A huge fireball that was different from normal size rushed towards Naruto and Kirabi. The two jumped and easily dodged Itachi's powerful fireball. Naruto turned his head and looked at Itachi with half puzzled, half angry and still serious eyes, as if asking him why he didn't make a sudden move according to common sense.

Itachi's expression was very embarrassing now, he raised his head reluctantly and said to the two of them, I'm sorry, I'm in the reincarnation state of filth, and my body is not under my control, so you have to be careful. A kunai rushed towards Naruto.

Really? That's it. Naruto stretched out two golden chakra-shaped hands from behind to support Itachi's Kunai, and began to place his hands in front of his waist and abdomen, and the blue chakra gathered in his palm: Then Is it okay to just knock you down?

Screw pill!

Naruto jumped up and rushed towards Itachi with the balls he just made.

Naruto's spiral pill hit Itachi, but it didn't really hit, but felt like a punch on cotton, which made Naruto very uncomfortable.

Boom! With a sound, the hit ferret turned into a thousand crows, flapping their wings and ascending to the sky.

I want to ask you, what do you think of Sasuke and Chen. Itachi's voice spit out from the crow's mouth in all directions, like an ethereal drumbeat.

When Kirabi saw this, he wanted to go up and help.

The technique of water escape and water dragon bullet!

A dragon formed entirely of water escapes attacked Qi Rabi. Qi Rabi's eyes flashed brightly, and he jumped out of the attack range of the water dragon bomb, and put his hands in a strange posture. At first glance, he took out all seven knives he had inserted in the scabbard.

Your opponent is me. Kisame let go of his sealed hands, and a hoarse voice came from his mouth. Although he has lost his shark muscles now, even so, Kisame's strength should not be underestimated. You must know that adjectives such as koalas are not available to everyone.

Especially now that Kisame is reincarnated from the dirty soil, and it is almost unmatched in terms of chakra. Not to mention that he is also good at using water escape, and his strength is much stronger than before.

It seems that I can only get rid of you first, bastard, idiot! Kirabi held his seven knives in a strange posture. This is Kirabi's exclusive seven-knife style, from head to toe Each position has a sharp blade that can stab the enemy. It can be said that any part of him can be used as a weapon.

How do you see it? I knew that Sasuke was my companion, and I must bring it back to the village. And Chen, he was the first friend who agreed with me at the beginning, although I don't know why his temperament has changed drastically now, and he even came to the village. Teacher Ye also died at his hands, but I still want to take him back to the village. I believe that Teacher Jiraiya will be very pleased to know that I have made this decision.

Naruto looked at the crows in all directions and did not make any offensive means, not only because he has no means to defeat the enemy now, but also because it seems that Uchiha Itachi can communicate normally again.

It turned out to be like this. Itachi sighed, and for some reason, there seemed to be a trace of satisfaction in his voice, as if he was very pleased that Sasuke and Chen could find such a reliable teammate.

Then is there any way you can bring the two of them back to the village...be careful! Itachi's voice changed suddenly.

Fire escape phoenix fire jutsu! Naruto had been vigilant from the very beginning, when he heard Itachi's voice, Naruto threw a chakra slap towards the place where Itachi released the ninjutsu like a reflex , waved Itachi's Phoenix Immortal Fire Art to break it up.

Don't look into my eyes! After realizing that Naruto had the intention to look into his eyes, Itachi alerted Naruto one step ahead.

Naruto was startled, and quickly lowered his head to look at Itachi's chest, not daring to raise his eyes. If he raised his eyes at this moment, he would have seen Itachi had already opened the kaleidoscope Sharingan, and the windmill-shaped kaleidoscope Sharingan was slowly turning.

It seems that you are listening to the excitement. It was a teasing voice that suddenly came from the void.

The four of them were startled immediately, knowing that they had already sensed that there was no other people around them. Although they were not professional perception ninjas, there were very few ninjas who could escape their perception. At least they are ninjas who are as strong as them.

