Tsunade, who was holding the glass to his mouth, was taken aback when he heard the mute sound. He was about to hide the jug and glass, but in a hurry, he dropped the glass and spilled the wine in the glass. It came out, and Tsunade didn't have time to clean up, and quickly picked up the documents on the table and pretended to be flipping through it, pretending to be nothing.

After rushing into the office in a panic, Mute smelled the smell of alcohol, and the originally flustered face became calm, and he habitually asked Tsunade: Master Tsunade, did you steal drinking during working hours again?

No...no...no! I didn't drink, I...I just smelled it!

Huh? Did you just smell it? Tsunade-sama, I have reminded you many times, pay attention to your image, you are Hokage now, how can you sneak a drink at work? If someone sees your image, you will destroyed!

I get it! I get it! It's so long-winded! You said something big just now, what happened? You're so panicked! Seeing that Mute was about to start preaching again, Tsunade quickly changed the subject and asked Mute .

Ah! Really, it's all to blame Tsunade-sama for stealing alcohol and making me forget important things. Take a look at the information on this. It was sent to me by the intelligence team just now. What happened in the Kingdom of Thunder? An appalling event! Under Tsunade's questioning, Mute remembered her purpose again, and hurriedly handed over the letter in her hand to Tsunade.

The Land of Thunder? An appalling event? Seeing Mute's panicked appearance, it seems that something really big has happened. Let me see it first! Tsunade secretly said, and opened the letter in his hand at the same time. looked up.

Tsunade became more and more frightened as he read the contents of the letter, and the expression on his face became more and more solemn. Finally, he suddenly stood up from his seat and said incredulously, When was this information sent?

Just now, after the Intelligence Department handed me this letter, I gave it to you as soon as possible!

Quick! Send the order to let all the Shangnin in the village put down what they are doing, and gather here immediately, and call back all the ninjas who go out to do missions!

Yes! Tsunade-sama! Mute quickly answered yes, then ran out of the office and issued Tsunade, the fifth Hokage's order.

Is it about to change? The peace of the ninja world for many years seems to be over!

Soon, the Shangnin people in the village gathered in the office building, and there were a large number of people, including Kakashi Hatake, the guide of the Konoha Twelve Xiaoqing Middle School, and Matekai. Of course, this was just the Shinobi on Konoha Ming's face, not all the people from Anbu and the ninjas of various secret arts families were present. Otherwise, this small office building would definitely not be able to accommodate so many people!

After the Shangren came to the Naruto Tower, they were full of doubts about each other, but seeing Tsunade's solemn expression and the presence of so many Shangnin, they all knew that something must have happened, and feeling the solemn atmosphere in the office, Shang None of the ninjas said a word, and even Matekai, who always talks to Kakashi, didn't say hello to Kakashi, waiting for Tsunade to speak!

Finally, all the jōnin gathered, Tsunade stood up from his seat, and said solemnly to the Konoha jōnin in front of him: Everyone, I think you must be wondering why I called you guys here. !

Hokage-sama, is something wrong? Kakashi asked Tsunade.

Originally Kakashi was still recovering in the hospital, but he rushed over after receiving Tsunade's order.

This is the information I just received, you'll know it when you see it! Tsunade glanced at Kakashi, and then handed him the information in his hand.

After Kakashi got the information, he looked at it, and Joinin, who was present, was also curious about the information, but in front of Hokage, they all endured because they knew that Tsunade would definitely tell them.

This is... how is it possible! It turns out...

Kakashi opened the letter in his hand, read the contents inside, and couldn't help exclaiming.

Kakashi, what happened? Matekai, who was beside Kakashi, asked anxiously.

Yunyin Village... was breached, and the village... was razed to the ground! Kakashi used a heavy tone to announce a piece of news that shocked everyone present.

What? This... how is this possible! Kakashi, are you kidding me?

The Joinin people present were all in disbelief at the news, and even thought it was just a prank by Kakashi, and questioned them one after another.

It's no wonder they don't believe it. After all, it is Yunyin, one of the five major ninja villages, and its combat power is comparable to Konoha, or even a higher military power. How could it be razed to the ground? Compared with this, they would rather believe it. Konoha was attacked!

Looking at the noisy Jōnin, Tsunade frowned, slapped the table abruptly, and yelled at them, Don't make any noise!

Seeing that Tsunade was angry, all the Shangnin didn't dare to speak any more, and the office became quiet.

It's just as Kakashi said. Yesterday, Yunyin Village, which is also one of the five major ninja villages, was attacked into the hinterland of the village. More than half of Yunyin's ninjas were killed or injured, even their fourth-generation Raikage. He was seriously injured and was dying, and even his left arm was lost. Although he did not die, he was already dying, and it would take a long time to recover!

What? Really at this time?...How could it be...

After hearing Tsunade's words, the upper ninjas were boiling again. This was confirmed by Hokage himself, and there must be no fake. No matter who it was, there were expressions of disbelief on their faces, and they were discussing.

The kitten has returned, and the update will resume from today, thank you for your support! …

I am back

I just returned to the city today, it is already very late, I barely updated a chapter, and the update will resume tomorrow, thank you for your continued support! …

Chapter 154: The shock of the ninja world II

At this moment, in the Hokage Building office, Tsunade frowned as he looked at the clamoring crowds in front of him.

