Huh? Want to see me? Not interested! Although Sasuke was curious about who wanted to see him, he still rejected the mysterious man with disdain.

Humph! It's up to you. The mysterious man said with a strong murderous aura.

This...this is... Sasuke was so overwhelmed by the strong murderous aura that he couldn't move at all. In this strong murderous aura, Sasuke felt like a lonely boat in the turbulent waves, and would be swallowed up by the monstrous waves at any time.

But... Damn, I... am I going to... die? Just when Sasuke thought he was going to be killed, the mysterious man withdrew his murderous intent towards Sasuke.

Don't try to make unnecessary struggles anymore, I don't want to waste any more time, just follow me. The mysterious man's cold voice sounded again. Speaking of a teleportation technique, he instantly appeared in front of Sasuke.

Just when the mysterious man just stretched out his hand to lift Sasuke, there was a sudden sound of breaking through the air, and three cold beams shot towards the mysterious man. The mysterious man was startled, launched the teleportation technique again, and avoided it.

Du! Du! Du! The three shuriken were nailed to the position of the mysterious man just now.

Sasuke looked around and found that there were suddenly more characters dressed in the same clothes as the mysterious man. The few people who just appeared were standing scattered on some branches at this time, forming a circle around Sasuke and the mysterious person before.

Huh? It's Anbu, what do you mean? Why do you intervene in our root department? The mysterious man from before asked a few people who had just appeared.

We don't care about the root department, we are just following Hokage-sama's orders. One of the people who just appeared looked like a captain or something, facing the mysterious person before, that is, The person who claimed to be the root department said: At the order of Hokage-sama, take Sasuke Uchiha away.

Huh? Sasuke Uchiha? No, that's the person we adults want. We can't let you take it away. The root person said cautiously to the people in Anbu.

What? Are you going to disobey Hokage-sama's orders? your root going to betray?

Uh...don't dare! Hearing the captain of Anbu say so, the people of gen had to make concessions.

The root department is under the jurisdiction of Danzo, which is equivalent to Danzo's private soldiers. The ninjas in it only obey the orders of Danzo. But on the bright side, Hokage is the highest leader of Konoha. The people of the root group did not dare to blatantly disobey Hokage's orders, unless they actually rebelled as Anbu said. And at this time, Anbu's number is dominant, and it is really unwise to want to be strong.

Although the members of the root group are the elites of various blood and secret arts families, their strength may be slightly stronger than that of Anbu, but Anbu is not a vegetarian.

Anbu, the full name of the assassination tactics special unit, Anbu is composed of excellent ninjas selected from the village. All team members are proficient in body structure and understand the weaknesses of the human body. In order to distinguish Anbu from normal ninjas and hide their true identities, the members wear white porcelain masks. In addition, they also have a standard uniform: black shorts, gray protective clothing, upper arms, and tattoos with spiral marks on the arms. Sometimes the members of the dark army will also wear a cloak on the body (the cloak of the dark part is black, and the cloak of the original root members is white). Unlike ordinary ninjas, each Anbu will be equipped with a ninja sword and tied to his back. In order to protect the ninja village, he must let himself die without leaving a corpse.

Anbu's job is mainly responsible for protecting the safety of the Shadow and Ninja Village, performing high-risk tasks such as espionage or assassination in enemy countries, and tasks that may involve confrontation with S-rank ninjas. Since Anbu directly belongs to the shadow, the work is also directly assigned by the shadow, and the nature of the task and all other information are kept confidential, and all actions and achievements will not be made public.

The root people are not arrogant enough to think that they can kidnap Sasuke Uchiha at the hands of several Anbu members. Besides, the people of Anbu have made their words clear, and if they still do it, it is equivalent to disobeying Hokage's order, which is equivalent to betraying the village. Therefore, the people in the root department wisely took a step back.

That's good, said the captain of Anbu.

Since that's the case, I'll go back and return to my life. The people from the root department said that they activated the instant body technique and disappeared into the night.

Sasuke Uchiha, you can go. Also, don't tell anyone what happened tonight. After the root people disappeared, the captain of Anbu warned Sasuke. In fact, the order they received was not to take Sasuke away, but to ensure that Sasuke Uchiha would not be taken away by the root people.

Mission completed, withdraw! Then everyone in Anbu disappeared into the night, and only Sasuke stayed where he was.

Damn! Damn! After everyone left, Sasuke fell to his knees on the ground and kept hitting the ground with his fists.

