Chapter 222: The Two Advisors of Konoha

In a secret secret base far away from the Konoha battlefield, the villagers of Konoha and the wounded are all crowded in this small shelter. The medical ninjas are busy stopping the bleeding of the wounded. The faces of the villagers of Konoha They were all full of panic, but nothing happened. It seemed that this was not the first time that something like this had happened. Some civilians even offered to help the medical ninjas catch the wounded, and some children also put away their playful Heart.

I heard just now that the people who attacked Konoha turned out to be two little ghosts from the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Tatsumi and Uchiha Sasuke. Danzo was right. Hirizan really shouldn't have left those two Uchihas behind. It is a remnant of evil that led to today's situation! All of this is because of Ri Zhan's weakness and the kindness of a woman! From a corner of the refuge, an old hoarse voice suddenly came and attracted everyone's attention , He seemed to feel very regretful and dissatisfied in his tone.

These two rebels, the village treated them well in the past, but I didn't expect to raise two white-eyed wolves, and now they attack the village ungratefully, they deserve death!

When everyone saw it, they turned out to be Konoha's two major advisers, who are equivalent to Konoha's elders, Zhuanju Xiaoharu and Mito Menyan, two old people, they are old, although they are still serving as Konoha's Hokage advisors However, after Chen attacked Konoha, they, like Konoha civilians, entered the Konoha Sanctuary for the first time.

The one who spoke just now was obviously the only woman in the Konoha Elders' Group, Zhuanzi Xiaochun. He is a direct disciple of the second generation of Hokage, good at medical ninjutsu, and one of the three elder consultants with a deliberative power in Konoha Ninja Village, the country of fire (the other two are Mitomen Yan and Danzo), and participated in many times It decides the proposal of Naruto candidates, and plays a pivotal role in Konoha's plan to wipe out the tragedy of the Uchiha clan. Zhuanzhu Xiaochun has palm fairy art and fine disease extraction art. As teammates of the third Hokage, he and Mitomonyan have very high aptitude in illusion.

Hey~ It's too late to say anything now, and it was a last resort at the time, Uchiha Itachi used the village's information as a threat, if we had started with Uchiha Tatsumi and Uchiha Sasuke, the two little devils, Uchiha Itachi If you rebel, you will sell Konoha's information to the ninjas of the hostile country, and in that case, you will put the village under the butcher's knife of the enemy ninja without any precautions.

In my opinion, the Uchiha clan is inherently rebellious. Even Uchiha Itachi should have been eradicated in the first place. In this way, the rebellious Uchiha clan will disappear in the ninja world, and this will not happen. What happened, speaking of it, Danzo’s subordinates were incompetent and let Uchiha Itachi escape!”

Okay, don't say any more, since everything has already happened, then there is no need to complain anymore. As for Uchiha Tatsumi and Uchiha Sasuke, I believe Tsunade will handle it well. Let's wait patiently for the news here! Hearing the complaints of Zhuanju Xiaoharu, Mitomon Yan, who is also a disciple of the second generation of Hokage and is the same as Zhuanju Xiaoharu as a consultant of Hokage, said. Compared with Xiaochun who turned to bed, he seemed more calm and calm.

Hmph! Turning to bed Xiaochun also knew that it was really not suitable to talk about these things in this kind of place, so he snorted coldly and didn't say anything else.

And at this moment, a ninja dressed as Anbu appeared in the refuge, and he came to the two of them in an instant, and said to them: Master Advisor, I have something urgent to inform you!

Both of them could hear the anxiety contained in Anbu's tone, and they couldn't help but glance at each other, feeling each other's doubts.

You... are Danzo's subordinates, right? Did Danzo ask you to come to us to discuss some countermeasures? Zhuanzhu Xiaochun refocused his attention on the Anbu member in front of him, and asked indifferently.

Yes, I am a member of the root organization that belongs to Danzo-sama, but I am not sent by Danzo-sama, because Danzo-sama has already...

Huh? Hearing the words of the root member, coupled with his tone, Xiaoharu and Mitomen Yan couldn't help but feel a little uneasy in their hearts, as if something bad had happened.

Danzo-sama has... been...killed by Uchiha Sasuke!

What? How is it possible!

It was obviously unbelievable to get such news from the mouth of the root member in front of him, and he couldn't even control his expression, showing shock.

