[1 week later]


From the ground came a skeleton. I punched the skeleton and its head flew off.

'Still too weak.'

I grabbed the skeletons head and put it back on his body. I used my chakra to further strengthen the skeleton. I need to be careful not to give him too much. If I give him too much he will explode. I need to give him a little bit and then let him get used to the power and absorb it.

I have a hundred clones do the same. The skeletons are all at Jonin level. Of course, they have the disadvantage that they can't use any jutsus.


I suddenly got the memories of one of my clones training here. He just got killed by a jutsu.

'So they can use jutsus, but how did he do it. From the clone's memories, it seemed like he did the same as me.'

I summoned a clone and had it take care of my skeleton. I took the skeleton that could use jutsus to another room.

"Come on, show me what you got."

He held out his hand. And a giant flame of waves came out of it.

<Wind Release: Great Breakthrough>

'This is amazing.'

I summoned another clone to take care of this skeleton and I went outside. I went to the Hokage mountain and stood on my own head.

'Being one of the strongest sure feels good.'

There is nothing left for me to accomplish. I already did all I could. I conquered entire planets, I beat an entire solar system. I'm able to create immortal servants who can become as strong as me with time. I have a beautiful girlfriend, soon to be wife. I have all the strength I will ever need so the only thing that is left for me to do is to sit back and relax.


Something just jumped on my shoulder.

"What are you doing here Haru? You will make your mother worry about you if you just keep disappearing like this."

She started rubbing her face against mine.

I sighed.

"How can I be mad at you."

I lied down and started petting her.

[10 hours later]


I woke up in the middle of the night. When I woke up I found someone hugging me and a blanket on me.

'Damn I really slept like a baby.'

I looked at Hinata.

'What did I do to deserve someone like her?'

<Flying Thunder God Jutsu>

I teleported the 3 of us to our bed and I went back to sleep while hugging Hinata.

I felt Hinata move, which made me wake up.

She looked confused.

"Did you bring me here?"

I looked at her with a smile.

"Of course, how could I let you sleep outside. You should have just woken me up."

She blushed a little.

"But you looked so cute while sleeping."

I looked at her with a pout.

"I'm not cute, I am handsome."

"It's okay my little handsome boy."

I looked at her with a smirk and hugged her closer.

"So you like sleeping with little boys?"

She pouted.

"Alright, I'll go and find a big handsome guy then."

I started speaking in a deep sėxy voice.

"Someone like me perhaps?"

She had a big smile on her face.


"Well good luck with finding someone like that."

She pouted.

I stood up out of bed and did my daily necessities. A little bit later we were eating our breakfast.

"So what are you going to do today, babe?" asked Hinata


She looked surprised.

"You and doing nothing is unheard of."

I had a small frown.

"Why are you so surprised?"

"You're always doing work, getting stronger, or traveling."

"There is no work that my clones can't handle, I'm strong enough to protect you and our future and there aren't really any places I want to travel to."

She had a big smile on her face.

"I'm happy that you fulfilled all your dreams."

"I still haven't fulfilled all my dreams."

She looked curious.

"Oh really? What is that dream?"

I had a big smirk.

"Pumping you full with my sėmėn and creating a beautiful family."

She stood up and a murderous aura enveloped her. I jumped back. I looked like a scared little boy who is going to get scolded by his mother.

"Hey honey, it was just a joke!"

"You pervert!"

She appeared in front of me.

"Byakugan! Gentle Fist: Tenketsu Needle!"

She hit me in my gut with two fingers. Sending me, all the tailed beasts and Hamura flying back, knocking us all out.

'Oh no, babe!' was the last thing I heard before losing consciousness.

[1 day later]

I woke up in my bed. Hinata was sitting on a chair beside me. She is sleeping and it seemed like she was crying.

I shook her awake. She looked so relieved when she saw me awake.

She started tearing up.

"I'm really sorry for hurting you!"

I hugged her.

"Don't apologize. I shouldn't have made a joke like that. But I'm glad to know that you have so much strength. Now I don't need to worry as much about you being safe."

She stopped crying and looked at me angrily.

"If you say something like that again you will be sleeping on the couch!"

I started sweating a little bit.

"Don't worry. You will probably never hear something like that from me again."

"Byakugan! Did you say probably!?"

I started sweating even more.

"No, you must have misheard!"

She turned around and started leaving the room.

"I will forgive you this time, but don't let it happen ever again. Understood!?"

"Yes, ma'am!"

She left the room.

'That was scary. She looks like she has totally not forgiven me. I should buy her a present, but let's first see how the rest is doing.'

I went into my inner world and saw that everyone was still knocked out. I started shaking my inner world, making everyone wake up.

"What the hell was that power?" asked Shukaku with a terrified face.

"Hahaha Shukaku, I didn't expect you to be afraid of a human."

He had a big frown.

"I'm not scared of any human!"

I had a smirk.

"Alright, let me call her back then."

He looked terrified.

"I was just joking! Please don't do this to me!"

I started smiling.

"That is more like it."

I left my inner world and went to the Yamanaka flower shop.

"Yo Naruto. Here is the one you ordered.." said Ino

"Eh, yeah can I add a couple of things."

She smiled at me.

"Of course! Which one do you want?"

I looked to the side.

"All of them."

She looked like she didn't hear me correctly.

"Could you please repeat that."

I looked straight at her.

"I want every single flower you have in this shop."

She facepalmed.

"You messed up, huh."

I avoided her gaze and summoned a couple of clones.

"Don't worry, I will take them myself. You can count up how it is and send the bill to my house."

I disappeared and appeared in front of a chocolate shop before she could say anything. I entered it and when I left, the shop was completely empty. I then went to a cinnamon roll shop since that is her favorite food. I also emptied that shop.

I appeared in our garden and I had my clones plant all the flowers. I made sure to be as quiet as possible. I put down a couple of tables and filled them with chocolate and cinnamon rolls.

After I finished I went inside to get Hinata. I found her sitting on the couch.

I looked at her with a smile.

"Hey, babe. I want to show you something.

She looked away.

"I don't want to see your or anything else."

I grabbed her and put her over my shoulder.

"Let me down you pervert!"

"Not happening."

She started hitting my back.

"Ey, you are going to break my spine if you keep hitting me so hard."

She immediately stopped. I had a big smile on my face.

"So you still love me."

She didn't say anything.

I took her to the garden and put her down with her back facing it. She wanted to turn around but I stopped her by grabbing her face.

She pouted.

"What is it."

I smiled at her.

"I just want to see your beautiful face."

She pouted again.

"Let me see what you did already."

I let her go and she turned around.

"Cinnamon rolls!"

She ran to the table and started eating the cinnamon rolls.

I facepalmed.

'I bet just one pack of cinnamon rolls would have been enough to make her happy.'

"What are you standing there for. Come here."


I stood next to her. She gave me a cinnamon roll and she looked at me like a little kitten.

"Feed me."

I smiled at her.

I took out a chair and sat on it. I pulled Hinata on my ŀȧp and had her sit sideways while feeding her. Haru also came and sat on her ŀȧp and Hinata was feeding her.

"Do you completely forgive me now."

She looked at me with a smirk.

"I had already forgiven you after I knocked you out."

I sighed.

"It doesn't matter as long as you are happy I am happy."

She gave me a kiss and smiled at me.

"How can I be unhappy when I'm with the one I love and want to spend the rest of my life with."

I also smiled at her.

"Good answer."

After we finished eating, we went outside and started giving out free chocolate and cinnamon rolls. In 1 hour everything was already gone.

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