigan with overwhelming power.

If something happened to Naruto and Sasuke and it didn't work out in the end, this was the only way to go. However, this method has not been verified yet, and it is still unknown whether it can really succeed.

There is another thing that Mizuki is more concerned about. Since Tuanzang has enough all-around potions to make a clone, there must be enough potions on hand to save his life. This is what worries Mizuki.

The trump cards that have been exposed are not a cause for concern, and I am afraid that Shimura Danzo will use these medicines to do things that Mizuki does not know.

"The Danzo side should also strengthen surveillance. 』

This person does not harm the overall situation, but also prevents accidental spoilage.


After a full five days, the second session of the Chunin exam was completely completed. This was also the longest session in recent years. Both the eighth and tenth classes passed smoothly.

The delay is too long because the number of participants is too large and the strength is too average. Except for a few outstanding ones, most of them didn't overwhelm the rest of the team.

It is rumored that this time the Chunin exam will increase the selection efforts, resulting in a lot of surprises for Konoha to take the exam.

The top officials of Konoha, headed by Tsunade, did not come out to refute the rumor, which made many people believe it to be true.

Facts are not far from rumors.

Most of the qualified chunin who are promoted will not take up front-line combat positions, but will be added to the garrison department, the secret code department, etc., which can liberate the ninja with strong combat power.

Although it is not stated explicitly, the village is indeed silently expanding its military force to deal with the upcoming changes.

As for the teaching of Inuzukaya and Hinata Hinata, in a month, Mizuki didn't know what to teach, and students who had already set a development direction didn't need to worry too much.

What Shuimu is doing now is to skillfully use fusion and to make up for his weakness in water attributes.

Of course, the most important thing is the research on the tailed beast Chakra.

This kind of power that is difficult to control, Mizuki also tried to find a way to use it safely from the source, but unfortunately, until now, there is no clue.

In such a situation, Mizuki was also a little anxious. He captured the tailed beast Chakra and used it as a tailed beast like Ren Zhuli. In Mizuki's view, it was like using a machine gun as a burning stick, which was too inefficient.

Like Mizuki, as a medium to perceive and guide natural energy, it is actually not very clever.

When Naruto Uzumaki is in the nine-tailed mode, he can directly divide the tailed beast Chakra to each ninja, so as to protect the ninja coalition from Mudun - the birth of the flower tree world.

Since this kind of thing can be achieved, it shows that there is absolutely a direct connection between the tailed beast and humans, and the tailed beast Chakra can be accurately projected onto humans.

But the opportunity in this is really hard to find, so I can only hope that Sakura can find something.


During the interval before the third session of the Chunin Exam, Mizuki, who named himself Yusuke, came to the snow-covered Land of Frost.

The last time I came this far was to capture the four-tailed man Zhuli Laozi.

It was not Yusuke's original intention to come this time. The original destination was in the country of Taki, but he just followed the water system of the country of Taki all the way to the country of frost.

The land of Frostland, which is close to the North Sea Icefield, is much higher than that of its neighbor to the southwest, Takino.

In particular, the country of Taki has gathered a lot of water and created countless waterfalls, which is the reason for the strange landform of the country of Taki.

More than a year ago, Mizuki came to the country of Taki and found a waterfall pool without any living creatures.

At that time, out of curiosity, I took a little water sample and went back, but I didn't pay much attention to it. After several experiments, I didn't find anything.

Until recently, when some concerned Shuimu paid attention to this strange water sample again, he suddenly thought that finding the source of the waterfall might be fruitful.

So Yusuke went to the country of Taki, followed the waterfall all the way back to the source, and came to the country of frost, which was still in the icy world.

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