However, there are only a handful of ninjas who are as powerful as them, but the owner of this voice gave them a very familiar feeling, and they couldn't remember who it was after thinking about it carefully.

Chapter 422: Fight Two

Naruto and Kirabi were particularly cautious. In their view, it might be another strong man from the previous generation who was reincarnated from the dirt to come to support.

Kirabi took a step back calmly, stood next to Naruto and whispered: Yo, yo. It seems that the situation is not good for us.

Naruto shook his head in doubt: I don't know, Uncle Kirabi. Don't you think this voice sounds familiar? Naruto always felt that this person's voice was very familiar to him, like... just Just like the original partner!

Could it be... Naruto's eyes suddenly lit up, and he excitedly said to Kirabi: Sasuke, Uncle Kirabi, it's Sasuke!

Huh? Kirabi frowned unobtrusively. If it is Sasuke, something is not good. After all, although Naruto and Sasuke have a good relationship, it does not mean that they are people from Cloud Ninja Village. Just have a good relationship with Sasuke, especially when there is Sasuke's relative on the opposite side, his elder brother Uchiha Itachi who has died.

However, Kirabi didn't want to disturb Naruto's good mood at this time, after all, it was rare for their partners to meet each other. But when it's time to mention

Kirabi still wouldn't hesitate, as if they had to do some things as ninjas.

At this time, a discernible space ripple appeared above the four-person space, and from that ripple came an aura that made everyone present palpitate. Slowly, one leg was stepped out from the space ripple, followed by the other foot, and then the whole person appeared in front of Naruto, Kirabi and others.

Seeing that familiar figure, Naruto was overjoyed at first, and excitedly waved his hands at that figure and shouted: Sasuke! Why are you...in...here...

Naruto's voice also gradually decreased, because he realized that he seemed to have recognized the wrong person, and he didn't look back as he imagined. Then he seemed to think of something, his face darkened instantly, and his body bent forward slightly, ready to fight , Looking at the figure as if facing a big enemy, he squeezed his fist, gritted his teeth and said: Uchiha...Uchiha Tatsuya!

At this time, the figure seemed to hear someone calling him, and he turned his head slowly, the familiar clothes, familiar hairstyle, familiar face, it was Uchiha Chen who came from thousands of miles away!

Chen stared at Naruto playfully, those deep eyes completely incompatible with his age made Naruto break out in a layer of cold sweat. What kind of look is that? It's obviously just an ordinary Sharingan, why is the deterrence to people so strong? Faintly, Naruto felt that there was something wrong with today's Chen, but he couldn't tell what was wrong, as if suddenly The space...is bigger or something, the eyes become as deep and full of stories as Naruto's impression of the three generations of grandpas and Jiraiya, but not as peaceful as the eyes of the three generations and Jiraiya.

With his straightforward head, it may be difficult to imagine what Chen has experienced during this period of time. If that kind of experience is possible, Chen would never want to experience it again in this life. However, even if the things that have happened Chen has no way to save it.

Oh? Did you finally recognize me? Chen smiled lightly and teased Naruto.

Uchiha Tatsuo... Naruto's tightly clenched fists made a cracking sound, and he didn't even feel half a minute of his fingernails sinking into the palm of his palm and bleeding deeply. Suddenly, two big hands made of nine-tailed chakra stretched out from Naruto's back, and they rushed straight towards Chen: Today I must take you back to the village, and I must teach you a good lesson. Then take it to the whole village to apologize!

As he spoke, Naruto's whole body shook, and the stone floor under his feet split like a spider's web in all directions. Naruto jumped up, using this recoil force to go straight up, clenched his fists and waved to Uchiha Chen, Get down! Naruto roared, seeing that his fist was about to hit Uchiha Chen However, Chen still didn't respond at all.

Naruto was overjoyed. Although he had a beast-like fighting instinct because of the Kyuubi and could avoid life-threatening attacks, Naruto couldn't see the traps that common sense or anyone with a discerning eye could see. I don't have the slightest awareness to avoid it at all. Maybe I really don't know that this is a trap, or maybe I don't think there is really any need to hide.

