But at this moment, Kakashi's heart was not as calm as Chen's. He felt Chen's resentment towards Konoha from Chen very early on. Although he didn't know where this resentment came from, but What is certain is that Uchiha Tatsumi's appearance in Konoha this time is not a good thing, as can be seen from the Kyuubi under his feet.

Nine-Tails... the evil chakra emanating from it is consistent with the Nine-Tail Chakra leaked by Naruto. It is so ominous, and the sense of oppression I feel from it seems to be genuine. Tailed Beast. I got the news before, when Uchiha Tatsuo summoned Nine-Tails when he was in Hidden Cloud Village, he combined the power of Nine-Tails to razed Hidden Cloud Village to the ground. People distorted the facts, and now it seems that it should be true as the intelligence said. But... Hasn't the Nine Tails been sealed in Naruto's body? Then what is going on with the Nine Tails in front of me... Although it does not move on the surface sensual, but Kakashi's heart was turned upside down, and he really couldn't figure out why Kyuubi fell into Uchiha Tatsuo's hands, and he seemed so obedient.

Uchiha Tatsuya, what is your purpose of returning to Konoha today? Also, what's going on with Nine Tails?

Facing Kakashi's questioning, Chen just hung up a sneer, and replied: Hey~~ I told you before, Konoha, I will come back, but it's not for you to bring me back to confess my guilt, but to come back for revenge Yes! Now, I'm just fulfilling what I said at the beginning. As for Kyuubi... you have to ask it!

As soon as Zai Chen's words fell, Nine Tails under his feet seemed to be ordered, and suddenly raised his front paws, and slapped Kakashi below.

Although Kyuubi's attack was too sudden, Kakashi is also an extraordinary person. The moment Kyuubi made a move, he was alert, and the moment Kyuubi's front paws shot towards him with a howling wind, he shot towards him. Jumping to the side, escaped from Nine-Tails' attack range.


There was a loud sound of landslides and ground cracks, and Nine Tails' front paws suddenly slapped on the ground. Although it missed, Nine Tails' attack was too strong. The ninja felt the shaking of the ground, what's more, his feet were shaken by the shock, and he fell to the ground, extremely embarrassed.

I'm going to destroy Konoha, if you want to stop me, then come! But you must be prepared to die, I will not show mercy! Looking at Mu Ye who was in a panic because of Kyuubi's attack Everyone in Ye, Chen couldn't help showing a mocking smile, and said with a murderous intent.

Sensing Chen's killing intent, Nine Tails roared up to the sky again, the berserk Chakra raged, and the Nine Tails behind him were swinging irregularly, blowing up gusts of sand, and at the same time, big trees were constantly being swept away by Nine Tails' tails , the violent Chakra formed a wave of air, sweeping as if to sweep everything around.

It is like a savage giant beast descending on the human world, full of violence, bloodthirsty rays of light appear from the scarlet eyes of the beast, as if it wants to destroy everything in front of it, no matter what it is, it can't stop its violence .

Really! Are you excited too? Then let's destroy this place together! Go, enter the hinterland of the village! I'm going to turn Konoha into the second Hidden Cloud Village! Let them all feel the pain , all the unfair treatment inflicted on our Uchiha clan back then, as well as the indelible pain in my heart, let them pay back today!

Uchiha Chen, hurry up and stop! Kakashi jumped out a distance and stood firm, and immediately shouted at Chen. He heard Chen's self-talk just now, but he didn't understand it at all. He understood what was going on, but he heard something from Chen's words, Chen's hatred for Konoha, and its behavior against Konoha today seemed to be an extermination of the Uchiha clan. Of course, he couldn't get to those truths anymore, so he couldn't figure it out.

Kakashi's words didn't have any effect. Instead, it aroused Kyuubi's hatred. Kyuubi raised its front paw again and slammed down on Kakashi's position violently.

Damn it!

Faced with Kyuubi's attack, Kakashi naturally couldn't sit still. With his agile figure, before Kyuubi's attack was about to come, he had already dodged and left the spot, dodging Kyuubi's front claws, making Kyuubi The attack failed again.

Quickly, stop Nine Tails, stop it, absolutely don't let him get into the village.

