Big Sword Shark Muscle! Boss, I didn't expect you to bring it back!

After killing the ghost shark, I brought it back. Since you like it, I will give it to you. Anyway, you are the only person in our team who is suitable for using a big knife, but you have to be careful when using the shark muscle. , this thing is very weird, if the user has the chakra it likes, then he will be very close to the user, otherwise he will repel the user, or even betray, are you sure you can master it?

Although it has been decided long ago to hand over the shark muscle to Shuiyue, Chen still needs to remind again, after all, the shark muscle is different from ordinary weapons, it is a living creature with self-awareness.

Don't worry, boss! Since I dare to pick it up, I'm sure I can tame him. You must know that my elder brother, Ghost Lantern Moon, once waved the shark's muscles, so I'm sure I can too! Shuiyue weighed the shark in his hand excitedly. Mu Mu didn't take Chen's words to heart at all.

Really? It's up to you, I just remind you. Seeing this, Chen didn't say anything more. Anyway, the shark muscle is not very useful to him, so I will give it to Shuiyue, and maybe it can make Shuiyue's strength Furthermore, as for other problems, I will leave it to Shuiyue to solve by herself. If Shuiyue can't control the shark muscles, it can only be blamed for his lack of strength.

Chen didn't pay attention to Suigetsu anymore, but showed admiring eyes to Xianglin, and said: Xianglin, you did a good job, it seems that Yinnin Village has been completely controlled by you, so the other strongholds that receive Orochimaru How is it going?

Mentioning this matter, Xiang Lin's face flashed with pride. After all, compared to other members of Eagle Squad, she is only better than others in this aspect.

Otonin Village has been completely controlled by us, and the several strongholds established by Dashemaru before his death have also been gathered by us. Now all the forces of Dashemaru before his death have completely fallen into our hands, but compared to other strongholds , the stronghold in the north is a little troublesome, because it is a human testing ground, and all the monsters that are contained there are born there and cannot be controlled. Although they are very powerful, they are extremely bloodthirsty and warlike, and they are not easy to control , At that time, relying on the strength of Zhongwu and that idiot Shuiyue, we managed to suppress them forcibly, and even killed many people because of it, are you sure you want to take them into the saddle?

Hearing Xianglin's words made Chen feel very satisfied, nodded his head and said to Xianglin appreciatively: Sure enough, I am not disappointed, I didn't expect to control all the forces of Orochimaru in just a few days, I have to say that your management ability is indeed stronger than ours. As for the issue of the northern stronghold, don’t bother with it at all. Anyway, they don’t live long and can only be used as cannon fodder. Since they like to kill and fight, then if we have an incident with the five great ninja villages If there is a war, let them play first.

Xiang Lin was not surprised by Chen's words. In her opinion, Chen's decision was not wrong. After all, the monsters in the northern stronghold are too dangerous, and because of the curse seal, while gaining powerful power, It is also accompanied by great danger, and the body is eroded by the power of the seal, so their life span is generally not long. Instead of letting them die meaninglessly, it is better to let them do something meaningful. This may be for them It's very unfair, or very cruel, but in this world, there are too many injustices. Even Konoha Hidden Village, one of the Five Great Ninja Villages, may sacrifice the ninjas in the village for the benefit of the village. life.

Therefore, Xianglin didn't think it was wrong or cruel for Chen to do so.

Okay, let's not talk about this for now, what about Sasuke? Why haven't I seen him since I came back? Could it be that he hasn't returned from the mission to capture Sanwei? Chen asked suspiciously.

Sasuke's task should be easier than his own, and the journey is shorter. It stands to reason that Sasuke should go back to Yinnin Village before him. Why is there no one who sees him now.

Sasuke...Sasuke's mission failed. He didn't bring Sanwei back successfully. Moreover, he was seriously injured and is recovering from his injuries. Speaking of Sasuke, Xiang Lin couldn't help but think of Sasuke rushing back to Otonin. The wound on Murashi's body and his weak appearance, a distressed expression flashed across his face, and it disappeared in a flash.