Be careful! Kirabi was already vigilant when he saw Uchiha Chen, and when he saw Naruto rushing towards Uchiha Chen and the latter didn't even hide, he already knew that all of this was true. However, it was too late to react to remind Naruto at this time.

I saw Naruto paused in Kirabi's roar, as if he felt something was wrong when he heard Kirabi's words. When Naruto observed carefully, he was horrified to find that there was such an expression on Chen's face that he really succeeded in luring the enemy.

Come here obediently! Chen stretched out one hand and five fingers to aim at Naruto's fist. Naruto didn't have time to react at all, but at this time Naruto's beastly intuition and combat reaction took effect. Naruto's two big Chakra hands stretched out from behind and subconsciously reached out to hold Chen's outstretched palms, trying to escape Chen's control.

But will things really be so easy?

Want to escape? It's not that simple, since you're here, just wait for me. Chen's face turned cold, ignoring Naruto's two big Chakra hands stretched from behind, and the Sharingan in his eyes began to slowly turn , the three Gouyu connected together is the kaleidoscope Sharingan.

With a wave of Chenkong's hand, the meteor meteor knife, an artifact that has not been used for a long time, appeared in his hand. Chen stretched out his hand to hold the meteor meteor knife and slammed it hard at Naruto's two big Chakra hands. cut.

The blood-red ghostly aura covered the entire blade, and it looked like a Shura blade that had been stained with many ominous things in the Nine Nether Hell.

After Chen took out the Meteor Star Knife, Naruto was already in a highly tense state. His beastly intuition told him that he must not be slashed by that ominous blade of ghosts and gods, or even touched.

Somehow, he felt that as long as he was hit by that endlessly ominous blade, maybe he would really go to hell. Because the breath on that knife is too unbelievable, it can even be said that this is the most ominous thing Naruto has ever seen, the chakra of Nine Tails is already considered ominous, but in Naruto's view, this A knife is even more than a hundred times more evil than Nine Tails' Chakra.

Chapter 423: Fighting Again

From Naruto's point of view, the strong ominous aura of this knife is dozens or even hundreds of times more evil than Nine Tails' Chakra.

The strong ghostly spirit accompanied by the waving of the Meteorite Knife turned into a substantial ghost and rushed towards Naruto, but at this time Naruto was just in a stage of straight-up in the air, and there was nowhere for him to Use your strength to dodge.

It can be said that Chen had calculated Naruto's temper from the very beginning. no

Chen likes to calculate, but Naruto is really too slick, not only that, if it is just slick, there is always a way to solve it, and more importantly, Naruto is like an unbeatable Xiaoqiang , no matter what level of attack is used, Naruto will not fall down, Naruto will struggle to stand up, hanging his last breath.

Maybe this is the halo of the protagonist, no matter how hard he fights, he can't die. To a certain extent, this can be regarded as immortality in disguise.

Seeing that the Meteorite Knife was about to be slashed on Naruto's head, the situation was in dire straits. Kirabi behind Naruto was about to jump in a hurry, but he couldn't do anything at this time, or it was too late for him to do anything at this time, unless he could surpass the speed of light and cross space. Chen's hands saved Naruto.

This alone is not enough, he has to pass the level of Uchiha Itachi and Kisame first.

Because of Chen's relationship, Itachi did not entrust Shisui's eyes to Naruto, nor did he have any in-depth communication with Naruto. For Itachi, Naruto is just a member of Konoha Village. At most, it can be regarded as Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, which can give him a little impression point on Itachi's side.

Between his own brother and a stranger he doesn't know well, even a promising young man like Itachi who has infinite enthusiasm for the village can't help but favor his brother. What's more, the Eight-Tails Jinchuriki in front of him?

In Kisame's words, even though Chen killed him, he himself has a surprising admiration for Itachi, so even if he and Chen have a sworn feud, before Itachi doesn't do anything, Kisame can still restrain himself .

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