Naruto: The Savior

Chapter 618: restless

Although some unexpected information has been discovered recently, it is absolutely impossible for Uchiha Itachi to kill the clan with his own hands. No matter the reason, it is not an excuse that can be forgiven.

For Konoha Village, Sasuke now has no ill feelings.

There are a lot of things that I really don't know, but as Kakashi-sensei said, I'm not prepared to bear too much pressure. Except for revenge, Sasuke doesn't want to be distracted by other things for the time being.

Now that Kakashi-sensei has already said that the Sharinyan owned by A has nothing to do with his revenge against Uchiha Itachi, it doesn't matter if he puts it down temporarily.

While many things have been kept under wraps, Kakashi hasn't lied to him about important things, at least for now.

Revenge is the most important thing, and after that, the goal of reviving Uchiha will be obtained. At that time, it will not be too late to liquidate the writers outside the Uchiha family.


Sasuke doesn't have the ability to manage armor for the time being, but someone can.

On the night of Uchiha's annihilation, Tsunade was not in the village. After taking over the position of Hokage, a lot of top-secret information was lost, so he knew about Uchiha's situation, but he didn't know the specific process very well.

The Uchiha family conspiracy to launch a rebellion, almost all insiders know, but the massacre of Uchiha, how deeply the village is involved, only the three generations of Sarutobi Hiizan and Shimura Danzo, who directly control the force, know the best, the two advisors Neither Mito Kazuya nor Kazuya Koharu knew it completely.

The handling of the aftermath, the corpses of the Uchiha family, and the whereabouts of a lot of Sharinyan, now only Shimura Danzo can know.

Shimura Danzo was even more straightforward. He kept his mouth shut about unfavorable issues, and put all the ambiguity on the dead Sandaimu, completely refusing to admit any fault of his own.

"What a mess!"

Just got the latest information about Shimura Danzo from Takumana, and Mizuki is also extremely helpless. Ninja, a profession born from conspiracy and tricks, is always haunted by the ghosts of the past, and has to worry about the chaotic situation in the ninja world.

"Kakashi is right, Hokage is not a good job!"

People with a little bit of strength are afraid that the world will not be chaotic, and that it is easy to fish in troubled waters.

Being the leader of these people will definitely make people grow old before they get old, and it will be annoying to talk about it every day.

Although it seems that they are all excited to roll up their sleeves and start a fight, in Shuimu's view, he is asking for advice and bargaining, but it is just a little louder.

Of course, these turmoils only stayed at the top of Konoha. The general ninja and ordinary villagers still lived step by step, and only the tea drinkers like Mizuki who were temporarily free and qualified to know watched the fun.

Tsunade also once approached Mizuki and asked if there was any information, how smart Mizuki was, where would he take troubles on him? Anyway, I don't know if I ask three questions, and I infer that I was still young and was not qualified to participate in these things.

In short, Kakashi's seventh class is a troublesome concentration camp. Mizuki has already put Sakura on his behalf, so don't bother with other things.

Mizuki's attitude of keeping him at a distance made Tsunade helpless, so he had to find another way to restrict Shimura Danzo's painless movement and surveillance, which was probably not effective.


Another member of the seventh class, Haruno Sakura, Mizuki has been teaching for almost two years.

To be honest, I originally wanted to cultivate a competent helper, but now it seems that my hope has basically been lost.

His own strength has improved too fast, and ordinary people have been completely unable to keep up with Shuimu's footsteps.

With Sakura's talent, it can be regarded as a rare talent. Sakura, who is taught by Tsunade, is so hard to follow Sasuke, and Mizuki is too distracted. Not bad enough.

With the complete release of the power of the curse seal, Sasuke's strength began to increase rapidly.

If it was said that a few months ago, the qualifications of Shangnin were relatively reluctant, now it is fully worthy of the name of the elite.

The gossip seal on Naruto was also partially unlocked by using the key left by the fourth generation. Naruto, who can borrow the power of the tailed beast, can only be described in terms of strength.

Although the strength of these two people is not very reliable, it is an indisputable fact that the combat effectiveness has been greatly improved.

With the passage of time, the two people's ability to control power gradually improved, and the power they can exert will become stronger and stronger, and soon they will leave the ordinary ninja far behind.

With Sakura's strength and under the guidance of Mizuki, if it continues like this, there is hope to catch up with the other two companions, but one or two years is definitely not enough.

Sakura has also experienced this kind of situation recently. People with keen perception have the deepest understanding of the changes in the people around them. Sasuke, who used to think that he could be long and short, now feels more and more dangerous to him.

Therefore, after the routine guidance and practice, Sakura rarely showed an anxious look and asked Mizuki.

"Get stronger!"

Mizuki appeared in a dilemma, and there are some means of quick success, Mizuki also has, but it is not good for Sakura's future.

Sakura's talent is not bad, but like Sasuke and Naruto, it's extremely rare to get killed by a bunch of plug-ins, and there is no conflict. No matter what the bad situation, it is fate to be able to turn evil into luck The privilege of being a son, the role of Sakura is, at most, Sherlock Holmes' assistant, Doctor Watson, or a prop of Edogawa Conan - Kogoro Mouri's status is equivalent.

Such a role is also very important, but it is quite difficult to be as dazzling as the protagonist.

Of course, it is not completely impossible, but it is quite difficult to achieve such a level in the short term.

Mizuki also knew Sakura's thoughts.

It's human nature to be young Mu Ai, and it's the same for young girls.

Mizuki has no jokes and perfunctory ideas, and has never discussed these issues with Sakura.

"Since you are so urgent, I don't mean to stop it. However, strength must have its price. Since you are not satisfied with the progress of diligent study and training, you must pay for other things if you want to gain additional benefits. Are you ready?"

Mizuki took great risks and explored a dangerous path for himself to cultivate the immortal mode. Sasuke risked the crisis of being swallowed by the curse mark to start his growth path, and Naruto may also be attacked by the nine tails.

"I know, please teach me master!"

Well, Mizuki knows that unrequited love is the hardest.

Wishful admiration is too humble in the eyes of others, but this obsession is not annoying, I just hope that she will not get lost in the future...

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