The blow to him tonight was too great, and he never thought that he would be so insignificant. When facing the root ninja, the other party just released the murderous aura, and he was so oppressed that he couldn't move, and he couldn't have the slightest idea of ​​resistance. In front of these two people, he is completely a sheep to be slaughtered, and there is no room for resistance at all.

Damn, how can I kill him like this, how can I get revenge? Sasuke's eyes overflowed with painful tears.

No! I must take revenge, I must kill him. Sasuke's face suddenly turned hideous, and he shouted in his heart, Be stronger, I want to be stronger, I need strength, as long as I can get strength, I am willing to give Any price, even if it's selling your soul to the devil.

At this time, Sasuke's desire for power has reached an unprecedented level! ps: Ask for collection, ask for flowers! uh, of course

Well, if you can, please give me a reward!

Chapter Fourteen: Conversation in the Naruto Tower

The members of the root department who had just left the woods came to a secret base. This is the base camp of Danzo, the headquarters of Root.

Sir, the mission failed. At this time, the root person was half-kneeling in front of a desk and said to an old man in a kimono sitting behind the desk.

This old man is Danzo, the leader of the root department.

Danzo was looking at the information in his hand at this time, and asked without raising his head: Failed? You, an elite jounin, failed to take away a child who couldn't even bear it? What happened?

Sir, it's from Anbu. The people from Anbu took Sasuke Uchiha away on the orders of Hokage-sama. The elite knelt on the ground answered truthfully.

Huh? People from Anbu? Danzo put down the document in his hand and raised his head to look at the elite Junin on the ground. Now Danzo has had a water-stopping eye transplanted, which is wrapped around his forehead with a bandage, covering his entire right eye.

If that's the case, you should step back first. Danzo instructed the elite Junin on the ground.

Yes, my lord. The elite Junin, who was half-kneeling on the ground, replied, and then retreated.

Humph! Sarutobi, do you still want to protect that Uchiha's remnant? It seems that you have to go there yourself.

At the same time, a similar thing happened in Hokage's office building.

Lord Hokage, the mission is completed, Sasuke Uchiha is safe and sound. Several Anbu members were half-kneeling on the ground and said to the three generations who were correcting documents.

Well, that's fine, you all go back first.

Yes. Anbu replied, and then all withdrew.

After Anbu had left, Sandai Hokage put down the document in his hand, picked up the pipe on the table, walked to the window of the office building, and looked at the village outside.

Itachi, I'm really sorry, I can only help you here.

At this time, there was a knock on the door outside.

Come in. After Sandai agreed, the door was pushed open and a ninja walked in.

Three generations, it's very late, you should go back. The ninja said respectfully to the three generations.

Well, wait. Sandai looked at the village outside the window and said without looking back.

Sir, what are you waiting for? the ninja asked curiously.

I'm waiting for someone, okay, you don't have to worry about me, go back. The third generation stretched out his hand and waved, ordering the ninja to step back.

Yes, Lord Sandai, I'll take my leave first. The ninja saluted Sandai and then stepped back.

Not long after the ninja left, the office door was opened again without knocking. There was a sound of footsteps behind the three generations.

You're here? Danzo. The third generation with a pipe in his mouth turned around and looked at the person who came.

This person is Shimura Danzo, a student of the second generation Hokage Senju Tobirama, who is the same as the third generation.

You know I'm coming. Shimura Danzo narrowed his eyes and said to Sandai.

Yes, I am the person who knows you best. I knew you would come after my Anbu came back to life. Sandai looked at Danzo and said calmly.

Why did you send someone to stop me? Danzo asked Sandai.

Then tell me, why did you have to take Sasuke Uchiha away? The third generation took a cigarette and looked at the Danzo.

Hmph, I said as early as a year ago that Uchiha is too dangerous to let too many Uchihas get out of control. And I also said at the time, I can let go of those two Uchihas, but I must Let one of them enter the root department. Danzo said.

Oh? If that's the case, I'll have someone send Uchiha Chen to your root department tomorrow. How?

Enough Sarutobi, what I want is Sasuke Uchiha, not that idiot Uchiha Chen.

As you know, the Uchiha family has only two children left: Sasuke Uchiha and Chen Uchiha. Since the Uchiha massacre a year ago, Chen Uchiha has suffered a serious mental blow. It has become a A fool who can't even take care of his own life is basically a waste. Three generations said while smoking a cigarette: So Uchiha Sasuke is the only one left in the Uchiha family. If Uchiha Sasuke has any advantages and disadvantages If so, Itachi won't let it go, you should know very well.

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