
The power of the knife not only killed the wretched man, but even the robot he was riding was split open by Shuiyue's beheading sword. After a burst of sparks, the robot exploded automatically, forming a big wave, but This fluctuation is nothing to Shuiyue. On the contrary, the girl who was close to the robot just now was a little embarrassed by the aftermath of the explosion, but Shuiyue didn't care about it.

Tch! I thought he was such a powerful guy!

After getting rid of the target, he sneered, put the beheading sword back on his back again, and walked back to Chen's side.

It's solved, I didn't expect it to be a waste, but I dare to be angry, I really don't know what to do!

Let's go! Chen looked indifferently, didn't say much, turned around to leave after saying hello, and ignored the two female ninjas from the beginning to the end, as if they didn't exist.

But since he doesn't look for trouble, it doesn't mean that others will let him go. Just when Chen and the others were about to go to the sheep farm, there was a sudden voice behind him, making Chen's footsteps stop.

Wait a minute, do you want to leave like this?

Chen turned around and looked at the sound indifferently. It was the girl ninja just now. At this time, the girl was a little embarrassed by the aftermath of the robot explosion, and her body was covered with a lot of dust. She was glaring at Chen and others. people.

Chen didn't feel that there was anything wrong with the girl's embarrassment. Although she was indeed caused by Shuiyue's attack, and Shuiyue did it because of his own order, Chen obviously didn't take it to heart and looked at it indifferently. Looking at the girl, he said, Is there something wrong?


The girl obviously didn't expect Chen to have such an attitude, and after being taken aback for a moment, she was furious.

Let's go!

Seeing that the girl didn't speak, Chen frowned, then ignored it, turned around and continued walking.

Damn it! Nadeko-ryu. Boom Gaefeng Fist Seeing Chen ignoring her again, the girl was obviously angry, and immediately assumed an offensive posture, and at the same time gathered chakra on her right hand, and suddenly moved towards Chen's back attack.

Sensing the sound of the wind behind him, Chen frowned again, showing an impatient look on his face. Although he didn't look behind him, he seemed to be able to understand the girl's movements. When the girl's fist was about to approach, his body shook slightly. Turning around, she avoided the girl's attack, and because the girl's attack was too fierce, it was difficult for her to stop for a while, and because of Chen's dodge, she missed the target, so her body was leaning forward because she couldn't stop. .

Just when the girl was about to regain the balance of her body, she suddenly felt a pain in her neck. Immediately after her eyes went dark, she lost consciousness and fell to the ground.

It turned out that while dodging the girl's attack, Chen had already made a move before the girl had time to stop. A hand knife hit the girl's back neck, causing her to lose consciousness instantly.

All this happened so fast that even the middle-aged female ninja who was with the girl didn't realize it. From the girl's attack to Chen's shot, it took no more than two seconds before and after, and it was the middle-aged female ninja who wanted to It was too late to stop her, and she only felt a flash in front of her eyes, and saw that the girl had lost her fighting power and collapsed on the ground.

Master Shizuka!

Seeing this, the middle-aged female ninja hurriedly ran to the girl and hugged her in her arms to check the girl's condition, and found that she was just in a coma and did not suffer any serious trauma, so she secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Chen looked coldly, then turned around without interest and was about to leave, but the middle-aged female ninja hurriedly shouted after seeing Chen and others about to leave, Please...please wait a moment!

What? Do you still want to do something? My patience has a limit! After being shouted again, Chen felt agitated, and suddenly turned around to stare at the middle-aged female ninja, while releasing her own terrifying murderous aura, as if to make her The air in the entire space froze, making people feel suffocated.

I...I didn't mean to offend you, I just...just want to know what your name is.

Feeling the murderous aura emanating from Chen, the female ninja was horrified in her heart, cold sweat broke out on her forehead, she looked at Chen in horror, her terrified eyes seemed to be looking at a demon from hell, and secretly said in her heart: It's too... so terrifying. Can this level of murderous aura really be possessed by a human being? This... How many people have been killed to have such a strong murderous aura... Shizuka-sama was actually defeated by this kind of person, according to Nadeko Ren The agreement of the village, this...

Uchiha Chen! You can come and avenge me at any time! Chen looked at the two women on the ground indifferently, and said with a sneer.

After finishing speaking, he didn't care what the other party said, he turned around and left with Suigetsu and Shigego, leaving only the female ninja who was still in shock.

What... U... Uchiha Tatsu! The person who defeated Miss Shizuka turned out to be the most powerful ninja Uchiha Tatsuo in the ninja world! No wonder... No wonder he has such a strong murderous aura. With his strength, all of us in Nadeko Village People are not opponents together, if he is not willing to accept the regulations of Nadeko Village, then we... oh~

The middle-aged female ninja looked at Chen and the others leaving, thinking about something in her heart, but in the end she just sighed helplessly, then carried the fainted girl on her back and left.

As for Chen and the members of Eagle Squad, after what happened just now, they no longer have the mood to hang out anymore.

At this time, Shui Yuezheng teased Chen with a strange smile: Hehe~ I thought the boss killed them all just now, but I didn't expect to let them go so easily, it's really rare! But speaking of it, that girl is really cute, no wonder the boss is merciful!

Shuiyue, you talk too much nonsense! Hearing Shuiyue's tone

Kan Rangchen turned cold, glanced at him and said solemnly. Although the facts are indeed as Shuiyue said, the other party is a girl, and more importantly, she looks quite pleasing to the eye, so she didn't make a big move, otherwise she would not be so lucky if she were someone else. Of course, this That's the kind of thing he won't admit.

