Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 607: back view

The eye of reincarnation is not something that can appear casually. The legendary eye of the immortal has never been heard by anyone other than the immortals of the Six Paths once in a thousand years, not even in myths and legends. The possibility of two people having reincarnation eyes is too low.

"Anyone sent to investigate in the village?"

"Investigation? You mean Yuren Village?"

Mizuki hesitated for a moment.

"Kakashi has been there, but nothing has been gained!"

"Looks like I should go!"

The news of the eye of reincarnation was also known by Jiraiya, and Yuren Village would inevitably fall into the eyes of Jiraiya. I used to think that Nagato, Yahiko and Xiaonan had died in the country of rain, so I didn't think much about it, but now the eye of reincarnation has reappeared, some clues When connected, some things can be figured out.

Mizuki shook his head,

"The owner of the eye of reincarnation, I have seen..."

"Have you seen Nagato?"

There was a hint of surprise on Jiraiya's rosy cheeks after drinking.

"The land of the land was attacked. At that time, I was there and had a fight with the leader of "Xiao"..."

"It's already confirmed, it's Nagato?"

"I haven't seen your three students before, but I've heard of Nagato with red hair, light blue-purple hair, orange pupils, and Konan who uses origami ninjutsu..."

"Where's Yahiko, haven't you seen it?"

"I have seen it. If I am not mistaken, Yahiko has become a puppet derived from the power of the eye of reincarnation, and should have died a long time ago!"

The news of Yahiko's death made Jiraiya look gloomy.

"Not only that, Nagato's condition is not very good, it seems that the power is overused and a lot of life force is overdrawn!"

Although Tsunade wouldn't let him say it, how could he hide it? Jiraiya, who had no clue in the original book, could finally find the land of the rain. Now that there is so much information, Jiraiya is not stupid, it's easy I guessed the abnormality of the rain country.

It's just Tsunade's wishful thinking to try to hide it from Jiraiya!

"The Land of Rain, isn't Sanjiao Yu Hanzo in charge now? How could such a powerful rebel organization be born?"

"Hanzo is already dead. Although the demigods are strong, they are only human, and they are not enough to see in the eyes of immortals!"

"Nagato is already so strong!"

The Sanshoyu Hanzo, who made Sannin famous, is not an opponent of Samsara Eye either.

Jirai didn't ask about the Kingdom of Rain anymore. I should have known it for a long time. I just wanted to confirm it. As for how to deal with it, I have already made up my mind, and I don't need others to speak more.

Mizuki also knows that only Jiraiya can make decisions about these things. At present, Jiraiya is still concerned about Naruto Uzumaki, and everything else can be put aside for a while.

Next, Jiraiya seemed to be absent-mindedly talking about some trivial matters, and Mizuki agreed casually. It was not until night fell and Naruto returned that he allowed him to carry the drunk Jiraiya back to the hotel where he stayed.


On the second day, the weather was not bad. Although it was summer, the climate in the land of soup was still pleasant. The breeze with the salty taste of the sea was blowing down from the air, bringing people an infinite sense of comfort.

Today's Jiraiya is also rare and cautious not to drink alcohol, and Mizuki looks at the nine-tailed man Zhuri who is practicing chakra control not far away.

"Naruto, have you reached the point where you can control the tailed beast?"


I am also a little happy,

"This guy is very much like me when I was young. Not quite as suave as his father, but inherited his mother's quick temper."

"Do you start today?"

It is not difficult to open a part of the seal, Shuimu can even remove the gossip seal directly, but this is very risky.

Combining two four-image seals into an eight-diagram seal is indeed a genius creation, but it does not mean that this sealing technique is very suitable for Renzhuli.

The four-symptom seal itself is a very stable sealing technique. It is enough to seal a tailed beast alone. It is a gossip seal that is more reliable than the two-layered four-symptom seal. Shuimu can only use it after his strength has been greatly improved.

If you want to remove it, the quickest way is to use the Unraveling Seal, but this is to completely remove the seal, and it will cost Ren Zhuli's life.

What Jiraiya also needs is to partially open the seal, which is more difficult.

The gossip seal is very powerful. Not only is the seal watertight, and the possibility of Nine-Tails escaping is extremely small, but also through two layers of seals, the Nine-Tails Chakra can be converted into an ordinary Chakra that can be used by people.

But this kind of seal, which tends to be perfect, has led to a big problem-the power of the tail beast is extremely difficult to leak. This also means that Naruto Uzumaki directly utilizes the tailed beast Chakra, and it is very difficult to form a tailed beast. Unless his own mental fluctuations are extremely violent, he can barely use the tailed beast clothing, and revealing a tail of a demon fox is the limit.

What Jirai has to do now is to open a small gap in the stable gossip seal, so that the power of the tailed beast leaks more, so that Naruto can borrow the power of the tailed beast like a normal human column force.

This is an extremely dangerous attempt. The tailed beast Chakra is a double-edged sword. It is easy to runaway if it is not controlled well. Before Naruto's strength reaches a certain level, forcibly opening the power of the nine tails is a disaster rather than a blessing.

"The current appearance is barely enough. It will be too late if we don't reveal it. We must allow some time for Naruto to get used to it. The resurrection of the three tails is not far away."

Well, Jiraiya also makes sense. The tailed beasts are not good men and women. If Naruto is not allowed to experience how the human column force should fight, it will be bad when it encounters danger in the future.

Although it is very dangerous to unseal the gossip seal, it is fortunate that the fourth generation of Naruto wave Feng Minato has prepared the corresponding means...

Naruto Uzumaki looked suspiciously at the bizarre scroll toad in front of him - Toad Yin,

"Can you really make me stronger?"

The body is like a strange scroll, the slender body feels weird no matter how you look at it.

"Naruto, the scroll toad is a very precious existence in the psychic beast family. In its body, it hides the key of the gossip seal on your body. If you want to borrow the power of the nine tails, you must ask Toad Yin for help!"

"Really? Then let's get started!"

Naruto couldn't wait to strengthen his strength. Since the news of Uchiha Sasuke's promotion to Joinin was known to him, it was completely different from the resentment when Sasuke became Chunin, but was unusually silent.

The more I know, the more I understand how difficult it is to be promoted to Shangnin. Being able to become a Shangnin at the age of fifteen in Konoha Village is a rare genius for many years. It is precisely because I know the gap between myself and Shangnin. , only to understand more, the gap between himself and Sasuke is getting bigger and bigger.

Silence does not mean indifferent, but Naruto, who refuses to admit defeat, wants to catch up with Sasuke even more urgently.

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