Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 599: well prepared

Humans' fear of death can never be eradicated, and there are so many ninjas exploring the mysteries of life and death. Thousands of Tobirama and Orochimaru are all like this, Uchiha Madara has worked hard to bring him back to life.

The tragedy of the whirlpool family is that they are too advanced, trying to change the order of the dead souls returning to the pure land.

The true purpose of the Vortex Family's development of the ghoul seal is impossible to know. Although this technique is only a semi-finished product in Shuimu's view, it still has good value.

Death's stomach is a ready-made sealed space, which is more stable than Uchiha Obito's divine power space. Even the soul cannot penetrate, and the rules of the world cannot affect the magic in it.

The **** of death is very useful, of course, the premise is to find a way to control it, otherwise it will be useless if you lose one life at a time.

Originally, Mizuki thought that the Death Mask in his hand would be the boarding carrier of Death, but Mizuki was disappointed.

The whirlpool family did not control the **** of death well. It is likely that it has become a creature with certain obsessions and rules like the evil god, the tail beast, or the master of the sea, so no matter when and where, the **** of death that is summoned is the same one. .

In fact, it is not necessary to use the mask of death to unlock the ghoul, as long as you can summon the **** of death and control the blade of the **** of death to open the stomach.

There is only a reusable transcribed seal in the mask of death, which is sealed with the ghoul sealing technique. As long as a large amount of chakra is injected into the mask of death, the **** of death can be summoned.

The inexplicable jumping **** before Orochimaru summons the **** of death is actually meaningless, just a symbolic ceremony and the process of injecting chakra. As long as death is possessed, a backhand stab can break the seal, simple and direct. Of course, the caster still has to die.

It is not difficult to analyze the banishment of ghouls. The forbidden technique obtained from Tsunade is more inclined to how to use it. There are not many details about this technique.

Although there is a general description of the composition of the ghoul seal, it is too rough, and many of them need to be explored by Mizuki himself.

"Fortunately, there is a direction, so there is no clue, and it can save a lot of time. 』

Less than two years should be enough.


After several months of hiding and hiding, Orochimaru is also very disturbed. Although this situation itself has little effect on him, the enemy has pursued him recklessly and has not given up for so long. It seems that he is bound to win. They fought back, and there was no way to stop them.

"It's still going to be a fight. 』

Orochimaru is not afraid of challenges, and he does not feel that he is powerless to the "Xiao" organization, otherwise he would not have left the organization without any scruples.

It wasn't once or twice that he was hunted down the most, but it was the first time he was so relentless.

"Dou, is your technique ready?"

"Yes, Lord Orochimaru!"

The pharmacist put his **** on the spectacle frame on the bridge of his nose, his eyes looked through the bright lenses, the corners of his mouth were slightly upturned, and his confidence was evident.

"The immortal mode is indeed a legendary secret skill."

As an aboriginal pharmacist, as long as he practiced with the eight-tailed chakra borrowed from Orochimaru, and after his practice reached the point where he could perceive natural energy on his own, he would no longer need the tailed beast chakra as a medium of perception.

As the practice deepened, the perception became more and more keen, and the speed of starting the immortal mode has reached the level of actual combat.

The sharp increase in combat power has made the pharmacist's confidence soar, just as there is a strong enemy attacking, you can try your own strength.

The pharmacist pocket, who couldn't hold back for a long time, began to wait for this day after he successfully practiced immortality.

"Then let me see the results of your time, don't let me down."

Orochimaru handed over the broken task to the pharmacist's pocket, and left in a hurry.

Orochimaru doesn't have much dread about the pharmacist pocket whose combat power has surged. The immortal mode for beginners will not make him unable to cope, even if he is currently unable to perform ninjutsu, he has many trump cards and tenacious vitality. Don't worry about the pharmacist's double heart.

The pharmacist's pocket with two writing wheel eyes was transplanted in turn, feeling the murderous intentions coming from not far away, his hands were sealed, and he began to perceive the natural energy, quietly waiting for the arrival of the enemy.

It is very different from the nondescript snake fairy art that the original Chinese pharmacist transplanted the cells of Orochimaru, and gathered a bunch of cell samples with blood and blood boundaries, such as the Yinin five people.

He practiced in the immortal mode as submitted by Shuimu, because he did not obtain the secret technique of catching the breath, which allows the user to obtain a large amount of chakra, the pharmacist had to find another way, and transplanted a lot of excellent physical qualifications, which has the advantage of chakra volume. The ninja cells, after many times of body modulation, barely obtained the qualification to open the fairy mode.

After that, it took a long time to adapt before transplanting the Shaker to the body and controlling it.

It is not easy for the body to adapt to the two forces at the same time. If it wasn't for his superb medical ninjutsu and the use of many precious medicines to make up for the lack of his body, he might have been dragged down long ago.

After a while, six figures wearing the "Xiao" organization Yushen robes appeared.

"I'm not running away this time, are you accepting my fate? But it's not you that I'm looking for!"

Although the leading Tiandao is asking questions, he has no intention of needing an answer from the pharmacist!

"Arrogant guy!"

The pharmacist smiled dissatisfiedly, put his hands on the ground,

"Immortal, Earth Escape, Earth and Land Flip!"

With the support of the immortal chakra, the power of the earth escape was greatly enhanced, and the ground was cracked every inch, and it was turned upside down after it shattered.

Among the six paths of Payne, except for the gravity-controlling Heavenly Dao, the other five figures all fell into the traps that had been prepared to go deep into the ground with the pharmacist's pocket.

Tian Dao frowned and looked at the messy ground where no one could be seen.

Slowly falling down on the ground with both palms, Shen Luo Tianzheng's repulsive force began to work, and a bottomless big hole went straight to the ground.

The fearless Heavenly Dao jumped down, and when he reached the bottom, the stone thorns in the underground cave had already tied the two huge psychic beasts into hedgehogs.

The violent attack was so fast that Payne didn't have time to react, and already caused a lot of damage.

"Isn't it surprising? The great ones are still to come!"

The super power of the Inorganic Reincarnation Technique in a specific environment made Yakushi Dou not afraid of Payne's number advantage in the Six Paths.

Countless swift stone thorns attacked again, Animal Dao alertly used psychics to gather the six scattered Penn Dao together, Tian Dao took no time to bounce off the continuous attack, and Shura Dao's laser cannonballs also began to counterattack.

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