You must know that Danzo is not only their companion, but also a disciple of the Second Hokage like them. His own strength is not bad, and the roots he has mastered are all composed of elite ninjas from various clans in Konoha, and now he is dead. Being in the hands of a junior Uchiha made them startled and at the same time felt a little sad, after all, no matter what, they were the only two of them left in their team of partners.

With Danzo's strength, and with so many elite ninjas in your ranks, how could that rebel Uchiha Sasuke kill Danzo? Without the composure just now, he hurriedly asked the person at the root.

Sasuke Uchiha is very strong. He has opened the Kaleidoscope Sharingan and can skillfully use the pupil technique of Kaleidoscope, and the strength of the two ninjas who came with Sasuke Uchiha also exceeded our expectations. When the two ninjas stopped him, Uchiha Sasuke approached Danzo-sama, and in the battle between the two, Danzō-sama lost to Uchiha Sasuke and died in the hands of Uchiha Sasuke! The root member kept explaining what happened.

At that time, we were short of manpower, and it was already very difficult to fight against the other two members of the Eagle Squad. If Uchiha Sasuke was added, we would not be opponents at all, so the captain made a decisive decision and asked us to withdraw first. !

Damn Uchiha kid

! Keeping them is also a disaster, no matter what they can't let them leave Konoha today, otherwise there will be endless troubles, you go and inform your captain, let him immediately call all the root members, go to the battlefield to kill the remnants of Uchiha!

Yes! After the root member received the order, he went to hold the line. Now that the leader of their root is dead, then their roots have also lost their backbone, so the words of the other two high-level members of Konoha are naturally not good. will defy.

Chapter 223: Bad News

And just when the person at the root was about to leave, they felt a sudden burst of evil and ominous chakra on the distant battlefield at the same time, causing their expressions to change.

This chakra...Could it be, Nine-Tails Jinchuriki...What is Tsunade doing? He actually put Renchuriki on the battlefield. What should I do if something goes wrong with Jinchuriki?

Hearing the news of Danzo's death was already shocking enough, but he didn't expect such a thing to happen again, which made Zhuanzhu Xiaochun couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

After being annoyed, Xiaochun turned around and told the root member who hadn't had time to leave in front of him: Hurry up, and while killing Uchiha Tatsumi and Uchiha Sasuke, first control the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki. In order to bring him back, we must not let Nine Tails Jinchuriki make any mistakes!


After the root received the order, without any further hesitation, he left the spot and went to perform the task.

However, just as the root person left, another Anbu ninja wearing a mask entered the refuge. What caught people's attention was the person behind that Anbu ninja.

Medical ninja, hurry up, hurry up and treat Hokage-sama!

Tsubunate? How did it become like this? How did that guy Uchiha Tatsuo do to the village? How come you, the Hokage, are so weak that you look like this? Tsunade's heart suddenly exploded.

... Tsunade is extremely weak now, and he has no strength to answer. Although his mouth moved, no one could understand what he said.

Master Hokage consumed too much Chakra to protect other people in the village, and he was already in a coma just now, and Uchiha Tatsu... The masked Anbu ninja paused at this point, and continued with a long sigh of relief: Uchiha Tatsuya The village has almost been turned into ruins, and Yamato Tianzang also died in his hands!

Yamato Tenzo? Isn't that the kid who knows how to escape? What about Jinchuriki? Hurry up and let Renchuriki retreat. If even the village's Jinchuriki is captured, then Konoha is really doomed! Zanzhu Xiaochun angrily reprimanded in a frightened tone.

Uzumaki Naruto had already fought against Uchiha Tatsuru when his subordinates brought Tsunade-sama back. The aura just now was probably due to the strength of Kyuubi. Now Uzumaki Naruto is probably no enemy. It's been 10 minutes, lost consciousness, and it's impossible to make it retreat... Anbu Ninja said with some embarrassment.

Even though Koharu was in a state of exasperation at this moment, judging from Anbe's narration, he also knew that the battlefield was like a wild horse that had run wild, completely out of control. Even Tsunade was weak like this, and the tragedy of the war could be unleashed. Got it, just when Xiaochun was depressed, a person suddenly came to mind in her mind, Where is Zilaiye? Did he disappear at such a critical time in the village?

