Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 605: system

It is already very dangerous to inject the tailed beast chakra into the body. The immortal mode cultivated by the method of water and wood has other hidden dangers, and it is very risky to not do any screening and absorption of natural energy.

The human body is like a small house isolated from the outside world, and the soul is a child who has not experienced the wind and rain inside. The tailed beast is like a window to the outside world. When you open it, the beneficial fresh air outside—natural energy can come in through the window.

But there is not only fresh air outside, but also hot and cold summers, violent storms, flies and bugs, tigers, leopards, and jackals.

Shuimu's immortal mode of practice is equivalent to dismantling the window and the window frame, leaving only a large hole in the wall that cannot be repaired, exposing the fragile soul to the risk of the outside world, so Shuimu went to great lengths to get rid of it. Orochimaru found a way to enhance his mental strength and resist risks - the art of Yagi.

Sakura practiced controlling the tailed beast Chakra, like slowly opening the window glass, so that the ninja could barely have a process of adaptation, and gradually feel the natural energy of the outside world.

The help and protection of the nine tailed beasts expected by the Six Path Immortals is like adding a controllable shutter to the window.

This is an important protection measure. At the beginning, only a small amount of outside air and light are allowed to enter. As the human soul becomes stronger and more air enters, the flies, mosquitoes, and bed bugs mixed in together cannot cause too much damage; until If it is strong enough, it will gradually remove these protective measures. When it can effectively resist external shocks and utilize natural energy, the immortal mode is born.

As for the power of the human pillar, it is not an arbitrary name. The pillar is a quantifier specially used to describe the gods. The human pillar has the meaning of offering human beings as sacrifices to the gods; power refers to labor and tools.

Human Pillar Power is a humanoid weapon that sacrifices itself to the tailed beast as a container in exchange for the power of the tailed beast. In a sense, Ren Zhuli is no longer a complete human being.

The ten-tailed human Zhuli who lost the tailed beast can survive for a while because of the powerful vitality of the outsider golem; the other people's Zhuli, just a mortal body, was taken from the tailed beast, and the empty shell naturally lost his life.

Whether it is a **** or a demon, the power that is exchanged for life, when the power is gone, is the day of death. Unless there is a divine art that reverses life and death like reincarnation, or immediately refills with tailed beasts, maybe there is still some rescue.

"What should I do now? It is definitely impossible to popularize it at present. Even Ren Zhuli's use of tailed beast Chakra basically relies on robbery. It is basically impossible for tailed beast to help humans."

It is not only the problem in this regard, most of the ninjas with excellent chakra control ability are not weak, and no one is willing to start a new way to develop a new route that does not know whether it will work or not.

With Xiao Ying's talent, after practicing for more than half a year, she can only initially perceive natural energy, which is far from the immortal mode that comes in handy, not to mention those who are not well-qualified.

"This is a systematic training system. In theory, it should start from the enlightenment of ninjas, and it should be synchronized with other ninjutsu practices."

"Except for a few geniuses and especially incompetents, most ninjas should be able to initially use the immortal mode in their prime."

After the cultivation of the Five Elements Escapism reaches its peak, it will smoothly cut into the superficial immortal mode, and then it will depend on their respective fortunes.

Even though Shuimu raised her face and taught her hand-in-hand, she couldn't guarantee that Sakura could use the immortal mode before the fourth ninja battle.

"How do you say that? If you are poor, you can be alone, and if you are good, you can help the world. I am so poor, what do I worry about, and it is enough to protect the safety of my relatives and friends."

Your own immortal mode is not foolproof, you can't get rid of the medium of the tailed beast Chakra. Anyway, you can get enough tailed beast chakra; but the greater the output, the greater the damage of natural energy to yourself. This risk always exists .

Therefore, the spiritual practice cannot be relaxed for a moment, which is also necessary to ensure self-safety.

"It would be better if the time was a little longer. Every time I spend more time, I will become stronger. Stronger strength is the basis for dealing with all changes in the future."

Unfortunately, Xiao Chun's chakra control ability is not good, and it is impossible to spend too much time to practice. This road seems to be unworkable. Even the immortal mode, which is eager for quick success, cannot be practiced, the degree of mastery of the breath-holding technique is too low, the amount of chakra is insufficient, and there is not enough strength to resist risks, and Xiao Chun's body cannot bear the slight fluctuations of the natural energy tide.

In the final analysis, it is the correct idea to think about how to develop strengths and circumvent weaknesses. Since you have talent in ninjutsu, you should develop in this area.


In the turbulent Konoha Village, the recent rumors have not caused too much trouble to everyone.

Anyone with a little knowledge knows that this is just an excuse. There aren't too many major events in the village to be concerned about right now, so these half-truths are spreading.

Whether it was Shimura Danzo who did it casually, or Mizuki and Tsunade who were dismissive, they ignored these little troubles.

However, as one of the parties, Xiang Rin has indeed suffered a lot of grievances recently. It was originally a good thing, but it turned into a disaster, and it made the little girl a little unhappy. Fortunately, the colleagues around her didn't show her face, which made her feel a little more at ease.

Even so, Xiang Rin, who still felt a little cramped, would come to Mizuki's house from time to time, using the excuse of visiting Xiaomeiyuki, to come here to relax.

When she first came to Konoha Village, Mizuki and Xiao Chun, who gave her the most help, were always respected by her as benefactors. If you are wronged, you will feel more at ease when you come here to complain.

"Senior Shuimu, am I causing trouble for everyone?"

"You think too much."

Mizuki shook his head,

"You rely on you? It's too early to cause trouble for everyone. Think it's great to be a Hokage disciple?"

Tsubaki on the side said unhappily,

"The Hokage disciple is truly amazing!"

"Well, I said something wrong."

Mizuki smiled helplessly,

"Don't worry so much, just follow Tsunade-sama to practice with peace of mind. Now it's not your turn to worry about the affairs of the adults. Don't pay attention to those unnecessary messages!"

"I see."

Xiang Rin nodded, realizing that Mizuki was not trying to perfunctory her.

Kagura's heart is the most precious treasure left to Xiang Rin by the whirlpool family. Being able to know the good and evil thoughts of others, even lies can't escape her eyes, and seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages penetrates deep into the soul like instinct.

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