Maybe you don't understand when you say this suddenly, you just help this as a container for the tailed beast, and now what you have to cooperate with us is to put the tailed beast back into the container. With the assistance of the three of you, we will go a lot faster. Obito continued.

Since I've come here, I will naturally try my best to help, but what I need to do in this process. It seems that Chen is not very interested in what Obito said, but just went straight to the matter of being stripped into a beast .

Afterwards, under Obito's tedious chatter, he recorded the method of how to peel off the tailed beast in his mind, and then without waiting for Obito to say more nonsense, he was the first to jump on the ten golems On the top of one of the fingers, Shuiyue and Zhongwu followed Chen's actions and chose to stay on the finger next to Chen respectively.

So let us stop delaying, and start stripping the tailed beast now. Obito Jianchen no longer delays, then there is no need for him to play a one-man show, and then Obito, Nagato, Xiaonan, and Jue four also Jumped onto the fingers of the heretic golem in turn.

Not long after, I saw that Kirabi lying on the ground started to float under the joint efforts of everyone, and saw that his whole body was surrounded by a stream of red chakra. At this time, from Kirabi's eyes and Chakra is constantly coming out of his mouth, and the whole person seems to have sunk into a coma, and his expression seems to be a little painful.

Time seems to have come to a standstill in this way. It seems that in this secret room, except for the popularity of Chakra, no change can be felt. Whether it is sound or light, it seems that they have stopped. However, time, But it is also passing quietly in this boring and boring.

Then such a scene did not continue because of the silence of the people present, only to see that the eight-tailed people who should have been stripped for a long time were assisted. At this time, for some reason, there were pitifully few chakras. appearance.

But just as everyone was wondering about this abnormal situation, a scene that almost made Obito and the others vomit blood appeared. Kirabi, who had been suspended in the air just now, turned into a...

Octopus feet! …

Chapter 294: I want this tentacle


Regarding the sudden change of Rabbi Riki the Eight-Tails, all the people present also showed their own attitudes. Nagato, the capturer of the Eight-Tails, was undoubtedly the most surprised person.

This is... an octopus foot? Chen looked at the object that Kirabi suddenly transformed into, and after a moment of pondering, he knew what had happened, and sneered in his heart: Sure enough, Kirabi still escaped like in the original book. Oh, what a cunning fellow, even Payne was deceived.

Did you get tricked? You really underestimated the Hachio Jinchuriki! Obito frowned and looked at the octopus feet on the ground indifferently. He already understood that Payne was being tricked by the other party, so he naturally felt depressed.

Compared to Obito and the others, who were in a bad mood, Bai Jue seemed heartless, and he laughed strangely without any scruples: Ahaha~~ It's octopus feet, I laughed so hard!

Obito looked indifferently at Jue who was smiling strangely, and scolded in a cold voice: Shut up, stop laughing!

Yes, yes, yes, I know! Facing Obito's scolding, Bai Jue seemed indifferent, coping with it casually, but he stopped smiling.

Shuiyue didn't have a good impression of the Akatsuki organization, so naturally she wouldn't let go of this rare opportunity to ridicule, and said jokingly: Hehe~~ Is this the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki that your Akatsuki organization captured? To be tricked by such a simple means Yes, it's really ridiculous!

Damn it, this guy... dares to tease me!

The most embarrassing person present should be Nagato. Not to mention his own actions, he has announced the success of capturing Yao, and even talked about cooperation with Chen, but now such a bloody scene occurs during the stripping process, not only being played by others It made him lose such a big face in front of outsiders, how could he not be angry.

Forget it, the matter has come to this point, and it is not the time to pursue responsibility. Moreover, this octopus foot should have fallen from the eight-tailed real body. It is a genuine tailed beast chakra. It is difficult for anyone to detect it. No wonder Nagato did not Recognize it, Kirabi really deserves to be the perfect Jinchuriki, he can do this kind of thing! Obito knew that Nagato was a very cautious person, and Yao was able to escape from him, which meant that it was not Nagato at all. Negligence, the only possibility is that Qi Rabi does have his own merits.

Chen also knew that what Obito said was the truth. The Kirabi just now, even Chen and Obito, who had the kaleidoscope sharingan, didn't see it carefully. The only possibility is that the octopus feet were indeed split from the eight tail The entity, which contains a large amount of Chakra of Eight Tails, is precisely because of this that it deceives Samsarayan and Kaleidoscope Sharingan, because it itself is the Chakra of Eight Tails, not fake.