Damn fox, die for me!

Seeing Kyuubi's attack, those Konoha ninjas were not idle, and they launched their own attacks one after another. Ninjutsu and Kunai Shuriken flew towards Kyuubi from all directions, but the effect was minimal. The shuriken hit Kyuubi's body without leaving even a single scratch on Kyuubi's body.

In that case... Seeing that the persuasion was ineffective, Kakashi didn't talk nonsense, and directly pulled up the forehead shield covering Sharingan, revealing the kaleidoscope Sharingan with only a boomerang pattern.

Hmph! You, a foreigner, can raise Sharingan to this level. It's really amazing, and it can be considered that you haven't insulted the blood successor of our Uchiha clan, but you copied the name of ninja Kakashi, and that's it! Seeing Kakashi's kaleidoscope Sharingan, Chen flashed a thought, and then showed a grim smile.

ps: Ask for flowers! Please customize! ! Ask for a reward!

Recommend a novel The Unparalleled System of Naruto for collection! …

Chapter 187: Fierce Battle

At this time, a fierce battle broke out at the former site of the Uchiha clan in Konoha Village. Uchiha Takashi, who claimed to be an avenger, controlled Nine Tails and formed a crushing attack on the surrounding Konoha ninjas.

On the other side, the Konoha ninja, in order to protect the village, tried his best to stop Kyuubi. All kinds of ninjutsu exploded on Kyuubi's huge body, but the difference in strength

It's too big, coupled with Kyuubi's terrifying chakra and recovery ability, the attacks of Konoha ninjas can't do much damage to Kyuubi, often a powerful ninjutsu released by a ninja desperately, although it can break Kyuubi Kyuubi's defense injured Kyuubi, but those wounds healed in the blink of an eye at a speed visible to the naked eye, and Kyuubi's attack could often kill a few Konoha ninjas who couldn't avoid it with a random claw, and it was unstoppable.

What a monster! Seeing that the Konoha ninjas used ninjutsu to heal Kyuubi so lightly, Kakashi felt grief and indignation, but also felt helpless. After jumping away from one of Kyuubi's attacks, his eyes stared at Chen on Kyuubi's head, and he couldn't help thinking about the countermeasures: It's impossible to stop Kyuubi in this way, we must find a way, since Kyuubi is being attacked by Uchi It is controlled by Bochen, so as long as Uchihachen is subdued, Kyuubi will lose control, so it will be easier to deal with!

Kakashi quickly moved, he closed his right eye, and focused on Chen with the kaleidoscope of his left eye.


As Kakashi's voice fell, I saw that the space where Chen was located was distorted, forming a spiral black hole, which seemed to swallow everything around him, and Chen, who was in the center of the black hole, was naturally the first to bear the brunt. With the suction of the black hole, his body It is gradually being sucked into the space of Shenwei.

Kakashi's Kamui? If your Kamui devouring speed can be doubled faster, maybe you will succeed, but now... Chen who was swallowed by Kakashi's ability did not show any panic, but looked at In the direction of Kakashi, he sneered and mocked, and then disappeared instantly in Kakashi's frightened eyes.

Nani! Could it be...

Seeing the disappearing Chen, Kakashi was startled, thinking of the Flying Thunder God that Chen had used when fighting Chen for the first time, he quickly dispelled the Kamui, and then looked around for Chen's figure.

Are you looking for me?

Kakashi's penetration sounded a teasing voice without warning, Kakashi was startled, just about to make some action, but before he had time to implement it, he saw a blade protruding from his chest.


A puff of smoke dissipated, and Kakashi, who had been pierced by Chen with the streamer, turned into a piece of dead wood and fell to the ground.

Hmph! It's these little tricks again! Looking at the dead wood under his feet, Chen couldn't help frowning and said unhappily.


Kakashi's shout came from behind Chen, and accompanied by the ear-piercing sound unique to Thunder, Chen didn't even need to look back to know that Kakashi's attack was coming towards him.

Naive! Facing Kakashi's attack, Chen just showed a mocking expression, the streamer in his hand flashed red, chakra filled the blade instantly, turned around suddenly, and the streamer in his hand was facing Kaka who was already close Xi's head was cut off.

