The ninja carrying the big sword was obviously Suigetsu who was sent by Chen to the battlefield to stand by, and the strong man in the cloak was Shigego.

After hearing Chongwu's words, Shuiyue snorted coldly, and shouted at Chongwu in dissatisfaction: Tch, are you doubting my strength? These ninjas are too weak, and their strength alone makes me serious. I don’t even have the qualifications to get up, so how could it hurt me.”

Facing Shuiyue's dissatisfaction, Chongwu obviously didn't care, and said apologetically: Hehe, I didn't mean to underestimate you. I'm sorry.

Shuiyue curled her lips, waved her hands casually and said, Forget it, forget it, I don't care anyway.

Saying that, Shuiyue walked out from the pile of corpses, and the two walked to the depths of the forest together...

The two walked side by side, Shuiyue suddenly reached out and put his arm on Chongwu's shoulder, and said with a weird smile: Hey, Chongwu, what do you think the boss is doing now? He left us here for a few days, and he's gone again. Don't give us orders, and if it weren't for these ninjas passing by to pass the time, I would be smothered to death.

Chongwu didn't care that Shuiyue hugged his shoulders, shook his head, and said in a deep voice: I don't know, I have been with you these days, and I haven't received any useful news, but Chen let us Stand by, naturally he has plans.

Zhongwu's answer made Shuiyue feel bored, let go of his hand, and said a little depressed: That's right, really, why would I ask you this, it seems that staying here these days has made my head go crazy. Some can't turn around.

Chong Wu just smiled silly, and did not reply.

At this time, a few birds suddenly flew in the sky, hovering over Zhongwu and Shuiyue. After seeing these birds, Chongwu stopped and raised an arm.

And the few birds in the air also circled a few times in the air and landed one after another, standing on Chongwu's shoulders and arms, chirping and calling, as if conveying information to Chongwu.

Chongwu obviously understood the message that the little bird wanted to convey, and gently stroked the little bird on his shoulder and arm with the other hand, as if to comfort the little bird, and said with a silly smile: Suoga, you are flying away! Seeing many people fighting in many places, are you also frightened?

Seeing the scene where Zhongwu and Xiaoniao communicated, Shuiyue was obviously no longer surprised, and asked casually, What's going on, do you have any information?

Chongwu didn't pay attention to Shuiyue, but was communicating with Xiaoniao on his own. Suddenly, Chongwu's original smile changed, and he said in a deep voice: Have you found Sasuke?


After a few birds called to Chongwu a few times, they flapped their wings a few times and flew into the sky again, and then flew in one direction.

Chapter 320: Arrogant Experimental Subjects

At this time, Shuiyue also noticed the change in Chongwu's face, and after these little birds flew into the sky, she asked Chongwu: Hey, Chongwu, did your little animals find anything?

Chongwu didn't rush to answer Shuiyue's question, but looked solemnly at the birds circling in the sky, seeing that they seemed to be trying to guide him, then turned around and said to Shuiyue: They seem to have found Sasuke, but It is still not sure whether that person is real, I want to follow up and see.

Find Sasuke? Suigetsu was stunned for a moment, with a puzzled look on his face, because the news was too sudden, so he didn't seem to be able to react yet.

Chongwu looked at Shuiyue, and said in a deep voice: I'm not sure yet, but from the descriptions of these little guys, I guess it's not wrong, I want to confirm it!

At this time, Shuiyue finally digested the news, frowned slightly, looked at the few birds circling in the sky, but didn't see anything, and finally looked at Chongwu beside him with some doubts He said: You mean, these little things of yours have discovered Sasuke's whereabouts. Is this information reliable?

Yes, don't underestimate them. These small animals are actually very smart. As long as you communicate with them carefully, they will become your best friends. They fly to many places and can know many things.

Chongwu looked at the bird hovering above his head kindly, then raised his right hand, a bird flapped its wings and landed on his finger, and gently pecked Chongwu's finger affectionately, not afraid at all. People, Zhongwu explained to Shuiyue while teasing the little bird in his hand: I have passed on Sasuke's appearance and characteristics to them, and they have met a person before, who is very similar to the Sasuke in their impression, so it is Will come to inform me, whether it is true or not, I will go there.