Although he knew the reason of the matter, Chen did not intend to let go of this opportunity to belittle the Xiao organization, and said contemptuously: Could it be that your Xiao organization's ability to handle affairs has fallen to this level? How could the tailed beast really belittle you? It’s so ridiculous that you can’t tell the difference between fake and fake.”

Now the atmosphere at the scene has become extremely embarrassing. On the one hand, Obito has indeed miscalculated, and on the other hand, Chen’s sarcasm is beyond words. The key point is that Obito really has nothing to refute at this time. After all, the matter of stripping the tailed beast , entirely on his own initiative.

I saw Obito looked at Chen indifferently, and said indifferently: Uchiha Tatsu, you don't have to be sarcastic, you and I know the reason for Nagato's failure, but I don't deny that this time it is indeed our loss. We will deal with the matter of power, so you go back and make arrangements to deal with the upcoming war!

Hearing Obito's strong tone, Chen frowned, looked at Obito disdainfully, and said in a cold voice: Tch! You really know how to call people, you can come and go when you recruit them, and you really treat us as Do you know the subordinates of the organization? The relationship between us is just cooperation! And... it is the cooperation that you proposed on your own initiative, remember this!

Because Nagato, who was played by the Yatsuo Jinchuriki, was already very angry. In addition, he had suffered in the hands of Chen before, and he had a grudge against Chen in his heart. Hearing Uchiha Chen's attitude now makes him even more angry. He looked at Chen expressionlessly, and said in a cold voice: Huh! Arrogant guy, I just asked you to cooperate to save some trouble. Don't take yourself too seriously. Even without you, our Xiao organization Still able to complete the plan!

Hearing Nagato's contemptuous words, Chen secretly sneered in his heart, gave Nagato a playful look, and said indifferently: Really? If that's the case, then there is no need for us to continue working together, let's go!

After finishing speaking, he jumped from the original position, which was also the finger of the heretic golem, to the ground, and walked outside without saying a word, while Shuiyue and Chongwu naturally followed Chen's lead, and jumped down as well, and followed Liao Chen's footsteps.

Seeing Chen and the others leaving without saying a word, Obito frowned again. Although he was a little unhappy in his heart, he chose to endure it for the sake of the plan, and quickly greeted: Wait a minute!

When Chen heard this, his footsteps stopped, and he sneered secretly in his heart, as expected, it was impossible for Obito to let him go just like that.

Chen looked back at Obito with a sneer, and said mockingly: Hmph! I don't know if Uchiha Madara-sama has anything else to explain to us, these insignificant little characters, or... your Akatsuki organization intends to take this opportunity to Want to keep us all here?

Following Chen's words, the atmosphere at Chen's scene suddenly became dignified. After Chen said that, Shuiyue and Chonggo also entered a state of alert at the same time, staring at everyone in the Akatsuki organization vigilantly. Nagato and Xiaonan also entered the fighting state after Eagle Squad put on a fighting stance, staring at everyone in Eagle Squad, and there was a tendency to start a fight if there was a disagreement.

Obito suppressed the unhappiness in his heart, and had to come out to smooth things over and said: Okay, I apologize for what Nagato said just now, but Nagato didn't mean it, he just said it because the incident with Yatsuo Jinchuriki was a bit unpleasant. In that case, since we have already formed an alliance, and our biggest enemies are the five major powers, there is no need to make a fuss over such a trivial matter!

Hmph! Chen snorted coldly, winked at Shuiyue and Chongwu, and signaled them to relax, Chongwu was fine, but Shuiyue felt a little unwilling, and Nagato also snorted coldly, and ended the battle with Xiaonan at the same time attitude.

Seeing that Chen is so straightforward, Obito is not stupid. Naturally, he knew that Chen was just pretending just now, and he must have a plan, and he didn't beat around the bush, so he asked directly: Tell me, what do you want?

Since you are so direct, then I won't say much. I don't care if your Akatsuki organization catches the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki, but I, Uchiha Tatsumi, have never had the habit of returning empty-handed. We have already said before that using the Tailed Beast As a condition for cooperation, I want this eight-tailed tentacles, and it will be a deposit! …

Chapter 295: Eight-Tails Chakra Acquired

Hearing Chen's request, Obito groaned for a moment before agreeing. Although the octopus hand was indeed separated from Eight Weiss, it contained a large amount of Chakra in Eight Weiss, and there were not many. For the golem of the heretics, it is not enough to plug the gap between the teeth, and it will not play any role at all. More importantly, this octopus foot will not last long before it will turn into chakra and dissipate. Anyway, it cannot be sealed. Since Uchiha Chen asked, instead of wasting it like this, it is better to give it to Uchiha Chen, just as a smooth sailing.