Oh? Did the mission fail? And he was injured? Deidara... Even though I have changed the plot, the battle between the two of them still happened, forget it... Let's go and see how Sasuke is doing first! Hearing Xiang Lin's words, Rang Chen frowned. Although he had already guessed it, he was still a little surprised.

Although I knew from Itachi that Sasuke might meet Didara, I didn't worry too much at that time. After all, in the original book, Sasuke was still able to win Dida without opening the Kaleidoscope Sharingan. Pull, and now Sasuke is not only much stronger than in the original book, but also opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, but he still got hurt from the original book.

Let's go and have a look! Chen said and walked out of the hall first, and walked towards Sasuke's room, followed by Xianglin and others.

Soon, Chen came to Sasuke's room, and pushed the door open without knocking. Sasuke in the room seemed to have known that Chen was coming, and had already sat up, looking at Chen who came in expressionlessly.

How's your recovery going?

Very good, maybe it's because of the power of Orochimaru, the recovery is faster than expected, and with the ability of Xianglin, there is no serious problem! But the mission failed, and I couldn't bring Sanwei back. Get this thing! Sasuke said while handing something that looked like a teapot to Chen's hand.

And after Chen took the teapot, he held it in his hand and played with it. Feeling the ominous chakra surging in the teapot, the corners of Chen's mouth curled up slightly.


It's enough to have this, as for the three tails, it's not that important anymore!

The teapot that Sasuke handed over to Chen was the Tailed Beast Chakra Collector that Chen exchanged with the system before. When Sasuke set out to capture Sanwei, Chen gave him this and asked him to use the collector to collect it when he found Sanwei. The chakra of the three tails, just in case, it turns out that Chen is right!

ps: Sorry everyone! …

Chapter 177: Going to Konoha

According to what you said, when I was fighting with Sanwei, I took the opportunity to put it on Sanwei's body. This thing seemed to be able to absorb Sanwei's chakra, but when I was going to capture Sanwei, people from the Akatsuki organization appeared , In the battle with one of their members, although I won, I was seriously injured and the mission failed!

No, if you can bring back the three-tailed chakra, it's not considered a mission failure. My original goal was the tailed beast's chakra, and the purpose of the Akatsuki organization was to capture the real tailed beast. Our goals are different!

Hearing Chen's answer seemed to make Sasuke very puzzled, he frowned and asked: In this case, why did you take Erwei's Jinchuriki away, and also snatched Four-tailed Jinchuriki from Akatsuki? Isn’t it superfluous? And doing so has attracted the attention of the Five Great Ninja Villages.”

The reason is very simple. Since the Akatsuki organization is our enemy, and their goal is to collect tailed beasts, I certainly won't let them achieve their goal so easily. The tailed beasts are in our hands, not only can hinder their plans, but also You can also use this as a condition to make some demands on them. As for the Five Great Ninja Villages, there is no need to worry at all, unless they can unite wholeheartedly, otherwise there is nothing to be afraid of, but it is not easy to get them united! It is said that they can't let go, and there are many grievances and grievances among the villages, so even if their shadows want to unite, their ninjas will not be happy. The alliance fell apart, of course, the premise is that they are really united, as for now, there is no need to worry about this matter! Chen explained to Sasuke.

Hmph! Are you that confident? None of the Five Great Ninja Villages is simple! Sasuke said with a cold snort.

You don't have to worry about these. Compared with this, let's talk about the members of the Akatsuki organization you met when you were catching tailed beasts. You, who have already opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan, and can also cast Susanoo, did not expect It's really beyond my expectation to receive such a serious injury! Chen didn't want to get entangled in this issue, so he quickly changed the subject and said to Sasuke.

They appeared when I was planning to capture Three Tails, but it was only one person who fought with me, while the other was very strange. Before the battle started, they hid far away, as if they were afraid of being affected by the battle, and The guy I fought was an Earth Dungeon type ninja, he was restrained by my Thunder Dungeon, so he was defeated by me, but in the end he wanted to die with me and blew himself up. That power is really powerful, even though I cast it in a hurry Susanoo almost protected himself, but he was still injured. Speaking of the previous battle, even though it had been a while, Sasuke still felt a little lingering fear, after all, Didara's self-destruct power was too terrifying, and the explosion range It has reached twenty kilometers, and it can reduce everything within this range to ashes, if it is not because of Susano's defense...