Suigetsu obviously didn't care as much as Chonggo about Sasuke's news, shook his head and said: The boss's order is to put us on standby. You must know that those people in the woods are not safe guys. They have been with them for the past few days. Here, they are probably going crazy now. If we hadn't suppressed them, these guys would definitely mess around, and there are wars everywhere now. Before the boss comes back, we'd better not expose our whereabouts.

Those guys in Shuiyue’s mouth are actually referring to the sound ninja and experimental subjects they brought out from the sound ninja village. Experimental subject, but now the object of their fanatical belief has been replaced by Uchiha Tatsumi.

Because Chen is more powerful than Orochimaru who they were loyal to before, coupled with Uchiha Chen's deeds, his name has already been circulated in the ninja world, and he is called the strongest ninja in the ninja world, which makes them more enthusiastic. It is the power that Chen bestows on them. Of course, they don't know the price they need to pay for possessing these powers, but just relying on these, it will undoubtedly make these people

Sound ninja and those released experimental subjects became Uchiha Tatsuo's most fanatical followers.

Before Chen left, the instructions given to Shuiyue and the others were to hunt and kill freely, but try not to attract the attention of the Ninja Federation of the Five Nations. Although their strength should not be underestimated, the five major nations naturally have their own background, and the strong must not At least, since there is the Xiao organization in the front, there is no need to jump out so quickly to attract hatred.

But when thousands of people gathered together, the goal was too big. Finally, he followed Zhongwu's suggestion and chose to hide in this forest. With the dense forest as a shelter, the possibility of exposure will be greatly reduced.

However, it is not easy for these guys in Otonin Village to settle down. Without exception, these people are very arrogant and conceited. Except for Uchiha Tatsuya, who makes them crazily worship, no one is in their eyes. It is precisely because With the deterrence of Uchiha Tatsuo, coupled with the strength of Shigego and Suigetsu, they were barely suppressed.

And letting them huddle in the woods really suffocates them. Fortunately, there are wars everywhere these days, and a small group of ninjas pass by every day, which makes them have a little fun to relieve their boredom. The group of ninjas that Shuiyue killed before were the ninjas from the Five Great Nations who accidentally broke into here.

Thinking of those guys in the woods, even a heartless person like Shuiyue can't help but feel a little headache.

It's fine to have you alone here, and I'll go to Sasuke by myself. If I'm alone, the goal is not too big, and I shouldn't encounter any trouble.

Chonggo still decides his own beliefs. In his mind, he has always had a special bond with Sasuke. This bond comes from Junmaro. After all, Junmaro died for Sasuke. Junmaro once said to Chonggo Sasuke is like the reincarnation of Kimaro, so Shigego transferred his bond with Kimaro to Sasuke.

Although Zhongwu has always obeyed Chen's orders, in fact, the person he followed was actually Sasuke, and Sasuke's weight in Zhongwu's heart far exceeded Chen's, so he had to follow Sasuke no matter what.

Seeing that Zhongwu had made up his mind, Shuiyue didn't try to persuade him any more, and said helplessly, Forget it, since you've already made up your mind, you can do whatever you want!

Chong Wu said with a smile: Don't worry, as long as we find Sasuke, we will come back.

Understood, let's go. Shuiyue waved her hand, looking a little impatient.

Facing Suigetsu's impatience, Shigego just smiled kindly, and didn't care about Suigetsu's attitude. As a member of the Eagle Squad, the two have been working together for a long time, and they both know each other well Chongwu also knows Shuiyue's character, he belongs to the kind of person with a cold face and a warm heart. Although he usually looks like a fool, he will become a very reliable companion as long as he encounters serious business.

It can be seen in the original book that when the Eagle Squad captured Rabbi Eight-tailed Jinzhu Riki, because of Uchiha Sasuke’s arrogance and seriously underestimated Rabbi’s strength, he was severely abused by Rabbi. , causing all members of the Eagle Team to be in danger, and Shuiyue, who was still fighting at the time, did not choose to escape alone, but to cover his teammates to leave, and fought against Kirabi who had turned into a tailed beast alone, although in the end It ended badly, and was directly beaten into a lump of jelly by Kirabi's violent tail beast cannon.