Enough! Shut up! Don't doubt the authenticity of this matter. This information is the news that we have placed in the eyes of the ninja world. There can be no fakes, and such a big thing, I think now The ninja world must have spread, what kind of etiquette are you noisy!

Tsunade roared again, stunned the Joinin people present, and the noisy office became quiet again.

At this time, a jounin stepped forward and said to Tsunade: Sorry! Hokage-sama, we are not doubting the authenticity of this incident, but we are too shocked by this incident, it is unbelievable! After all, it is Yunyin Village, which is as famous as our Konoha!

Okay! I can understand your feelings. This information is indeed too unbelievable, but it is an established fact!

However, why was Yunyin Village attacked? And who has the ability to subvert the entire Yunyin Village? Could it be a certain Ninja village among the five great Ninja villages, or a few Ninja villages? Village? Except for the Five Great Ninja Village, I really can't think of anyone else who can do it!

Impossible! Yunyin Village is a military power. Their military capabilities are only stronger than our Konoha. Even Konoha, the leader of the five major ninja villages, has no such possibility to overthrow the entire Yunyin Village, let alone. Three other Ninja villages!

Could it be that after the Ninja World relayed the Five Ninja Villages, another powerful organization emerged that could subvert Yunyin Village, one of the five major Ninja Villages? How is this possible! Is Yunyin Village going to be replaced?

Just when the Shang Nin people were discussing again, Tsunade stood up and said: Don't guess, the person who did this was not an organization, but a team! They called themselves Eagle, and the team in this team We don't know the exact number, but we found that the number of them is only four members, all of them are elite ninjas with some special abilities or the bloodline limit. The leader of this team is our Konoha Village. S-class betrayal... Uchiha Chen! And according to the information, Yunyin Village seems to have been subverted by this person alone!

Uchiha Chen? Uchiha Chen, one of Uchiha's orphans? This...how is this possible!

Nothing is impossible, his purpose seems to be a tailed beast. They were sneaking into Yunyin Village and grabbing Yunyin's two-tailed man Zhuli, which alarmed Lei Ying. Yunyin rushed out of his nest to hunt him down. He didn't succeed, but angered him. Yunyin's ninja suffered heavy casualties, and even the entire village was razed to the ground. Uchiha Chen is extremely dangerous! I called you here to issue an order to the village, from now on After that, all the orders against the rebel Uchiha Chen were cancelled. Also, when our Konoha ninjas were out on a mission, if they bumped into Uchiha Chen, they must not conflict with him. If there is a conflict between Uchiha Chen, you can give up the mission on the spot and not be regarded as a mission failure!

This... Hokage-sama, isn't this too sloppy, it will make the outside world think that we Konoha are afraid of him Uchiha Chen, even if he is very strong, but we don't need to be so afraid of him!

Tsunade said in an unquestionable tone: No, Uchiha Chen is too dangerous, and he seems to have a deep resentment for Konoha, if our Konoha people conflict with him, he will definitely not subdue him. Be merciful, I can't make fun of the lives of the ninjas in the village! Okay, pass this order on, and you all step back!

There may be some people among the Shangin who disagreed, but they still did not dare to disobey Tsunade's orders. After responding, they all left the office.

After the Shang Ninjas walked out of the office, Tsunade's face was still so dignified, not as relaxed as usual, and he decided to secretly say: Uchiha Chen... Although I don't know why you have such deep resentment towards Konoha, but If you want to be detrimental to Konoha, I will never allow it!

In fact, not only Konoha, but similar things have happened in various small and large ninja villages in the ninja world.

The Land of Earth, in the Tuying Building of Yanyin Village.

As the third-generation Tukage, Tiantianping Ohnogi is also admonishing his subordinates, the content is almost the same as that of Naruto. It is also not allowed to provoke the Eagle team, let alone conflict with Chen Uchiha. As the oldest People of this generation have been fortunate enough to see the power of Madara, so they have always warned themselves that no matter what the circumstances, they cannot underestimate the people of the Uchiha family.

Hey! Old man, is that Uchiha Chen really that powerful? It scares you like this!

After Tsuchikage issued the order, all the ninjas withdrew, and there were only three people left in the office, one was the third Tukage, the other was Tukage's son, Loess, and granddaughter, Heitu.

As the granddaughter of the third generation of Tuying, Heitu doesn't seem to show any respect for Tuying.

Baga! You can see what happened to Yun Yin. It's definitely not easy to make that bad boy Raikage suffer such a big loss. I once said don't underestimate any Uchiha clan. Even if that family has perished!

Damn old man, it's too long, I want to see what kind of person this Uchiha Chen is, I heard that he is only

Only fifteen years old, about the same as me! Maybe still a handsome guy!

Hearing what Hei Tu said, Tu Ying was taken aback. If it was normal, Tu Ying wouldn't say anything. The safety of Heitu was joking, but his expression became solemn, and he said to Heishu who was looking forward to it: Heishu! This time you have to listen to me, Uchiha Chen is too dangerous, if you meet him in the outside world. When you get to him, you must flee immediately, let alone conflict with him, understand?

Huh? Seeing Tu Ying's expression, he put away his joking expression and frowned. In her impression, since childhood, grandpa had never been so serious to himself.

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