Master Jiraiya was arranged by the Fifth Hokage to collect information about the leader of the Akatsuki organization some time ago, and he is probably still in Yuyin Village at this moment...

Report! Advisor, the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki has lost control, and now the eighth tail has exploded! Yamato Tenzo is also dead. If this continues, we may lose control of the Nine-Tails. If the Ninth Tail If they come out too...I'm afraid there will be two Nine-Tails on the battlefield... Just as Xiaochun was about to get angry, another Anbu ninja rushed in in a panic, panting heavily to report.

How come... this is really difficult! If it wasn't for being in a shelter, I'm afraid I would have followed in the footsteps of Danzo! It was already very difficult in the past, and now even Jinzhuli is out of control... Turning to bed Xiaochun shook her head, and kept circling back and forth in the small room of the refuge, anyone could see the anxiety in her heart.

This is the end of the matter. I hope that Jinzhu Riki can withstand Uchiha Tatsuo's offensive. If I can't come back, and Jinzhu Riki fails again, I am afraid that Konoha will not be able to pass this test. As a consultant, I've made it. Turning Sleeping Xiaochun muttered to himself, wrinkling his head tightly, his feelings for Konoha were unquestionable, but her greed for power would not be shown in front of those subordinates.

Huh? That power disappeared? Feeling strange, Xiaochun turned to bed and hurried to the window in the direction of Konoha, looking at the direction of the village. Neixin, who was already anxious, couldn't calm down at this moment, Neither Know how to win or lose...

At this moment, although Zhuanzhu Xiaochun felt the disappearance of the tailed beast breath, she still couldn't understand the specific situation accurately, because the seal on Jinzhuli would play a role at a specific point in time, and as a high-level person, she naturally also It is clear that in order to deal with Kyuubi, the Hokage will definitely have a backhand on Jinchuriki. Therefore, even if Jinchuriki temporarily loses the power of the tailed beast and turns into a human form, the specific situation... She is unknown in the shelter.

Not long after, I saw another Anbu ninja rushing in from the door of the refuge, and Xiaochun hurriedly turned around to look, but it was not the two sent out just now, What's the matter! Tell me!

Advisor... Jinchuriki... The nine-tailed power in Jinchuriki's body has been temporarily suppressed, and now he has lost the power to transform into a tailed beast! In the impression of Anbu ninjas, their advisor Da

People seem to have never had such a gaffe, not even when Kyuubi attacked Konoha more than ten years ago.

Do you think I won't know that Jinzhuriki has transformed into a human form now? I want you to tell the important point, what happened on the Konoha battlefield! Zhuanju Xiaochun scolded angrily.

After the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki transformed into a Nine-Tails, it didn't gain the upper hand in Chen's hands. On the contrary, after the eighth tail exploded, he didn't know what kind of force it was, so he actually suppressed the Tailed Beast Transformation and resumed Transformed into a human form. Jinchuriki who has lost his tail beast form is naturally no match for Uchiha Tatsuo, and he was defeated in an instant... The visitor told the general situation of Naruto in one breath.

Defeated? What about Renzhuriki? Zhuanzhu Xiaochun seemed to hear the crux of the problem immediately, and asked hastily.

Master Advisor, don't worry, at the moment when Renzhuli was in crisis, Master Jiraiya rushed back and rescued Renzhuli in Chen's hands! Moreover, there are two old men standing on the shoulders of Master Jiraiya. Toad, it seems that Chen still has a slight advantage!

Huh~ Xiaochun turned to bed with a long sigh of relief and waved his hand at the Anbu ninja, Explore again!

Did you bring the fairy mode with you as soon as you appeared? It seems that you are well aware of the depth of the enemy, but since you came with two fairy toads, you should be able to handle it. Turning around with a sullen face just now Sleeping Xiaochun, his complexion finally softened a little at this moment.

Report! Turning bed Xiaochun was just about to sit down, but before he sat down safely, he saw another ninja rushing out of the door. Turning bed Xiaochun took a closer look, it turned out that he had just sent out to inquire about Konoha's situation that name.

Tell me! What's going on in Muye Village!

Jiraiya... Master Jiraiya...he died in battle!!

As soon as the words fell, Xiaochun's body, which was still in the air and had not sat down, seemed to lose strength in an instant, and fell limp...

Chapter 224: The Hero Story of Jiraiya

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