Obito looked at the octopus feet on the ground, and said calmly, It's up to you!

Very good! The corners of Chen's mouth turned up slightly, as if he was very satisfied with the result, and then he let go of the space and put away the octopus foot that was still lying on the ground at the moment. However, it is different for Chen.

Seeing that Chen simply put away the octopus feet, Obito said to Chen: I have satisfied your request, let's forget about the previous things, what we are going to face next is the Ninja Army Alliance of the Five Great Nations, There is no need to destroy our cooperative relationship for a small matter!

Chen, who just got the eight-tailed chakra, was in a good mood, and he didn't show his face any more. He looked at the people in the Akatsuki organization indifferently, and said with a sneer: Tch~ I, Uchiha Chen, am not the kind of narrow-minded person!

After saying that, Chen didn't stay any longer, and walked towards the exit when he came, and Shuiyue and Chongwu also left here with Chen.

After Dechen, Chonggo, and Shuiyue left under the lead of Chen, Obito silently looked at the direction where Chen and the others left, thoughtfully...

On the other hand, Bai Jue complained without any scruples: Yeah~ It's been a waste of time, I didn't expect Eight-Tails Jinchuriki to be so cunning, and played us all once!

Now we have only collected five tailed beasts. If we want to complete that plan, these chakras may not be enough. Now that the five major countries have reached an agreement, the situation is not good for us. He has not said much. Heijue, but reminded with that hoarse voice at this time.

Obito heard the words and said: I didn't expect the five major powers to take action so soon. I originally thought that the five major powers would not be aware of our threat until we collected all the tailed beasts. Uchiha Tatsu this guy Appearing, completely disrupted my plan, and made me have to start a war!

Obito is really depressed at this time, declaring war on the five major powers

In fact, it was a helpless move. Although he had this plan from the beginning, he didn't want to go to war with the five major countries so soon. Originally, they had collected a few tailed beasts that had not attracted the attention of the five major countries. Renzhuli was arrested. Due to the face of the village, Ninja Village who was robbed didn't say anything, but secretly planned how to get the tail beast back. In this way, it undoubtedly gave Akatsuki a lot of time.

It's just that Uchiha Tatsumi's appearance made the Akatsuki organization's calculations come to naught, because Uchiha Tatsun not only attacked the Renzhuriki of each village like the Akatsuki organization, but even caused Yunyin and Konoha, the two major ninja villages, to be defeated. The tragedy caused panic in the ninja world, and it also prompted Raikage to hold a five-kage meeting. Akatsuki's arrest of Renzhuriki was also pointed out by a big ninja village, and it had already been targeted. As a last resort, Obito thought about it in advance. The Five Powers declare war.

At this point, we have no choice but to quicken our pace. How is Bai Jue's clone getting ready?

It's almost there, and you can go into battle at any time!

Obito looked at Bai Ze, nodded and said: Very good, in this way, we can fight a war with the five major powers. Next, we just need to think of a reason to persuade Uchiha Tatsumi to fight Ninao Jinchuriki If the Four-Tails Jinchuriki is handed over, then the Five Great Ninja Villages will not be afraid. The Eight-Tails Jinchuriki will continue to be captured by Zero. As for the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki...Let’s leave it to the end. After all, the Chakra of the Nine-Tails is too huge. If you seal it too early, you will be unable to restrain it!

Tiandao Payne is still expressionless, or he can't show any expression at all. After all, all Payne is made of corpses. Naturally, corpses can't express any emotions. Payne just looks at him indifferently. Obito said coldly, I'll go to Yunyin Village again!

Obito and Nagato didn't know that, in fact, Jinchuriki of the Eight Tails had already sneaked out to play, and he was not in Yunyin Village at all. Even if Nagato went to Yunyin Village now, it was impossible to catch Kirabi, but Obito could Stopped Payne's thoughts, and said: Don't worry, your previous actions must have made them take precautions, maybe the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki has been hidden by Raikage, let Jue go to investigate first, and confirm that the Eight-Tails Jinzhu Where is the strength to do it again!

Then he said to Absolutely: Go to the Land of Thunder to check first, and find out where the Eight-tailed Jinchuriki is hiding!

Bai Jueguai replied with a smile: Hey~~Leave it to me!

After speaking, he slowly dived into the ground until he disappeared in place.

Outside Yuyin Village…

Chen Shuiyue and Chongwu just came out of Xiao's base, and Shuiyue complained: Boss, get out of this ghostly place, the whole village here looks gloomy, and I feel very bad.

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