The two women just now seem to be from Nadeshiko Ninja Village! Xiang Lin, who had been silent and thinking, suddenly said.

Shuiyue echoed: Nadeko Ninja Village? I seem to have heard of that Ninja Village. That Ninja Village is a women's village. It seems that there are only women in the whole village.

Hearing this, Chen also aroused his curiosity. A village with only women is the daughter country in the world of Naruto!

That's right, that's the village! Because it's a women's village, their candidate for the village chief needs to compete with outsiders with high abilities. It's their village's rule to recruit those who beat them into the village. Look at the two The girl's identity seems to be very unusual, maybe she is the village chief's candidate! Xianglin continued Shuiyue's words.

Eh? According to this, if she is the village head's candidate, and the boss just defeated her, according to their village's regulations, wouldn't the boss have to join Nadeshiko Ninja Village? …

Chapter Two Hundred and Fortieth: Waiting for a Long Time

If that girl is really the candidate for the village head of Nadeko Village, then the boss has defeated her, and she will definitely come to the boss in the future! Shuiyue said to Chen playfully with a look of waiting for a good show.

Shuiyue's words made Chen stunned for a moment. The reason why he let the other party go was just because he thought it was more pleasing to the eye. He didn't think so much at all. He doesn't care about the rules of Nadeko Village, if he gets annoyed, he doesn't mind destroying the Little Ninja Village.

Enough! Don't talk nonsense anymore, let's do business first, and now go to the port to watch, and wait for the people from the country of water to arrive! Chen glanced at Shuiyue, and at the same time released a little momentum, and felt that Chen seemed a little impatient Yes, Shuiyue and the others closed their mouths sensiblely, and followed behind Chen towards the port in the small town.

After a few people came to the port, they found a hotel to live in. Because this hotel is close to the port, they can see the ships passing by at a glance. As long as the people from the country of water arrive, they will definitely not be able to escape Chen's eyes. This is why Chen and the others chose to live here.

At this time, Chen was resting alone in his room. Although with his current strength, he would not feel the slightest fatigue even if he did not sleep for a few days, but according to the mileage from the country of water to here, there is still a long way to go. Time, so now there is no need to stare at it all the time, and he has no interest in doing other things, so he can only stay in the room and rest.

Sasuke went to look for Itachi. I don't know what the result will be, and I don't know what Itachi will say to him. I hope it won't affect him too much! The first time I went to Itachi, it stands to reason that he didn't have to worry, after all Itachi couldn't hurt Sasuke, and even let Sasuke accept his eyes.

However, in the original book, Itachi’s bond with Sasuke is too important, and it can even affect Sasuke’s beliefs. He originally decided to destroy Konoha, but in the end he chose to stand on the side of the alliance. The relationship with Itachi is inseparable. What Chen is doing now is not like the Uchiha Madara in the anime is an enemy of the entire ninja world. This is definitely not what Itachi thinks. He may let Sasuke stop Chen.

Forget it, I don't want to think about this, it's time to come, I will always come! Sasuke, don't let me down! I don't want you to become my enemy in the end!

In the end, Chen just sighed and didn't think any more.

After staying in the hotel for one night, Chen got up early the next morning. When he came to the restaurant downstairs, Chen was taken aback because he met the two child-raising ninjas from yesterday again. It looked like it had been here for a long time. After seeing Chen appear, the middle-aged female ninja had a happy expression, while the girl was still wearing yesterday's cloak, with her head lowered, showing no expression.

Chen didn't care about meeting these two people again, after all, this road was not his. Diameter walked to an empty table, then called the clerk, ordered something and ate it on his own, completely ignoring the meaning of the two female ninjas.

However, just because he ignored it doesn't mean that others won't come to him.

The middle-aged female ninja walked to Chen's table and said respectfully after seeing that Chen had almost eaten, Master Chen, can I spare you a little time, we want to talk to you.

Chen Wenyan glanced at the female ninja out of the corner of his eye, and said indifferently: Not interested!


The female ninja obviously didn't expect Chen to refuse so neatly, she didn't know what to say for a while, if it was someone else, she would have been angry, but she didn't dare, because she clearly knew the horror of the person in front of her, and she didn't know what to say. Knowing the consequences of offending him, she could only swallow her anger and dare not be presumptuous.

However, the middle-aged female ninja didn't dare to say anything, but the girl who came with her didn't seem to have such a good temper. She also heard Chen's words just now. This attitude made her very angry, she couldn't help standing up from her seat, walked to Chen's seat, and looked up at Chen angrily.

Master Shizuka!

Seeing that girl like this, the middle-aged female ninja was startled. It would be a disaster if Uchiha Tatsuki was angered by this! Hastily walked to the girl's side and held the girl to prevent her from making any irrational actions, then turned her head to Chen and said in a hurry: I'm sorry, Mrs. Chen, Shizuka

The miss is not malicious, please don't take it to heart, since Mrs. Chen is not free now, then we won't bother you, and we will come to bother you when you have time!

Saying that, regardless of whether Shizuka was happy or not, she hurriedly pulled her away.

Regarding this, Chen just snorted coldly and didn't express anything. Although the girl named Jingxiang is pretty good-looking, it would be a pity to kill her, but it doesn't mean that Chen can tolerate her being presumptuous in front of him, which really annoys him. Don't mind killing her casually, for Chen, it's just raising his hand.

Not long after, Shuiyue and the others also went to Chen's side in their respective rooms, and whispered at the same time: Boss, the ship from the Kingdom of Water has arrived!

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