With her eyes closed, Xiao Nan didn't hear what Chen said at all. At this time, she only felt that her body was about to die of discomfort. Because of Chakra's excessive force, the meridians in her body had already been seriously injured. Under the promotion of the pills, the gurgling heat continuously repaired the injuries in her body. The feeling of repairing the meridians was like the feeling of a thousand ants crawling back and forth on her body.

If it wasn't for Xiao Nan who could clearly feel that her own body was gradually recovering, she would even think what the hell Chen was feeding her.

After a long time, the injuries in Xiao Nan's body were finally healed completely. At this time, Xiao Nan was already sweating profusely, and the robe with a black background and red clouds was tightly attached to Xiao Nan's body because of being soaked in sweat. Her exquisite body. Xiao Nan screamed Ah, and couldn't help covering her vital parts with her hands, and looked at Chen with a face of shame.

Chen glanced at it disdainfully. To be honest, if Xiao Nan wanted to watch it when he was unconscious, he would have already watched it. Why wait until now? But to Chen's relief, now Xiaonan has gradually begun to recover, and she no longer has the empty eyes and death-willed face like before. This is all a good start.

Well, yes, indeed. Chen nodded, Sure enough, it's not as big as Ino's. He waved a long robe towards Xiaonan: Put it on, after we put it on, we have to go to another place.

Xiao Nan took Chen's robe with a blushing face, and after making sure that he hadn't peeked at it, he hurriedly changed the clothes.

Can I use Chakra now?

Konan nodded.

Alright then, follow me into the pit.

Xiaonan: ?

Chen stretched out his fingers to the deep pit created by his own ninjutsu, and said to Xiaonan: Follow me down, or you think I came back to tease you? Chen said and jumped into the deep pit.

Xiao Nan gritted her teeth, and when she heard Chen's words, she couldn't help showing a trace of displeasure on her face. At the beginning, she really thought that Chen came back because of her, but she didn't realize that it was not the case.

What's under this? Can Uchiha Tatsuo value it so much? Xiaonan was very puzzled. After all, Chen used ninjutsu to blow out the hole, but she didn't say anything. Countless pieces of paper gathered behind her, forming a pair of huge wings. Angel like.

The angel took a deep breath, followed Chen's example, flapped his wings and flew down towards the deep pit.

System, are you sure there is something under here? Why can't I sense it? Chen frowned and kept calling the system in his heart.

Ding, answer the host. After system testing, there is indeed the existence of the original element. It is about 800 meters below the deep pit.

Chen smashed his mouth, not expecting it to be true. Originally, Chen was just making a big move to see if the atmosphere was suitable, but he didn't expect that because the thunder attribute chakra was concentrated too much, the compression was too extreme, resulting in the ink prison unicorn's castration after bombarding the scorpion. Just smashed the ground into a deep hole, that's fine. After Chen was about to leave, the system suddenly said that it detected that the power of the Ink Prison Qilin had not been fully released, but formed something similar to the source of the element. This made Chen A little curious.

What kind of ghost is this element source? Is it the product of chakra compressed to the extreme?

Ding, that's not the case. The source of the element is a kind of energy aggregate representing the ultimate attribute formed by the natural condensation of elements between the heavens and the earth after thousands of years. Generally speaking, it is difficult to naturally form a small source of the element in a thousand years. , can only be formed in places where the energy of a single attribute is very strong. When the host releases the skills, he accidentally condenses the lightning energy to an extreme, and then impacts the unformed elemental origin in the abyss, resulting in the formation of A precious source of elements.

Oh? You mean, there actually existed an element source in this place? Chen raised his eyebrows unexpectedly, hearing the meaning of the system that the element source can only be formed in a place with a single strong attribute, but Chen is After feeling it for a while, I didn't find that there is a strong collection of single attributes here: But the attributes here are very average.

Ding, it is because of the average reason that the original element has not been formed for a long time. The host just indirectly promoted the birth of the original element, and a large amount of extreme lightning attribute watering made it born in advance.

Chen rubbed his chin, and said in surprise: So, it's my fault for using too much force? Chen spread his hands, he actually didn't expect that the unicorn would be so powerful after using the immortal method.

You must know that the power of Naruto's spiral pill shuriken is similar to that of Erzhuzi's unicorn, but Naruto's spiral pill shuriken does not have such power after the addition of senjutsu.

Chapter 416: The Origin of Elements II

Chen is different from Naruto. Even if Naruto has the power of Nine Tails in his body and even has the blessing of the sage mode, the ultimate essence of the spiral ball shuriken is just a rotating chakra energy ball. Wind Chakra.

However, the unicorn is different. It was originally a collection of thunder and lightning in nature, and Chen used the chakra of natural attributes to bless and compress the ink prison unicorn, which was formed with great difficulty. How could it be possible that the spiral pill shuriken can be compared?

After being prompted by the system, Chen nodded thoughtfully: It turns out that this kind of operation is still possible? Then, if I want the source of some element in the future, I can just shoot a few unicorns?

Ding, the host should not think that the source of elements is so easy to form, you need to know this

Being able to form the source of the elements for the first time was just a coincidence. If there hadn't been a prototype of the source of the elements here before, how could such a precious source of the elements be born so easily?

By the way, remind the host that although these elements are very precious, they are also very dangerous. Each element is compressed from the purest elemental power, and its power cannot be underestimated. Even the elements in this small thousand world The source can't be careless.

Chen looked serious, and nodded, he was still clear about being cautious, after all, it was something that he had never encountered before, and even the system was moved by it. You must know that even when Chen got the entire Gerel Stone vein, he never saw the system use such a strong force to tell him to recycle it.

