I found it. The five daimyos are not as tightly hidden as Jinchuriki, but there are still some troubles. There are elite ninjas and samurai there to protect the daimyos. The guards are strict, and there are Mizukages in charge. It's not easy to deal with!

Let Yakushido send someone over. It seems that Nagato has failed. No matter what, we can only catch those daimyos and use them to coerce the Five Great Nations to hand over the eight-tailed and nine-tailed Jinchuriki.

The news has been passed to him!

That's good, since Nagato has lost its function, then... I should go get the reincarnation eye back!

Chapter 362: Golden Horn and Silver Horn

Looking in the direction of Yunyin Village filled with gunpowder, the battle there is not over yet, but Obito has made a decision, he has no time to wait any longer, the threat of Uchiha has made him feel urgent, he must take action immediately.

I have already destroyed Yunyin Village, but I still haven't been able to force out Eight and Nine Tails. It seems that these two people are really no longer in Yunyin Village. I don't know how much time it will take to continue fighting. It is no longer necessary. I can't wait any longer. Going down, Uchiha Tatsumi will attack us at any time, we must activate the golem of the heretics as soon as possible, and then I will go to get the reincarnation eye back in person, and you should act as soon as possible, and there will be no more mistakes!

Obito and Heijue, after discussing for a while, they left to do what he should do. Obito set off to find the location of Nagato's body, while Heijue went to lead people to arrest the five powers. daimyo.

at the same time…

On the front line of the battlefield, Konoha's Cenozoic Inoka Butterfly trio was looking at the two people in front of them. Just now, the two people in front of them killed hundreds of people with just a few treasures in their hands. The entire ninja army was completely defeated, wounded and dead, and they were all defeated if they couldn't pass a single move.

I didn't expect us to be resurrected, Jin Jiao. The silver-haired man on the right spoke first. He has horns on his head, the same six lines on his face as Naruto, and a Silver tattooed on his right shoulder. There is a red gourd under the left hand, and a golden rope wrapped around the right hand.

And the person beside him who he called Golden Horn looked the same as Yi except for that golden hair.

On the left shoulder of Jinjiao, there is a jin character tattooed on it.

I never thought we would come back to this world again, let's make a big fuss, Silver Horn.

These two were the notorious criminals in Yunyin Village before --- Brothers Jinjiao and Yinjiao. It is rumored that these two people are descendants of the Sages of the Six Paths, and possess five treasures handed down by the Sages of the Six Paths.

It is said that these two people were once eaten into the stomach of Kyuubi before, but these two people still fought in the stomach of Kyuubi. Unable to stand the pair of brothers, he spit them out.

After their deeds were known by the people of Yunyin Village, some people in Yunyin Village also made bold conjectures, imitating them and devouring the flesh and blood of Eight Tails, but they died suddenly without exception.

Swallowing the chakra flesh of tailed beasts sounds surprising, because tailed beasts do not have their own flesh, what they show outside is a body formed by chakra, what they eat is not the flesh and blood of nine tails, but It is the chakra of the nine tails, so they also have the chakra of the nine tails in their bodies, and they can also be transformed into a tailed beast.

Drink! A few more ninjas rushed up without fear of death, and with a sense of luck, Jin Jiao waved the feather fan in his hand, and a whirlwind of flames swept out, blowing those ninjas away , The raging fire is still burning on them.

This guy is hard to deal with, Darui on the side still looked sleepy, What a boring guy!

The three of them seem to have gotten used to this guy who talks boring all day long, Shikamaru looked at the fairy artifact in the hands of brothers Jinjiaoyinjiao, frowned, and said: The ability of the fairy artifact in these two guys' hands We still don't know whether these things are the things used by the legendary Sage of the Six Paths, it's really troublesome.

We have to figure out how to use those fairy artifacts. Yamanaka Ino said.

We have fought against them before, Darui said, These two people were from our Yunyin Village before, so we all know something about the usage of the fairy weapons in their hands.

Darui briefly explained that, except for the fan, all the fairy artifacts used by the brothers were used for sealing. Fighting them is a bit like playing a game of forbidden sentences. When you are hit by Yinjiao's golden rope, you will spit out a word spirit from your mouth. The seven-star sword in Jinjiao's hand can cut off the words. , If you say the words in the spirit again, you will be sucked into Yinjiao's red gourd and sealed.

The so-called spirit of speech refers to the mantra that people usually say, and those who have been cut off by the Seven Star Sword cannot speak the mantra again.

What are those brats discussing again? Yinjiao. Jinjiao turned his head to look at Yinjiao.

Whatever they discussed, we were summoned out to fight them, Golden Horn. Silver Horn responded.

It's really an annoying ninjutsu. It was invented by the guy from the Second Hokage. Just thinking of him makes people angry. No matter how much it is, let's kill these nagging little ghosts first. Yinjiao. Jinjiao seemed to recall some unpleasant past, which made him very tired of these little devils in front of him.

