Following Tiandao Payne's indifferent words, a huge repulsive force spread from Tiandao Payne's center.

This force is invisible and intangible, and it squeezes in all directions with a terrifying power. Yunyin Village below has already felt the pressure. There are even cracks on the ground or houses, and they will collapse at any time.

Seeing this scene, the pupils of the Ninja League people present shrank, and their livers and gallbladders were split.

Oops, what a powerful force, stop him! the old man Tuying yelled, and instead of retreating, he rushed in the direction of Tiandao Payne.

Kazekage Gaara stared solemnly at the rapidly approaching coercion in the sky, raised his hands tightly, spun his chakra crazily, and shouted: Quick sand and waterfall!

Following Gaara's actions, where the Ninja Ninjas are, whether it is the ground or the surrounding buildings, as long as they are related to earth and stone, they are crushed under the squeeze of Gaara's Chakra, and all of them are turned into sand. In an instant, a large area of ​​Yunyin Village turned into a desert in an instant.

Ah~~~ Gaara gritted her teeth, running chakra crazily. Although they didn't know what was going on with the technique of Tiandao Payne, they felt the strong oppression from the sky that made their A strong sense of crisis surged from the bottom of their hearts, and a terrible thought emerged in their minds. If they didn't stop it, the entire Yunyin Village would be destroyed and there was no way out.

After turning the surrounding terrain into a desert, Gaara raised his hands towards the air, and at the same time, operated the Chakra of the whole body to the extreme, and the sand on the ground also followed Gaara's control, crazily It soared into the sky, covering the sky and covering the earth, and then the sand condensed in midair, forming a huge sand shield, covering most of Yunyin Village in it.

At this moment, Gaara didn't hold back at all, and released all the chakra in his body to resist that terrible power.

The old man is here to help you!

After seeing Gaara's ability, Ohnoki did not neglect. After roaring, he flew towards the sand shield above Yunyin Village, and after approaching the sand shield made by Gaara, he printed his hands on the sand. above.

Earth escape. Super-weighted rock technique!

After Tuying's roar, it was followed by chakra crazily, blessing an earth ninjutsu on Gaara's sand, and also under the blessing of Tuying's Chakra, the density of Gaara's sand It becomes firmer and firmer, which greatly strengthens the defensive ability of Gaara's sand shield.

It's Kazekage-sama and Tukage-sama, the two kages have already made their move!

It's amazing, is this the power of Kazekage-sama? It's invulnerable. Under such a defense, it will definitely be able to block the enemy's attack!!

Those Ninja League members who were already desperate saw the huge sand shield appearing above them at this time, and instantly understood that it was Kazekage's method.

Raikage's attack ability is very powerful, but he doesn't have the large-scale defensive ninjutsu like Gaara and Tsuchikage. Although he wanted to stop Tendo Payne's attack, he couldn't do it. At this time, he could only act in a hurry. Secretly praying: Damn it, you must stop it! This damn bastard, this old man will tear you to pieces!

It's too late, but it's fast.

From Ninja League discovering that Heavenly Dao launched Shenluo Tianzheng, to Kazekage's reaction and quickly releasing the sand shield, it was only a few seconds before and after, and there was not much time at all, and Shenluo Tianzheng's attack had already come...

finally. Tiandao's Shenluo Tianzheng slammed into Gaara's huge sand shield with an unstoppable power, and then the offensive was blocked, and he couldn't move forward.

After the tense Ninja League members realized that the Shinra Tenmai that made them palpitate was blocked by the sand shield made by their Kazekage-sama, their original dignified expressions were immediately replaced by ecstasy. They all breathed a sigh of relief and praised The strength of Kazekage Gaara.

It's too powerful, Kazekage-sama!

Gaara's open sand shield, Tiandao in the sky can also see it in the eyes, seeing that Gaara can do this, Tiandao can't help but be surprised, but that's all, look at it indifferently Looking at all this, he said in a calm tone: Is Kazekage's sand escape ninjutsu? It is really amazing to have such a large scale, but... this is just a meaningless struggle.


As soon as Tiandao's voice fell, the sand shield that was resisting Shenluo Tianzheng suddenly shattered, and then those Ninja people who had just breathed a sigh of relief saw a scene that horrified them.

I saw cracks appearing on the sand shield made by their Kazekage at this moment, and they are still spreading, and the scope is getting bigger and bigger, until it spreads to the entire sand shield!

Damn it, can't it be stopped? At this time Gaara is desperately transporting Chakra, trying to maintain the sand shield, but it's just in vain, and it can't stop the expansion of the crack at all.


The sand shield carrying the power of Gaara and Tsuchikage Onoki was unable to stop Tendo Payne's Shenluo Tianzheng, and it fell apart in an instant. The only barrier was destroyed, and Yunyin Village was completely exposed to Shenluo Tianzheng's attack. under attack.

At the moment when the sand shield was shattered, a suffocating sense of oppression hit, as if a fear of the end of the world welled up in my heart. At this time, the hearts of Ninja Ninjas were full of despair!

The invisible repulsive force erupted, and the buildings and even the ground in Yunyin Village could not withstand this powerful pressure and collapsed.

The ground was even overturned and turned into a bare wasteland. It was like a doomsday scene, which was staged in Yunyin Village.