Didara? I'm not interested in him. What I want to ask is, is there a swirl-shaped mask among the other Akatsuki members you met?

That's right, another member of the Akatsuki organization is indeed the same as what you said, but his behavior makes me feel very strange. He seems to be a cowardly guy who hid before the battle started. I didn't expect that People were able to survive the explosion, and faced me who was already injured at the time, but didn't take action to avenge his companions, but took Sanwei away. I really don't understand why such a person can become a member of the Akatsuki organization. That kind of guy, why are you asking about him?

It seems that you are very disdainful of him. If you think so, you are very wrong. That guy didn't see it that way. The weird behavior he showed was just a disguise. He was actually The mastermind behind the Akatsuki organization is secretly manipulating Akatsuki, and his identity is not simple. More than ten years ago, Konoha’s Nine-Tails incident was caused by him, and even Wuyin Village, the country of water, was once controlled by him... ...

Chen told Sasuke the true identity of A Fei, although the current Sasuke learned the truth about the extermination of the clan from Chen a long time ago, coupled with the relationship between brothers, he has already followed Chen's side, but Sasuke this person Too simple and easy to be fooled by others, so he was vaccinated first.

Uchiha Obito? Listen to me, he is indeed a difficult opponent. If so, why didn't he kill me at that time? Sasuke said doubtfully.

It should be because you think you might be of value to him. After all, it is really rare to be able to use Susanoo's Sharingan! Chen replied.

Is it worth using? Hmph!

Okay, let's not talk about this. I came to see how your injury is recovering today. By the way, I would like to remind you about Obito Uchiha. You should recover from your injury in the next two days, and wait for your injury to fully recover. After that, we're going to a place, to get a thing done!



Hearing the word Konoha, Sasuke's expression froze, and there was a slight nostalgia in his eyes, but it was fleeting and was soon replaced by hatred.


That's right, those old guys from Konoha have lived long enough, it's time for them to repay what Konoha owes us!

Get together and solve this matter first, otherwise after they get together, they will have to work harder to get revenge. If you can save trouble, save it!

Really? I'm finally going to do it... Konoha... I can't wait!

But before that, recover your body first. You have been waiting for so many years, and you don't care about these two days. Okay, you rest, I have to deal with some things! Chen said to Sasuke, and then left Sasuke's room.

ps: Bad news, I failed the exam of the second subject, I'm going to cry to death! …

Chapter 178: Finding Payne

However, while Chen was talking with Sasuke, it was raining heavily in the Land of Rain as usual, on a strange building, the leader of the Akatsuki organization, Tendo Payne, was standing in that building Looking at the country of rain below, even though the rainwater drenched on his body, he didn't have any intention of avoiding it.

Payne, come here, he's back!

At this time, a woman's voice sounded behind Tiandao Payne, and Payne was not surprised at all when he heard the voice, as if he already knew who it was.

I see!

Tiandao Payne responded casually, then turned around and walked towards the source of the voice behind him, only to see Xiao Nan wearing the uniform of Xiao Organization standing not far in front of Payne, looking at him, what Xiao Nan said just now was exactly what Xiao Nan said of.

After Payne came to Xiao Nan's side, he walked into the strange building together with Xiao Nan. A person wearing the same uniform of the Akatsuki organization and wearing a whirlpool mask appeared in front of Payne and Xiaonan. This person is the behind-the-scenes controller of the Akatsuki organization, Uchiha Obito!

Previously aliased as A Fei, he and Didara carried out the task of capturing Sanwei, but met Sasuke who had the same purpose. As a result, Didara blew himself up and Sasuke was injured. And Obito relied on the space ability of his kaleidoscope Sharingan to survive the explosion safely, and then brought Sanwei back.

After seeing Obito, Payne was the first to speak: What happened? Who killed Didara?

Sasuke Uchiha!

Oh, it turned out to be him! You have already contacted him, how is it?

It feels good. Sharingan's ability has been brought into full play, even exceeding my expectations. Those eyes will become stronger than Itachi. When the time is right, I will go to him again!

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