Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 609: seal pressing

In terms of strength, Jiraiya can definitely suppress Naruto with his four tails exposed. After the immortal mode is activated, Naruto will no longer have the chance to seriously injure Jiraiya.

The question is how to limit the power of the Nine-Tails, so that Naruto can't use up his physical strength to stop on his own, then his body doesn't know what will be ruined, it is better to just knock him down, and then slowly heal.

Moreover, once caught in a war of attrition, in Jiraiya's immortal mode, it may not be able to consume the nine tails that drive Naruto's body.

Another bit of trouble is that there are too many alien chakras in Naruto's body, and Mizuki is not good at using illusions casually.

Just when Shui Mu was thinking about it, an old-fashioned voice entered Shui Mu Er.

"It's really a frightening immortal mode. Young people today are so courageous. It's a miracle that you can survive until now."

Mizuki turned his head and saw that Immortal Fukasaku with a strange look was looking at himself on Jiraiya's shoulder.

"I made you laugh."

Mizuki nodded slightly.

Immortal Zhima on the other shoulder of Jiraiya taught his wife a lesson:

"Why is it so ugly to speak, and you curse others to death for the first time you meet? You really can't speak!"

Then he turned his head to apologize to Mizuki,

"Sorry, we have no ill will."

"It doesn't matter, the old man is right, thank you two for your concern!"


Immortal Shenzuo showed a teachable look,

"What's this little brother called?"

"Mizuki, Konohakami Mizuki!"

"Konoha is really an outstanding person. I haven't seen each other for many years, and another talent with cultivation immortal mode is even stronger than the fourth generation. If the little guy has any difficulties in the future, he can come to Miaomu Mountain. Toad Immortal should be able to solve your problem. ."

"Thank you!"

If he didn't get the Art of Yachi, Mizuki would also seek Jiraiya's help and recommend going to Miaomu Mountain to see it, but it is no longer needed.

"Okay, now is not the time for small talk!"

Zilai was also concerned about the condition of the disciple, and his face was a little unsightly.

"Shui Mu, your sealing technique is better than mine. I will suppress it directly, and you can take the opportunity to remove the tail beast."

Mizuki nodded.

A quick decision is necessary. Every time time passes, the tailed beast Chakra's damage to Naruto will be heavier. It really cannot be delayed for a long time.

"Jiraiya, what are you going to do? Let's sing with a toad and drag it directly into the illusion space?"

"No, in Naruto's state now, he should have lost all perception and can't hear the sound!"

Magical Toad Singing is a nirvana used by Immortal Zhima and Immortal Fukasaku. Its power is so powerful that Payne can be killed in seconds, but for those who can't hear the sound, it basically has no effect.

Just when Mizuki and Jiraiya were discussing, Naruto Uzumaki didn't mean to stop, he recovered a little bit of the consumption after using the tail beast cannon, and immediately started running the chakra to attack.

The tailed beast Chakra exerts great pressure on the human column. Generally, after entering the tailed beast state II, the movement will not be too flexible, and most of it will turn into a fixed turret to spread attacks around. But once rushing up, the speed is also extremely fast. Seeing a red figure rushing towards this side, the two can no longer discuss calmly.

"Xianfa · Tu Dun · Huangquan Marsh."

Jirai also took the lead, a large piece of land turned into a quagmire that was difficult to break free, and Naruto Uzumaki, who could not avoid it, rushed in directly, and was submerged in mud to his waist in the blink of an eye. spread.

"That's it, let's go! 』

It happened to be able to restrict Naruto's actions, and Mizuki didn't want to miss the opportunity.

A teleportation technique that appeared not far from Naruto in the blink of an eye,

"Earth escape enchantment · dungeon hall no!"

With Mizuki's chakra infusion, a large amount of swamp hardened into a solid dungeon and completely wrapped Naruto Uzumaki.

At the same time, the one-tailed chakra with sealing properties was gradually injected into the earth escape enchantment along the palm of Shuimu, constantly making it more difficult to break through, containing the strongest sealing effect - a magnetic escape property Tail Chakra instantly strengthened the earth escape enchantment that was on the verge of being broken under Naruto's struggle to the extent that it was difficult to break free.

Even so, the nine-tailed chakras attacked one after another, which still made Mizuki feel an unbearable pressure.

"King Kong Blockade!"

Roots of silver needle-like hair suddenly stretched, pierced into the earth escape enchantment, and tied on Naruto's body.

Mizuki has paid special attention to avoid the key points, and this damage should have no effect.

Under the suppression of the double powerful sealing technique, the earth escape enchantment finally stabilized a little. The chakra in Naruto was slowly absorbed by the dungeon hall and injected into the body of Shuimu, making up for the large consumption of maintaining the sealing technique. Under this situation, Naruto's struggle became weaker and weaker.

"How about it?"

Sensing that Naruto's chakra fluctuations began to decay, the vigilant Jiraiya came forward and asked.

"It's not a big problem."

The amount of chakra absorbed began to decrease. Mizuki first lifted the Vajra blockade. After a while, he felt that the chakra in Naruto's body dissipated, and Mizuki removed the earth escape enchantment, revealing the severely injured Naruto.

"I'm going to trouble you again."

"It's natural!"

Naruto, whose body epidermis has almost disappeared, has a very strange dark red body, no part of the skin is intact, and it is estimated that the injury in the body is not light.

Watching Mizuki use medical ninjutsu to treat Naruto while applying some wound medicine to Naruto, Jirai also said happily:

"Fortunately, nothing major happened, it seems that I am still too impatient."

"The result isn't too bad. The injury looks scary on the outside, but it doesn't have much impact. The consumption in the body is huge, and there are also burns in many places, but with Naruto's physique, it shouldn't be a problem."


Zilai also nodded,

"By the way, what happened to the little girl with the Vortex bloodline taken in in the village?"

"Already accepted as a disciple by Tsunade-sama."

"Really? It really is a family with excellent talent."

After a long time, Mizuki, who had recovered from Naruto's surface injuries, stood up and finally stuffed a ration pill into Naruto's mouth.

"Okay, the injury is no longer in the way. You can walk on the ground in three days, but it is best to rest for half a month before starting to practice. After all, the body is overdrawn a bit serious."

Jiraiya also stepped forward and carried Naruto on his back,

"Fortunately you are here, otherwise it might be more troublesome."

Mizuki smiled reservedly, and then asked:

"I wonder when Lord Jiraiya plans to bring Naruto back to the village?"

"When the sun blooms next year!"

"Understood, I will tell Tsunade-sama!"

Sunflowers generally bloom before midsummer, around May and June.

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