The power of Shenluo Tianzheng is still spreading, and the wreckage of the house is constantly being crushed. The ninjas of Yunyin Village who originally thought that Liudao Payne had retreated were still immersed in joy, but they never thought that a bigger disaster would come at this moment. so fast.

Many ninjas were pushed to the ground by Shenluo Tianzheng's huge repulsive force before they could react. In the end, their bodies were squeezed to pieces, and blood-red flowers bloomed in every corner of Yunyin Village.

The Shenluo Tianzheng spread to the edge of Yunyin Village before stopping. Almost all the buildings were destroyed, and even the wreckage was crushed into powder, leaving nothing behind.

Looking down from a height, it seems that a huge invisible meteorite just landed on Yunyin Village. Yunyin Village, which was originally the headquarters of Ninja Federation, has been replaced by a huge crater-like low-lying terrain at this moment.

Chapter 353: The Ultimatum

Taking the position of Tiandao Payne as the center point, the entire Yunyin Village is no longer what it was before. Under this destructive power, Yunyin, one of the five great ninja villages, has completely become a There were ruins, and the ninjas in Yunyin Village suffered countless casualties. It was already a doomsday scene.

After using Shenluo Tianzheng to flatten the entire Yunyin Village, Tiandao Payne looked down expressionlessly. He didn't care about the casualties caused by himself in the Ninja Federation. In his words, in order to make this For the world to be peaceful, casualties are unavoidable and necessary sacrifices.

After the remaining prestige of Shenluo Tianzheng dissipated, Tiandao Payne controlled his body and slowly fell to the ground.

At this time, Yunyin Village has become a ruin, and there are countless casualties. Fortunately, there are slugs that Tsunade channeled in advance to protect them, so the entire army will not be wiped out, and there are still many survivors. In the smoky ruins, the remnants of some buildings or piles of rubble were constantly shaking, and the survivors who were buried by the ruins struggled to peel off the sundries covering themselves one by one, and crawled out of the ruins.

Their eyes were dull, or sad and helpless. Most of them looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief. Everything just happened too fast, and they were not given time to adapt. They really couldn't believe the old Yunyin Village , turned into ruins in an instant, including Three Shadows...

Not surprisingly, the three shadows survived the catastrophe by relying on their own strength, and at this moment they were looking at Tiandao Payne, who was slowly descending from the sky, with disbelief and anger in their eyes.

Damn it, damn it, damn it! Lei Ying almost gritted his teeth, looking at Tiandao Payne's eyes seemed to be burning with raging fire, wishing to devour him alive.

Hidden Cloud Village, after experiencing Uchiha Tatsuo’s attack, left indelible pain, it was finally rebuilt not long ago, and now it was destroyed again, but as Raikage, he was helpless, Watching Yunyin Village being destroyed again and again, one can imagine his anger at the moment.

And the other shadows are also in the same mood. Although it is not their own Ninja Village that was destroyed this time, they have now formed an alliance and have a common enemy. If even the headquarters cannot be protected, the morale of the Ninja Alliance will be severely hit, so they are also very sad and angry at this moment.


Tiandao Payne has landed from the sky to the ground at this time, looking at the Ninja League people not far ahead with an indifferent face.

Damn bastard! Lei Ying, who was already furious to the limit, saw Tiandao Payne, the culprit who caused the destruction of Yunyin Village, appearing in front of him. His monstrous anger could no longer be restrained, and the thunder light on his body exploded. The expression on his face has also been distorted by anger, even Tukage and Kazekage standing beside Raikage can feel Raikage's current killing intent at this moment, which has reached the point where it cannot be added.

The old man swears that he will tear your corpse into thousands of pieces!

Then with an extremely angry roar, Lei Ying's whole body was filled with this violent thunder light. At this moment, Lei Ying, like a raging beast, exuded a frightening killing intent. , rushed towards Tiandao Payne brazenly, the powerful impact made the ground unable to bear the power of Raikage, and the ground where he was originally was shattered.

Lei Ying, be careful!

Kakashi, who had fought against Tendou Payne, knew the ability of Tendao well. Seeing Raikage attacking Payne at this moment, he quickly reminded him.

However, at this moment, Lei Ying was already dominated by anger, and he could not hear any sound at all. At this moment, he only had one thought, which was to tear the culprit in front of him that caused the destruction of Yunyin Village to pieces.

Facing Raikage's tyrannical offensive, Tiandao Payne looked indifferent, as if he took Raikage seriously. When Raikage's fist was about to hit him, he raised his right hand and said indifferently: Shenluo Tianzheng ...


A burst of invisible and powerful repulsion unfolded instantly, and Raikage's momentum was also hindered by this repulsion. No matter how difficult it was to advance half an inch, Raikage was blown back by this repulsion.

The power has been restored! Tiandao groaned in a low voice after indifferently glanced at Lei Ying who flew upside down.

Lei Ying... was bounced away, what's going on?

Seeing that Raikage was bounced off by Payne, Kazekage and Tukage, who had never seen the power of Tiandao Payne, didn't understand what was going on, and exclaimed.

Seeing everyone's doubts, Kakashilian who had fought against Tiandao

Quickly reminded: Be careful, everyone. I have fought against this guy before. His ability is very special. It seems to be centered on himself, sucking or bouncing the surrounding matter. Simply put, it is the same as attraction and repulsion. , Lei Ying was bounced away by his ability!

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