Chongwu himself is not a person who talks a lot. With a shake of his hand, the bird that landed on his finger flapped its wings and flew into the air again. Fly in one direction.

After Zhong Wu also nodded to Shuiyue, he jumped up, jumped onto the branch of a big tree, and then chased in the direction where the bird left, and disappeared into the woods after a few ups and downs.

Suigetsu, who stayed in place, looked at the direction where Chongwu was leaving, frowned, and said in a low voice: This guy Chongwu still cares about Sasuke so much.

Shaking his head, Shuiyue didn't think about it any more, put the beheading knife back on his back, turned around and walked towards the depths of the jungle, where there were still a group of difficult guys that he needed to watch.

Not long after, Shuiyue returned to the place where their large army was staying, and saw that a place deep in the woods was full of people, all sitting or lying lazily, or leaning against a certain big tree, Without exception, these people are filled with this very uncomfortable evil aura, which makes people involuntarily have a sense of fear and inexplicable disgust, with arrogance, disdain, and crazy expressions on their faces, as if every minute Just do things in general.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Shuiyue couldn't help but frowned again, looking at the people brought out from Yinnin Village by him and Chonggo, with a look of disgust on his face, he said to them indifferently: Hey, can you guys Can't you be more vigilant? Enemies may come here at any time.

At this time, those tone-nin also found Shuiyue, and after hearing Shuiyue's words, they all froze for a moment, and then all laughed.

One of the test subjects, a strong man with long orange hair, sneered with disdain and said, Haha~ Enemy? Just those limp ninjas from the Five Great Nations? We have killed quite a few these days.

After hearing this sentence, Shuiyue sneered and said: Hey, all the teams I met before were just small teams. Do you think that the people in the Five Great Ninja Villages are all idiots? Their perception ninjas are not just for nothing , The disappearance of so many people will definitely attract their attention, and they will send a large force over at any time.

The experimental subject was not frightened, but became even more unscrupulous, and shouted with a grinning grin: Hey~~ That's the best, I'm tired of staying in this crappy place, let him come with as many people as you want, old man Now I can’t wait to do a big job.”

The rest of the experimental subjects also laughed in agreement.

, as if they didn't pay attention to the Ninja Army Alliance of the five major countries at all, and didn't care about their situation.

Seeing this picture, Shuiyue also felt a little annoyed, and said coldly to the orange-haired experimenter, Idiot!


The orange-haired experimental subject immediately quit. They were originally a group of unscrupulous people. Since they were released, they never put anyone else in their eyes except Chen, even Shuiyue who was beside Chen. Before listening to Shuiyue and Chongwu's orders, they were lurking here because of Chen's orders. They had long since disobeyed Shuiyue and Chongwu. In addition, they have been nesting here for the past few days, which already made them feel irritated. And now hearing Shuiyue's insulting remarks, it was undoubtedly like a dynamite barrel was ignited and exploded directly.

I saw that the experimental subject's original grinning expression instantly turned into anger. After a roar, strange marks began to appear on his face, and his body also began to mutate. Two horns grew out of the department, and even bone spurs grew out of his body. Under the trend of anger, this experimental subject directly entered the state of curse imprinting, and his strength suddenly burst out, and he seemed to have put the water into the body. Yuedang became the target of the attack, and after being completely cursed and sealed, he roared and rushed towards Shuiyue.

Chapter 321: The Coming Team

Following the roar of the experimental subject, he immediately entered the state of curse imprinting, a living strong man mutated into a ferocious humanoid monster in an instant, and an evil chakra filled his whole body, the whole body The man's aura looked extremely terrifying, with bloodthirsty madness in his eyes, and he had obviously regarded Shuiyue as the target of attack, and after being completely cursed, he roared and rushed towards Shuiyue.

Haha~~ My uncle has been upset with him for a long time, teach him a lesson for me!

Come on, kill him... tear him to pieces

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