It took Chen more than ten seconds to go from the ground to the bottom of the deep pit, which shows the power of Chen's unicorn.

Is this what you're looking for? Not long after Chen arrived at the end, Xiao Nan flapped his wings and landed. Looking at the elemental instinct of the purple-black lightning flashing in the center of the deep pit, Xiao Nan couldn't help being fascinated by its dazzling light. Fascinated, she couldn't help but said, It's so beautiful.

The elemental source of each attribute has a different shape, just like the current elemental source of the thunder attribute, the whole body is surrounded by purple-black lightning, and in the center is a budding purple flower. Black rose, purple represents mystery, and black represents ominousness. The combination of the two colors that are completely incongruent is surprisingly reasonable, and it highlights the nobility and power of the original element.

As long as it is a woman, there must be a love of beauty in her heart, even if that woman is a cold-faced Shura. Just like the current Xiaonan, he was not only surprised by the energy of the original element, but also by the beauty of its own appearance.

Xiaonan stared at the source of the element in the center of the deep pit with burning eyes. For some reason, he suddenly had a thought, Get it, get it. Get it and you will be able to take revenge.

Like a ghost, Xiao Nan took two steps forward, and walked towards the source of the element with blank eyes like a marionette.

At this moment, he obviously noticed Xiao Nan's abnormal movement, and he yelled loudly, waking Xiao Nan up from that dazed state.

Xiao Nan was stunned for a moment, then blushed and spat out a mouthful of blood with a wow.

Is it better? Chen asked with a flat face.

Xiao Nan nodded, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Chen with a complicated expression.

You were tempted by this thing just now. If I didn't stop you, maybe you would be more than just spitting blood. A Kunai shot out, and before it reached the source of the element, it was annihilated by some kind of distorted force. fly ash.

Xiao Nan gasped, she believed Chen's words, and Xiao Nan could only take a few steps away from this mysterious and terrifying thing that could even control people's hearts. Then Xiao Nan looked at Chen with surprised eyes, she couldn't figure out why Chen would not be bewitched by this ghost.

As if seeing Xiaonan's doubts, Chen thought for a while, and then explained: I'm different from you, this mere ability to bewitch is really nothing to me. You just recovered from a serious illness, so you should stand back and watch It's better.

Xiao Nan nodded, and since he realized that the thing was extremely weird, Xiao Nan walked a few steps away. She knew that thing was not something she could deal with, nor could she have.

As the saying goes, every man is innocent and conceives his crime. If ordinary people carry this thing on their body, not to mention whether they will be assimilated into ashes, they will inevitably be robbed by others when they go out, and even lead to a bloody fight.

Thinking of this, Xiaonan has a more intuitive perception of Chen's strength. It turns out that this guy is not only strong in ninjutsu, but also a first-class master in illusion.

After all, the allure emanating from the source of the elements is at least as powerful as an S-level illusion. Even Xiao Nan would be hit if he didn't pay attention, but Chen was not afraid of this large-scale mental fluctuation whose intensity was equivalent to that of an S-level illusion.

Except for Xiaonan, a shadow-level illusion master, who can ignore the S-level illusion attack, I can't think of anyone else.

Chen took a deep breath, looking at the source of the element in front of him with a serious face. Although it was a coincidence that Chen's attack caused the origin of the element to be born ahead of schedule, it did not mean that Chen would be able to bring the origin of the element back intact.

The thing in front of Chen was produced by suppressing the purest thunder attribute energy to the limit. It can be said that it contains an unknown amount of thunder attribute energy. If one is not paying attention, it may break the balance of the original element and cause the energy inside it to explode.

So even Chen can't take it lightly now, and it takes a considerable amount of thought to recover the source of the elements in front of him.

System, can you recycle this thing? Chen asked calmly in his heart.

Ding, it is confirmed that the detection is the source of the element of the thunder attribute. The target can absorb it and convert it into a large number of points. But the system does not recommend the host to do so. The source of the element is very precious. If the host can use the source of the element to fill in some materials, maybe Being able to forge a real magical weapon, or directly integrate it into the host space, is the greatest use of the original element.

A weapon made from the source of the elements can autonomously absorb a single attribute free from the heavens and the earth, allowing people to get twice the result with half the effort when practicing. Even, at critical moments, it can release the power stored in the weapon, and its power cannot be underestimated. Yes. Therefore, it is suggested that the host should be able to find all the materials to make the weapon.

Chen nodded to show that he understood, but the current situation is not as simple as talking about it. Rao even if his strength is soaring now, he doesn't dare to step directly into the enchantment of the original element.


Chapter Four Hundred and Seventeen: The Origin of Elements III

Chen took a deep breath and closed his eyes randomly. A strong sense of oppression came from Chen's body, making Xiaonan a little out of breath. Just as she was about to forcibly use Chakra to resist the oppressive feeling from Chen's body, she suddenly felt a throbbing in the whole space, and then the oppression The breathless momentum disappeared.

Just as Xiao Nan breathed a sigh of relief, she faintly felt that something was wrong with Chen in front of her eyes, and she couldn't help but take a deep breath when she looked carefully.

I saw that Chen's hair changed from black to white, and two wooden horns grew from his forehead. He was wearing a white-bottomed robe with black hook jade printed on it. . When Chen turned his head, Xiao Nan suddenly found that Chen's eyes had become the kind of reincarnation eyes that only gods have.

This...this is... Xiaonan's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe that the guy in front of him could be Uchiha Tatsuya.

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