Kakashi's eyes were fixed, he squatted down slightly, dodged Chen's slash, and then Raikiri in his hand attacked Chen's stomach. However, Chen's reaction was also extraordinary, and his movements were even more rapid. After he missed the slash, he turned the blade instantly, holding Liu Guang upside down to block in front of him. Kakashi's Raikiri finally hit Liu Guang's blade, and Chen When it is down, the attack will naturally lose its effect.

Seeing that the purpose of the sneak attack was useless after a single hit, Kakashi didn't dare to stand in a stalemate with Chen, and instantly pulled away and jumped back, wanting to distance himself from Chen, but of course Chen would not let him go so easily. To escape, the moment Kakashi pulled away, he also had the same movement, and before Kakashi landed, he rushed towards him.

Damn it, Thunder Dun and Thunder Tiger Kill! Kakashi didn't dare to be careless when he saw this, the Rachel that hadn't dissipated in his hand instantly condensed into the form of two thunder dogs, roaring and rushing towards Chen, But Chen was not afraid at all, he met the two thunder dogs, waved the streamer in his hand, and chopped off the two thunder beasts condensed by lightning to dissipate them. After that, the castration continued unabated, and he still attacked Kakashi, and suddenly accelerated after reaching a certain distance.

He rushed in front of Kakashi in an instant, and pierced Kakashi's body again under Kakashi's horrified eyes.

However, the imaginary scene of blood splattering did not appear, only the Kakashi in front of Chen saw thunder and lightning oozing from the wound pierced by the streamer. Immediately after the lightning flashed, Kakashi's body instantly turned into a An aggressive lightning blast exploded.

Because all of this happened too quickly, and with such a distance, there was no time for Chen to make defenses, so he could only activate the Flying Thunder God Technique, and disappeared in place in an instant.

The target that was clearly killed turned out to be a clone. This feeling is really depressing: Is the Thunder Dun clone? Being tricked again, this feeling is really annoying! But the shadow clone and the substitute technique It’s Kakashi’s trick that works! But forget it, I don’t want to play peek-a-boo with you anymore!”

At this time, Kakashi, who was hiding in a hidden place, was observing Chen secretly, hoping to find out Chen's flaws and then launch a sneak attack, but he felt bad after hearing Chen's self-talk.

Wood escape. Birth of the tree world!

At this time, Chen put his hands together to form a ninjutsu seal. In Kakashi's shocked eyes, he cast the wooden escape map gun Birth of the tree world!

It turned out to be the wooden escape ninjutsu of the first Hokage... how is it possible!

Recommend a novel The Unparalleled System of Naruto for collection! Ask for collection! ! …

Chapter 188: Guild Wars II

Kakashi recognized the ninjutsu performed by Chen, which was the wooden escape ninjutsu of the first Hokage, but he was powerless to stop it.

Quick, leave quickly! Knowing what was about to happen, Kakashi was terrified, and immediately sent an alarm to the Konoha ninjas who were besieging Kyuubi.

However, it was too late.

The ground was roaring, before the ninjas of Konoha could figure out the situation, they felt the entire ground shaking violently like an earthquake, and then under the shocked eyes of those ninjas, countless vines broke through the ground And it is growing crazily at an extremely fast speed, surpassing the growth speed of any plant in the world. The vines intertwine, tightly entangle the unresponsive Konoha ninjas, and then form a squeeze, most of the Konoha ninjas are He was squeezed to death like this, and before he died, he uttered screams of extremely distorted pain.

And some quick-response ninjas escaped the catastrophe in the first place, but those vines seemed to have consciousness, and kept entangled them, although they were also fighting back, cutting off the vines that attacked them Or destroy them, but because there are too many of them, and the moment the tree vines are broken, new vines are frantically entangled, killing them endlessly. Under this kind of indiscriminate attack, many Konoha ninjas were entangled in vines and followed in the footsteps of their companions.

Although the Birth of the Tree Realm killed many ninjas, Kakashi was not among them. He escaped the attack of the tree vines by virtue of his own powerful strength and the insight ability of Sharingan, but he did not feel that Fortunately and happy, because an extremely tragic scene appeared in front of his eyes, which made him tear up.

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