Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 603: in vain

It is not difficult to verify the past of Xiang Rin's former grass forbearance.

It is not a secret that he was driven away by the grass ninja village and then taken in by Mizuki.

Accepting a wandering ninja is not a problem for Konoha, but becoming a disciple of Naruto is a bit troublesome.

It is not easy for outsiders with the brand of other Shinobi villages to become a part of Konoha Village, but there are several examples every year.

But it is different to become a disciple of Hokage. They are naturally candidates for Hokage, and they wear a dazzling halo that symbolizes orthodox inheritance.

Just like in the previous life, American citizens can run for positions such as members of parliaments at all levels, but if you want to run for the president of the United States, you must be a well-documented citizen born in the United States. Immigrants don’t even think about it.

Xiang Rin has encountered such an embarrassment now. If it is a commoner, it would be better to explain a little, but it is a ninja from another country's ninja village, who has participated in the Chunin exam held by Konoha Village on behalf of other forces, and there is no room for manoeuvre.

Even if the possibility of Xiang Rin becoming Hokage is negligibly low, it is still a reason for criticism.

The identity of Hokage's disciple is equivalent to the whole village's endorsement of her.

It is inevitable that this situation will make some people unhappy.

But at this time, the old account was turned over, and it was obvious that someone was adding fuel to the flames, intending to attack Tsunade's reputation.

"What a boring argument!"

Mizuki threw the investigation information in his hand aside,

"It's just to play on the topic, the guy who sticks to the tradition, his temperament can be like this."

Ridiculous remarks such as unidentified and possibly spies were also spoken with dignity.

"There is no way to stop this kind of thing, you can't stop others from talking!"

Hatake Kakashi also had the same attitude, he didn't want to deal with these **** at all,

"Master Tsunade is already Hokage, no one can stop Hokage from accepting apprentices, and no one has the ability to take Hokage's position away."

"So, nothing to worry about!"

Mizuki said fearlessly,

"They really have to be able, the three generations of adults will not die in battle, and they will not bother to find Tsunade-sama to take over as the fifth generation!"

"Their target is likely to be the next Hokage!"

Hearing Kakashi's judgment, Mizuki couldn't help but smile,

"Are you interested in Hokage Six Generations?"

"forgive me!"

Kakashi quickly waved his hand to deny,

"It's not my turn to worry about this kind of trouble."

"Isn't that alright? Who is Hokage, and what effect does it have on you?"

Instead of thinking about this, think more about how you will survive in two years.

Sure enough, a few days later, rumors about Hokage's successor began to appear, and all the famous ninjas in the village were mentioned, and they even made up a bunch of reasons for comparison, including Hatake Kakashi and Mizuki.

The final conclusion is unsurprising, Shimura Danzo's succession as the sixth generation is expected.

These boring tricks, Shuimu did not care, except for daily life, all spent in practice and observation experiments.


Haruno Sakura's distress has been going on for a long time.

Young ninjas have neither heritage nor talent that shines. It is already enviable that she can have a powerful teacher who is mediocre.

In recent months, the practice has become more and more difficult.

Sealing, physical and illusion can not be slack, and now an extremely time-consuming and energy-consuming practice has been added-controlling some kind of dangerous chakra.

At the first contact with this strange Chakra, Sakura suffered a lot, and the highly corrosive tailed beast Chakra once made her heart retreat.

After a period of practice, with the powerful chakra control ability, I can barely make it attach to the body surface without seriously hurting my skin.

And this is just the beginning. This kind of chakra of unknown nature is far more violent and difficult to tame than ordinary chakras. If you want to change its form freely like Master Shuimu, you need to practice hard.

A few months later, Sakura, who was self-consciously successful, showed Mizuki the results of her practice, but she only received an evaluation of continuing her efforts.

Sakura, who was a little disappointed, had to continue to practice on this endless road, until one day, Sakura felt that some strange changes had taken place in herself.


With a thoughtful look on Mizuki's face, he checked the broken angle of the five-tailed King Mu that Xiaoying handed over.

The broken horn is formed by the chakra of the five tails, and as it is continuously consumed, it will eventually disappear.

Mizuki generally does not use the tailed beast chakra so extravagantly. He usually practices and uses the immortal mode, and only takes a little sample and injects it into his body, and then uses it to perceive the natural energy and absorb the tailed beast chakra.

If you don't do this, no amount of tailed beast Chakra is enough to splurge.

When the tailed beast Chakra encounters natural energy in the body, it will automatically absorb it, which is not surprising, because they are the same thing with two sides of one body.

Chakra, a tailed beast with a will, absorbs natural energy when activated, which is also the basis for the tailed beast to replenish its strength to maintain itself.

"You don't need to worry about the loss of cultivation tools! You say that you always have hallucinations, what's the matter?"

"When I practiced controlling this strange chakra, I occasionally felt inexplicable phantoms around my body, as if there were strange things floating in front of my eyes, but it disappeared when I wanted to see clearly. more and more frequently.”

Sakura, who was talking, looked at Mizuki with a slightly worried look,

"Is there something wrong with my practice?"

"Don't worry, this is a good thing!"

Although it is not used as a medium to perceive and absorb natural energy after contacting and controlling the tailed beast Chakra for a long time, the principle of practice makes perfect is the same. After so long, it is normal to be able to initially feel the existence of natural energy.

"What else is out of the ordinary?"

It wouldn't be surprising if it changed just a little bit.

"I can't tell, but I feel that the level of proficiency in control is getting higher and higher."

"Then you demonstrate first!"

As instructed, Sakura picked up the five-tailed broken horn again to stimulate the tailed beast Chakra. Immediately, the scarlet chakra erupted violently, wrapping Sakura's right arm, and under its control, it was constantly transformed into sharp claws, spears, Swords etc.

"Wait a minute and don't move."

Mizuki stretched out his right hand and probed into the tailed beast Chakra, without encountering the slightest obstacle, so he grabbed Sakura's wrist, the highly corrosive tailed beast Chakra was penetrated as if he didn't notice Mizuki.

"Enough, stop! Take a break today and continue tomorrow!"


After Sakura left, Takuma came to his side silently and calmly described to Mizuki what he had just discovered...

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