Okay, Golden Horn. Silver Horn showed a cruel smile, flew down, and punched Darui.

Not good! Darui flashed backwards, but the right hand with the silver horn wrapped around the golden rope did not touch it.

Darui, Little brat, you're quite flexible. Silver Horn snorted and continued to rush towards Darui.

Thunder Dun: The black spot is bad! A black lightning shot out from Darui's hand and hit Yinjiao who was rushing. Suppress the person who was hit, and the person who was recruited could not move at all.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Yinjiao cried out in pain, this thunder and lightning made him extremely painful, but after all he is a descendant of the sage of the Six Paths, he stayed in Kyuubi's belly before and did not die.

This little trick isn't enough to watch, Ginkaku gritted his teeth, and broke free from Darui's control with his hands and feet, and punched Darui in the face, the one that hit Darui It is the right hand wrapped with the golden rope!

A streak of light green gas spit out from Darui's mouth, Captain Darui!! Ino and the others exclaimed at the same time.

Shua! Jin Jiao slammed down from the rock above, and the Seven Star Sword in his hand cut off the light green gas in Darui's mouth at once.

Jin Jiao opened the seven-star sword in his hand from the blade, and the severed words will be written on the inside of the seven-star sword. Jin Jiao glanced at Darui with malicious intent, Come on, kid, say Say your catchphrase. Let us seal you up.

Golden Horn has been tempting Darui to speak, trying to make him speak.

Darui stood there without saying a word, and looked at the pair of brothers in front of him, Damn it, this guy, Shikamaru gritted his teeth and became anxious, We must help him! Shikamaru looked at The partners around him decided to help Darui.

Do you think it's okay if you don't talk? Silver Horn looked at Darui with a mocking smile. A huge suction came from the red gourd in his hand, pulling Darui forward, trying to suck him into the gourd.

Don't be naive, brat, if this fairy weapon won't seal you as long as you don't speak, Jin Jiao looked at Darui, then this fairy weapon is too useless.

Damn it, it's too late. Shikamaru and his team were about to be unable to catch Darui, and Darui had already closed his eyes at this time, but anyone with good eyesight could see Darui at this moment His mouth was muttering something quickly.

Chapter 363: Space Black Hole

The Pig Deer Butterfly Trio and Darui are fighting against Golden Horn and Silver Horn. Seeing that Darui was hit by the golden rope and then cut off by the Seven Star Sword, he said that his speech is boring. It is about to be sucked into the red gourd.

At the critical moment, before Darui was sucked in, his lips moved quickly.

I'm sorry, Master Raikage, I think I can only go here, and I can't share the pressure for you anymore.

I'm sorry, Konoha's Inoka Butterfly and the three brats, I failed to protect you. After I'm sealed, you have to run away quickly.

I'm sorry, everyone.


Just when Darui was about to be sucked into the red gourd, with the movement of his lips, the suction force of the red gourd gradually disappeared. Darui stood where he was, with an expression that seemed to be saying goodbye, but if If you look closely at his eyes, you will find that there is a sense of confidence and composure in his eyes.

Since this is a game of 'Forbidden Sentences', I just need to change my catchphrase. Darui looked at the golden horn and silver horn, thinking to himself.

Damn it, this guy can forcibly change his catchphrase and decipher the function of our fairy weapon! Golden Horn. Yinjiao's eyes were filled with anger, and the fairy weapon that his two brothers were proud of could be seen through and cracked. It's an incredible thing. This is a fairy weapon used by the Sage of the Six Paths. Its power and mystery are self-evident, and it was discovered in a blink of an eye.

Ah, this guy is a bit tricky, Yinjiao. Jinjiao was also very angry, It seems that using this fairy weapon on this guy won't work, Yinjiao.

Jinjiao looked at Zhuludie and the other three, Those three brats are also very annoying, Yinjiao. He casually opened the plantain fan in his hand, and a burst of lightning flashed out of the plantain fan in his hand, and huge pillars of lightning struck it. All the rocks were broken. In the blink of an eye, Lei Guang swept towards Zhuludie and the three of them.

Move! Not good! Shikamaru and Ino shouted loudly, and scattered towards the two sides.

Boom! Thunder smashed the hill behind them into pieces.

You seem to have missed them, Jinjiao. Yinjiao looked at Jinjiao, with a hint of teasing in his tone and a little bit of irritation.

Lan Dun: Encouraging frustration and harshness! The blue lightning flashed, and the dazzling light made it hard to open your eyes.

Lan Dun is the blood succession limit of Water Dun and Thunder Dun. Thunder Dun is extremely powerful, but its power is severely scattered and difficult to control. Most of the energy is dissipated in the air and dissipated in the process of attacking.

But with the combination of Water Dun, Thunder Dun's power becomes controllable, and can carry out effective and precise strikes, and because of the existence of water, the power is no longer scattered, and all of it is concentrated in the water flow.

A thick thunder shot out from Darui's hand, and hit Jinjiao and Yinjiao's bodies.

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